I like terrible movies. Not sure why, I just think I tolerate terrible movies more than most people. Loved all the Venom movies even though everyone hates them. A movie has to be really bad for me to hate it. It has to be Wonder Woman 1984 bad.
I started watching Kraven The Hunter.... It's bad. So bad it made me miss Wonder Woman 1984. So bad that I turned it off halfway through and I don't think I can finish it.
It's not like it's comedic terrible. It's just full of these annoying small details that drive you crazy. Other than the terrible acting, and the fact that it feels like large important parts of the movie were cut out, these little things drive you crazy.
For example. The father is this ultimate strong Russian Mafia guy who pressures his children to be strong. They don't accept weakness. And he's played by Russell Crowe who is peak fatness. All those super fat photos of Crowe that were put on the news. This is it. He's wider than he is tall.
There's this scene where one of the guys starts pouring Vodka. The guy has poured at least 10 shots worth in each glass, and Rusty says, “no, pour drinks for men“. So the guy pours a lot more. Then they all raise their glasses to cheers and there's about 5ml in each glass. The glasses are basically empty. How do you go to the effort of making the audience draw attention to the amount of alcohol in each glass, then don't bother actually putting anything in the the glass.
I know it sounds like I'm being padantic, but the movie goes out of the way to ensure that the viewer is paying attention to this stuff. Then they mess it up. It's like the movie is saying, “watch closely and you can see that we have no idea what we're doing"