Opinion Renters...


Kennel Immortal
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Are you 16 years old?
What are you on about? This clown keeps crying about how he doesn't need renters, hates them so much and he can put it in it other investments, so I'm asking why he doesn't follow his own advice?


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
Reaction score
What are you on about? This clown keeps crying about how he doesn't need renters, hates them so much and he can put it in it other investments, so I'm asking why he doesn't follow his own advice?
he already answered


Kennel Enthusiast
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
You're hilarious.. You haven't answered the question, why do you have renters then if you don't need them?

Why don't you put it in other investments then? It would save you the hassle of dealing with renters wouldn't it?
ill happily answer your question..

the housing market has some good capital appreciation if you hold a property. prices of property climbing increases weath.. leaves renters in more of a ditch as the buy in is much higher. but day to day renting there is little to no return. most look for it as a tax write off for other income..

As a landlord you gotta roll with the punches dealing with various renters until you sell and cash in on the capital appreciation. its only a long term view that makes it viable.. No capital appreciation and many renters will be out on their arse.

renters dont get the concept of building wealth.. they think, ill try save money for a deposit but if they save $1 and the property goes up $5, they continue to go backwards. so they basically tap out and go back to smoking and gambling. renters are still waiting for property prices to go down.. been waiting for a hundred years


Kennel Addict
Sep 5, 2016
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The only thing I don't like about some renters, they don't tell the Landlord/Agent something is faulty and needs fixing before it's too late and you end up paying an arm and a leg to fix something that could of been cheaper to fix had they told you earlier. That's my only gripe with SOME renters.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
ill happily answer your question..

the housing market has some good capital appreciation if you hold a property. prices of property climbing increases weath.. leaves renters in more of a ditch as the buy in is much higher. but day to day renting there is little to no return. most look for it as a tax write off for other income..

As a landlord you gotta roll with the punches dealing with various renters until you sell and cash in on the capital appreciation. its only a long term view that makes it viable.. No capital appreciation and many renters will be out on their arse.

renters dont get the concept of building wealth.. they think, ill try save money for a deposit but if they save $1 and the property goes up $5, they continue to go backwards. so they basically tap out and go back to smoking and gambling. renters are still waiting for property prices to go down.. been waiting for a hundred years
Interesting.. My mum rented during my whole childhood and now she owns a 4 bedroom house in the St.George area on a large block outright with no mortgage. .. And she doesn't smoke or drink or gamble... Maybe your generalisations aren't so accurate and every situation is different.


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Damn… didn’t know it was investors responsibility to provide housing…. Damn…. That’s crazy…. Why can’t non-investors provide housing?
Don't know why you feel the need to aggressively interject and misrepresent the point I was making you anal retentive fuck arse. Damn maybe it's because comprehension and compression is close enough together for you to be a confused **** with your shit wound up too tight.

Trying so hard to associate yourself with the burgeious on an internet forum lends me to believe the biggest asset in your portfolio is being a rent boy. Bitch


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
Reaction score
Don't know why you feel the need to aggressively interject and misrepresent the point I was making you anal retentive fuck arse. Damn maybe it's because comprehension and compression is close enough together for you to be a confused **** with your shit wound up too tight.

Trying so hard to associate yourself with the burgeious on an internet forum lends me to believe the biggest asset in your portfolio is being a rent boy. Bitch
Damn… you’re getting hella emotional… that’s crazy…

90% of investor borrowing is for existing rental properties… damn that a crazy number… would love to see where it came from… and buying existing properties is such a massive factor in the price of property that we don’t even need to consider anything else… damn man that’s crazy… and investors are doing this without contributing to increasing housing supply… they so should be responsible for increasing supply… that’s crazy man… how could they…


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Nice way to change the subject.
Yup you got me. I was desperate for a narrative switch from your position of 'domestic violence victims shouldn't be afforded the same housing market as the rest of us'

We should just roll out the social credit score already so we can start segregation


Kennel Enthusiast
May 19, 2014
Reaction score
Interesting.. My mum rented during my whole childhood and now she owns a 4 bedroom house in the St.George area on a large block outright with no mortgage. .. And she doesn't smoke or drink or gamble... Maybe your generalisations aren't so accurate and every situation is different.
hey let’s be clear about something. This thread is just some light hearted fun, there is no looking down on renters.. unfortunately we do not all start off on the same footing in life, some have more challenges and are legitimately doing great considering their circumstances.

I might pile on some cheek but I am sincerely respectful to all people, renters, p-platers and you will not believe it but even fat people

Some have ridiculous opportunity presented to them.. I know a bloke who is on $500k a year plus…why because his dad owns a big business and sat him in the role.. would he achieve that without dad? Doubt it. But good on him that is his opportunity.. many don’t have that feathered path, so just do your best with the cards dealt.

so please take the renter comments in a lighthearted fun manner, just some fun jousting.
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Disposable Hero

Kennel Enthusiast
May 13, 2006
Reaction score
ill happily answer your question..

the housing market has some good capital appreciation if you hold a property. prices of property climbing increases weath.. leaves renters in more of a ditch as the buy in is much higher. but day to day renting there is little to no return. most look for it as a tax write off for other income..

As a landlord you gotta roll with the punches dealing with various renters until you sell and cash in on the capital appreciation. its only a long term view that makes it viable.. No capital appreciation and many renters will be out on their arse.

renters dont get the concept of building wealth.. they think, ill try save money for a deposit but if they save $1 and the property goes up $5, they continue to go backwards. so they basically tap out and go back to smoking and gambling. renters are still waiting for property prices to go down.. been waiting for a hundred years
I know your trolling.

Look into the buy for eent scheme the housing commission setup waaaay back then stopped it. Many so called owners were able to purchase houses this way.

Maybe your parents were renters once


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Damn… you’re getting hella emotional… that’s crazy…

90% of investor borrowing is for existing rental properties… damn that a crazy number… would love to see where it came from… and buying existing properties is such a massive factor in the price of property that we don’t even need to consider anything else… damn man that’s crazy… and investors are doing this without contributing to increasing housing supply… they so should be responsible for increasing supply… that’s crazy man… how could they…
Yeah it's almost like more investors enterering the market and flipping houses for capital gains isn't good for people that just want to buy a house to live in.




Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
The only thing stopping people from buying a house they want to live in is themselves, why you trying to blame other people for issues within yourself?
Yeah mate not wanting my kids having to compete with rapscallions grifting the housing market is certainly only an issue within myself.


Kennel Legend
Oct 28, 2013
Reaction score
Yeah mate not wanting my kids having to compete with rapscallions grifting the housing market is certainly only an issue within myself.
Why don’t you teach them how to make money instead of whinging


Pro Golf Hack
Feb 10, 2008
Reaction score
Why don’t you teach them how to make money instead of whinging
Why don't you teach me if you're such a fucking know it all.
Laughable the amount of fake ***** on here fluffing their feathers trying their hardest to convince everyone they're entrepreneurial magnates with rentals you bunch of fucking peacocks.
If you're being genuine you wouldn't be such an insensitive prick and admit the current housing climate is a severe stress factor for most young families and at its current pace is pushing more and more affordable housing out of reach.

Do everyday people who service the needs of society not deserve a dwelling that is not unreasonably priced in a safe neighbourhood? What is your argument, that only millionaires should own homes?


Kennel Immortal
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
Why don't you teach me if you're such a fucking know it all.
Laughable the amount of fake ***** on here fluffing their feathers trying their hardest to convince everyone they're entrepreneurial magnates with rentals you bunch of fucking peacocks.
If you're being genuine you wouldn't be such an insensitive prick and admit the current housing climate is a severe stress factor for most young families and at its current pace is pushing more and more affordable housing out of reach.

Do everyday people who service the needs of society not deserve a dwelling that is not unreasonably priced in a safe neighbourhood? What is your argument, that only millionaires should own homes?
Don't waste your time man. Anyone with any logic and reason sees these issues for the next few generations. Even if they have decent jobs and earn good money they'll have to either get massive amount of help from their family or wait for someone to die to get their inheritance. And if that's split several ways, they still can't buy much of anything.. Clearly the current market isn't sustainable for anyone.

Like you said, some people pretend like they're Warren Buffet and are billionaires.