Movie Discussion


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
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In spite of hearing only hearing that reviews about the Deadpool wolverine movie were bad, I didn't hate it like I was expecting to. I thought it was more slanted towards a Deadpool style than Wolverine, but I'm ok with that. I guess a lot of the reviews came from people who wanted the last fling from Wolverine to be a serious one.

Wolverine movies have in the past been pretty serious with touches of humour. While Deadpool movies have always been dark comedies which gave me a chance to ignore that everything I. Them should have been serious, but couldn't be taken seriously due to Deadpool's take in it. So I guess that it was going to be interesting seeing how they blended the brooding nature of Wolverine with Deadpool. And for anyone that wanted a serious take from this movie will possibly find it sub par. But I'm also part of the seemingly small portion that liked Thor-Love and Thunder.

The main complaints I'd heard about this was that it was full of cameos from other super heroes or villains. And while that's true I didn't actually find it annoying. It actually made sense in the context of the story.

I won't give spoilers on how it plays out. But if you can get over the fact that Wolverine is very close to the most serious character from these comic book hero movie adaptations and he's been thrown into a pretty funny plot here. It's well worth seeing. Kind if has a Shrek and Donkey feel to it.

Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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In spite of hearing only hearing that reviews about the Deadpool wolverine movie were bad, I didn't hate it like I was expecting to. I thought it was more slanted towards a Deadpool style than Wolverine, but I'm ok with that. I guess a lot of the reviews came from people who wanted the last fling from Wolverine to be a serious one.

Wolverine movies have in the past been pretty serious with touches of humour. While Deadpool movies have always been dark comedies which gave me a chance to ignore that everything I. Them should have been serious, but couldn't be taken seriously due to Deadpool's take in it. So I guess that it was going to be interesting seeing how they blended the brooding nature of Wolverine with Deadpool. And for anyone that wanted a serious take from this movie will possibly find it sub par. But I'm also part of the seemingly small portion that liked Thor-Love and Thunder.

The main complaints I'd heard about this was that it was full of cameos from other super heroes or villains. And while that's true I didn't actually find it annoying. It actually made sense in the context of the story.

I won't give spoilers on how it plays out. But if you can get over the fact that Wolverine is very close to the most serious character from these comic book hero movie adaptations and he's been thrown into a pretty funny plot here. It's well worth seeing. Kind if has a Shrek and Donkey feel to it.
It's an oddly polarised film. Reviewers rate it poorly, the general public rates it highly. Just look at the difference between the critic rating and user rating on Metacritic.

Personally I really liked it. It did have some issues but I really enjoyed it.


Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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Watched two movies the last few days...

The Substance

I liked this less than most people. I watched it because everyone raved about it. It's a good movie and definitely worth watching, but it's also very artsy and it's lacking any real story. Instead it's just trying to suggest that the endless quest for beauty is hopeless. It gets pretty full on, and there's lots of nudity. So many may like it just for that. But as I said, I liked it but not as much as everyone else.



I enjoyed this more than I should have. It starts out as a heist movie then turns into a classic B Grade vampire horror, except that they use decent actors and good special effects. It also doesn't take itself too seriously. It often leans into the gore comedy. If you like the recent Samara Weaving horror movies (The Baby Sitter, Ready or Not) then you'll love this.


Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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"The Hunt" is now on Netflix

I always wanted to watch it purely for the controversy surrounding it. It copped flak from American Conservatives and American Liberals with both sides saying the movie was attacking them. It attacks everyone though. It really takes the piss out of all of them and it's pretty hilarious.

Definitely recommend. Except if you have issues with a strong female lead.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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I just realised something that stunned the living daylights out of me. Shin'ichi Chiba, who plays DK's uncle in Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift, is the same guy who played Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
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I just realised something that stunned the living daylights out of me. Shin'ichi Chiba, who plays DK's uncle in Fast & Furious Tokyo Drift, is the same guy who played Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill
Sonny, who died in 2021, is a hugely famous Japanese actor starring is well over 100 movies. Before that he was a very accomplished martial arts exponent in Karate, Kyokushin and Judo, which is how he ended up with an acting career.


Team First


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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Sonny, who died in 2021, is a hugely famous Japanese actor starring is well over 100 movies. Before that he was a very accomplished martial arts exponent in Karate, Kyokushin and Judo, which is how he ended up with an acting career.

View attachment 124942

Team First
See I'm a huge fan of both movies, and I really liked his character in Kill Bill. When I saw him in F&F TD there was something about him... he looked really familiar, but I just couldn't put my finger on it. I can't believe it's taken me 18 years to work it out.

Yeah the poor guy caught Covid and it was the serious variant :(


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
The 90s was a great decade for movies.

View attachment 125198
Front row ground
Toy story, Babe, beauty and the beast
1st row seats
Lion king, sister act, the dude, basic instinct, Forest Gump, Aladdin
Next row
??, Pulp Fiction maybe, ??,??, Witches of Eastwick maybe, the matrix, can't recall the bdmf if the mouse but I'm sure I've seen the movie, he's trying to get home (faivel or something maybe)
Next row back
Mrs Doubtfire, Wayne's World possibly, the sixth sense, T2, Ace Ventura, Catwoman.

Now I'm bored with this though. Can you finish this for us Mr 95%?


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
And why I came to this thread.

Gladiator 2
I went into it not expecting much more than stylised violence with big knives and a flimsy storyline trying to link it to the first gladiator.

I can't away thinking it pretty much lived up to my expectations. I'm harder to please with movies than I once was. In my early 20's id probably have loved this. These days I'll say it didn't leave me guessing about the underlying plot. The fight scenes were ok. Acting got a pass mark. But it probably stays at home with popcorn on Oscar night.

Not bad, not great.


Kennel Legend
Aug 15, 2014
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Just watched wrath of the titans. Not sure wht to think, was ok for a spaced out Sunday night


Kennel Addict
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score
Front row ground
Toy story, Babe, beauty and the beast
1st row seats
Lion king, sister act, the dude, basic instinct, Forest Gump, Aladdin
Next row
??, Pulp Fiction maybe, ??,??, Witches of Eastwick maybe, the matrix, can't recall the bdmf if the mouse but I'm sure I've seen the movie, he's trying to get home (faivel or something maybe)
Next row back
Mrs Doubtfire, Wayne's World possibly, the sixth sense, T2, Ace Ventura, Catwoman.

Now I'm bored with this though. Can you finish this for us Mr 95%?
Not @Mr 95% but you'll have to settle for me sorry Al

Starting back row top left, not sure, second is harry from dumb and dumber. Third is Cher from clueless. Fourth is Alan from jumanji. Fifth is Malcolm from Malcom x. Sixth is romy from romy and Mitchell's high school reunion. Seventh is Jimmy from goodfellas. Eighth red from shawshank redemption.
Next row starting left: Wednesday from Adam's family. Happy from happy Gilmore. Don't know. Michael Jordan from space jam. Austin from Austin powers. Edward from scissorhands. Detective mills from seven. Mary from there's something about Mary.
Next row starting left: Stanley ipkiss from the mask. VIC Vega from Reservoir dogs. Leeloo from fifth element. Derek vineyard American history x. Jim levinstein (I think that's his last name) from American pie. Will from goodwill hunting. Don't know.

Next row: Oscar Schindler: Schindlers list. Titanic (never saw it so don't know the characters name)
Alan Grant: jurassic park. Tyler derden: fight club. Agent K: MIB. Captain miller: Saving Ryan's Privates. Casey becker: Scream.
Next row: Mrs doubtfire. Marg gunderson: Fargo. The kid from the sixth sense. T-1000 T2. Ace ventura. Catwoman: batman returns.
Next line: Fred: drop dead Fred. Mia wallace: pulp fiction. Tre: Boyz n the hood. Hannibal lecter: silence on the lambs. The witch from hocus pocus (or just bette midler being herself. Neo: the matrix. Feivel: an American tail. Simba: lion king. Whoopi Goldberg's sister act character. The dude: the big lebowski. Catherine tramell: basic instinct. Forrest Gump. The monkey from Aladdin.

And I'm fucking spent

Mr 95%

Kennel Immortal
Apr 13, 2013
Reaction score
Not @Mr 95% but you'll have to settle for me sorry Al

Starting back row top left, not sure, second is harry from dumb and dumber. Third is Cher from clueless. Fourth is Alan from jumanji. Fifth is Malcolm from Malcom x. Sixth is romy from romy and Mitchell's high school reunion. Seventh is Jimmy from goodfellas. Eighth red from shawshank redemption.
Next row starting left: Wednesday from Adam's family. Happy from happy Gilmore. Don't know. Michael Jordan from space jam. Austin from Austin powers. Edward from scissorhands. Detective mills from seven. Mary from there's something about Mary.
Next row starting left: Stanley ipkiss from the mask. VIC Vega from Reservoir dogs. Leeloo from fifth element. Derek vineyard American history x. Jim levinstein (I think that's his last name) from American pie. Will from goodwill hunting. Don't know.

Next row: Oscar Schindler: Schindlers list. Titanic (never saw it so don't know the characters name)
Alan Grant: jurassic park. Tyler derden: fight club. Agent K: MIB. Captain miller: Saving Ryan's Privates. Casey becker: Scream.
Next row: Mrs doubtfire. Marg gunderson: Fargo. The kid from the sixth sense. T-1000 T2. Ace ventura. Catwoman: batman returns.
Next line: Fred: drop dead Fred. Mia wallace: pulp fiction. Tre: Boyz n the hood. Hannibal lecter: silence on the lambs. The witch from hocus pocus (or just bette midler being herself. Neo: the matrix. Feivel: an American tail. Simba: lion king. Whoopi Goldberg's sister act character. The dude: the big lebowski. Catherine tramell: basic instinct. Forrest Gump. The monkey from Aladdin.

And I'm fucking spent
Thank you Chimp!! I could think of no better person to name the movies. Chimp has been a champ for you @Alan79 AI he did the list


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Not @Mr 95% but you'll have to settle for me sorry Al

Starting back row top left, not sure, second is harry from dumb and dumber. Third is Cher from clueless. Fourth is Alan from jumanji. Fifth is Malcolm from Malcom x. Sixth is romy from romy and Mitchell's high school reunion. Seventh is Jimmy from goodfellas. Eighth red from shawshank redemption.
Next row starting left: Wednesday from Adam's family. Happy from happy Gilmore. Don't know. Michael Jordan from space jam. Austin from Austin powers. Edward from scissorhands. Detective mills from seven. Mary from there's something about Mary.
Next row starting left: Stanley ipkiss from the mask. VIC Vega from Reservoir dogs. Leeloo from fifth element. Derek vineyard American history x. Jim levinstein (I think that's his last name) from American pie. Will from goodwill hunting. Don't know.

Next row: Oscar Schindler: Schindlers list. Titanic (never saw it so don't know the characters name)
Alan Grant: jurassic park. Tyler derden: fight club. Agent K: MIB. Captain miller: Saving Ryan's Privates. Casey becker: Scream.
Next row: Mrs doubtfire. Marg gunderson: Fargo. The kid from the sixth sense. T-1000 T2. Ace ventura. Catwoman: batman returns.
Next line: Fred: drop dead Fred. Mia wallace: pulp fiction. Tre: Boyz n the hood. Hannibal lecter: silence on the lambs. The witch from hocus pocus (or just bette midler being herself. Neo: the matrix. Feivel: an American tail. Simba: lion king. Whoopi Goldberg's sister act character. The dude: the big lebowski. Catherine tramell: basic instinct. Forrest Gump. The monkey from Aladdin.

And I'm fucking spent
Good work. Fairly big list of characters from some iconic 90's movies.


Kennel Addict
Mar 12, 2015
Reaction score

Details the rise of Donald Trump's real estate empire and the man that shaped and molded him, Roy Cohn.

The first hour or so were captivating. Showing a wide eyed ambitious trump trying to prove himself to the man who would go on to mentor him and create the monster we know today who quickly loses any sense of decency or morality he once had.

What really stands out are the performances. Sebastian Stan is one actor who seems to be going from strength to strength, nailing trumps mannerisms but not going overboard to the point of parody but it's Jeremy strong who truly shines as Roy cohn, an attorney so unscrupulous in his approach and influence, and who taught him everything he knows.

Hardly a surprise trump tried to have this banned after it's cannes premier

Attack, attack, attack
Deny everything, admit nothing
Always claim victory and never admit defeat



Kennel Immortal
Oct 26, 2020
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Re watched Civil War after seeing it at the cinema originally, it has been on Prime for a little while now, it really is a pretty good flick.

Also appropriate as something like this could actually happen with that fuckhead getting a second crack at world ruination starting real soon lol.