Melbourne riot/protest


Kennel Immortal
Nov 23, 2007
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Victorian vaccination clinics close due to threat of protests in Melbourne CBD

Vaccination clinic workers being spat on and abused by the drop kick rioters
The limited intelligence of some members of society never ceases to amaze.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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Contradicting yourself there dummy. Earlier, you said the construction shutdown was because there were construction related infections of this super scary virus which has contributed to the death of 75 people <60 years of age. In the 20 months it has been rampaging the country?
So which is it?
Here you go dummy, see how my post ran on a timeline basis and the below were the last tw points. Dropped on head.



Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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In relation to the comments by Shadow Minister for Industry Bridget Vallence she assumes the sites were closed on health advice...they were closed because of the actions of people like those who were protesting against vaccination....something which she then acknowledges with the addendum of it being a very small minority...

The Victorian government will forcibly shut down all construction sites in metropolitan Melbourne and all other locked down local government areas in response to violent protests on Monday.

Key points:
  • Construction sites in metropolitan Melbourne and all other locked down LGAs in Victoria will close for two weeks
  • Union leaders have blamed "extremists" for the violent protests
  • Building industry groups have criticised the government's handling of the industry
The Andrews government engaged in crisis talks on Monday night with the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU), following the heated brawls outside the union's Elizabeth Street offices in Melbourne's CBD.

Protesters rallied against the Victorian government mandate requiring all construction workers to have at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose by September 23.

Victoria police deployed crowd control equipment and arrested several people.

Complete shutdown
All construction sites in metropolitan Melbourne, and the local government areas currently subject to lockdown restrictions [City of Ballarat, City of Geelong, Mitchell Shire and Surf Coast Shire] have been closed, effective from 11:59pm on Monday evening.

The shutdown is scheduled to last for two weeks.

If regional LGAs emerge from lockdown sooner than two weeks, construction sites will be allowed to reopen and operate as normal.

The only permitted exceptions to the ban will be to ensure the safe closure of a site and to conduct urgent and unavoidable repairs.

An amnesty will be put in place so limited numbers of workers can attend construction sites in order to shut them down safely.

Sites will only be permitted to reopen when they can demonstrate compliance with the public health orders.

Treasurer and Minister for Industrial Relations Tim Pallas said the move came as a direct result of poor behaviour from sections of the industry.

"We've been clear: if you don't follow the rules, we won't hesitate to take action – we have seen widespread noncompliance across the industry and that's why we're taking necessary steps to protect every single Victorian," Mr Pallas said.

"We put the industry on notice just a week ago, we have seen appalling behaviour on site and on our streets, and now we're acting decisively and without hesitation."

The Victorian Opposition has called for the state government to immediately reverse its decision to shut the industry down.

Shadow Minister for Industry Bridget Vallence said there was no justification for the 'panicked decision' and argued it should be targeted at the areas that represent the most risk in the industry.

"This is a drastic move that will put tens of thousands of Victorians out of work and cost billions in lost productivity."

Ms Vallence said the entire construction industry should not be punished for the actions of a "very small minority".

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Union reaction to protests
Australian Council of Trade Unions secretary Sally McManus condemned the violent protest that occurred outside the CFMEU office.

She blamed the protest on "extremists and conspiracy theorists" who were "endangering the lives of their fellow citizens."

Ms McManus said she believed the protests were organised by people outside of the construction sector.

"We know from social media networks that the same people who were at the rallies on the weekend were asking people to come to these ones and to dress up in high vis," she said.

"That's not to say that there weren't people there who were also construction workers, there were.

"But the people organising and orchestrating it were people with other motives."

Ms McManus said people at the CFMEU protest were not wearing a mask and she worried it could become a super spreader COVID event.

She blamed the industry's shutdown on groups which she said had "undermined" health advice.

"We don't want any industry shut down but it is a pandemic and if you can't make an industry safe, well this is what medical experts are doing," she said.

"This is very unfortunate, unions have worked very hard to try and keep construction safe."
Building industry group slams government approach
The Victorian Building Industry Group of Unions (BIGU) released a statement criticising the government's "unrealistic and blunt approach" to COVID regulations, saying it had undermined the vaccination rollout.

"The Building Industry Group of Unions maintains the view that the construction industry would have voluntarily reached high levels of vaccination without a heavy-handed approach," a BIGU spokesperson said.

"This heavy-handed mandate by the Chief Health Officer, which was implemented with no notice, has only served to drive many people towards the Anti-Vax Movement."

The group pleaded with the state government to reconsider the measures and facilitate a way to get workers back onto work sites.

"We call on the Andrews Government, Chief Health Officer, and the Department of Health to come to a sensible return to work scenario that accommodates the reality of our industry and respects the workers who have built this city."

Bottles, crates thrown in violent protest
More than 500 people gathered outside the CFMEU's Elizabeth Street office to protest mandatory vaccinations for construction workers on Monday.

Union secretary John Setka tried to speak to the crowd but when some in the crowd grew agitated, he asked workers, "Do you want to shut the whole building industry down?"

The protesters started chanting, "shut it down, shut it down," and calling Mr Setka "Dan Andrews' b****".

Tensions rose further and Mr Setka had a crate and bottles thrown at him.

Security guards were forced to take him inside and the doors to the headquarters were locked.

Mr Setka told 3AW on Monday that he believes the CFMEU is being unfairly targeted for decisions made by the Victorian government.

"We're virtually being blamed for everything which is totally untrue. All we've ever done is try and keep our industry working safely," he said.

On Monday Premier Daniel Andrews said it was an "illegal gathering" but he did not conclude that a sizeable number of construction industry workers had no respect for coronavirus restrictions.

"What I would say is that protests don't work. Getting vaccinated works, following the rules works. That's how you stay open, that's how you get open if you're not open now," he said.
It was a build up of frustrations with the construction industry breaking a number of protocols with the last straw being the riots.

So the sequence of events clearly displayed the refusal to abide by the safety protocols set out, as circumstances changed.


Sep 10, 2010
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Yeah the RSL doesn’t share that view either:

View attachment 30621
You mean the disgraceful fucks who hide behind the publics love of the ANZACs so the can run perverse pokie mills that cheat retired people out of thei pension and super? You ever actually asked a digger what they think of the RSL? Be prepared to hear a lot of 4 letter words.

If you like stats, check this one out, the 0.0000000000000000000000000000001% of the population protesting are farking retards.
Hint: If you are too stupid to engage substantively, don't capl others retards. It just highlights your own obliviousness.

Bahaha wtf is a Bootlicking Woofta?
You aint no soul crusher. Your a word crusher
Im not your ESL teacher. If you dont speak Australian, fuck off.


Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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Victorian vaccination clinics close due to threat of protests in Melbourne CBD

Vaccination clinic workers being spat on and abused by the drop kick rioters
Protesters: tHiS iS aBoUt PeRsOnAl ChOiCe. LeT uS wOrK!
Also protesters: spit on and target health workers. Stop them from working.


Sep 10, 2010
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Look we're all frustrated as fuck at the lockdowns and the economic impact it's had. We're all pissed at it.

Unfortunately there's not much we can do until we get a large enough portion of the population vaccinated. Only then can we return to some kind of normality but until then we all have to adjust to safety measures.

And no your Facebook/YouTube science holds no credence in developing a plan for the way out of covid
What has vax rates got to do with ending lockdowns? Have lockdowns been lifted anywhere where they've hit 90% vaxed?

Lockdowns were brought in for 15 days to flatten the curve.
Lockdowns remained because we kept getting "outbreaks"
But this time the pollie scum qre telling the truth. PROMISE.

Vax doesnt stop the spread, just ask Israel who are having their biggest daily case loads ever despit 85% doubpe vax plus a booster vax program. It makes Covid-19 less severe, but does not stop the spread. The spread continues, so will lockdowns.

Anyone who seriously believes we're going to vax our way to freedom is mainlining straight cope-ium.


Sep 10, 2010
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Here you go dummy, see how my post ran on a timeline basis and the below were the last tw points. Dropped on head.

View attachment 30624
What has a timeline got to do with anything?
What was the reason your hero Dandrews shut down construction.

Was it construction related outbreaks like you originally claimed?
Was it protests like you later claimed?

Pick one you pussy.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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What has a timeline got to do with anything?
What was the reason your hero Dandrews shut down construction.

Was it construction related outbreaks like you originally claimed?
Was it protests like you later claimed?

Pick one you pussy.

Warnings about covid transmission increasing from construction sites

This leads to

More protocols being put in place

This leads to

Construction workers breaking said protocols

This leads to

Well fuck yas then, shut down

I've summarised it but basically the CONTINUAL breaking of protocols with a one massive riot showing an unwillingness to follow protocols resulted in shut down

Morons like you, who take no fucking responsibility for their own actions, caused other innocents (who were following safety restrictions) to be out of work


Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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What has vax rates got to do with ending lockdowns? Have lockdowns been lifted anywhere where they've hit 90% vaxed?

Lockdowns were brought in for 15 days to flatten the curve.
Lockdowns remained because we kept getting "outbreaks"
But this time the pollie scum qre telling the truth. PROMISE.

Vax doesnt stop the spread, just ask Israel who are having their biggest daily case loads ever despit 85% doubpe vax plus a booster vax program. It makes Covid-19 less severe, but does not stop the spread. The spread continues, so will lockdowns.

Anyone who seriously believes we're going to vax our way to freedom is mainlining straight cope-ium.

I cant be bothered


Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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Hopefully he makes a full recovery so he can tell his mates what idiots they are.
It's the only way they're learning (when it impacts someone close to them). Their excuse is it's not widespread here, well of course because we have fucking lockdowns!!!!


Kennel Immortal
Nov 23, 2007
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Seems the protesting has been the last straw in the reasoning for closing down work sites.....

Important COVID-19 update: Construction industry to shutdown for two weeks
at 20 September 2021
The Victorian Government has announced construction will shutdown in metropolitan Melbourne and other Local Government Areas currently in lockdown for two weeks from 11.59pm tonight, Monday 20 September.
The decision is due to continued concern about case numbers, transmission risk and reduced compliance.
The immediate shut down action is being taken to reduce movement, minimise transmission and allow for the entire industry to appropriately adapt to the Chief Health Officer Directions, including increasing vaccination rates.

All construction projects in metropolitan Melbourne, the City of Ballarat, the City of Greater Geelong, the Surf Coast Shire and the Mitchell Shire will be closed.
There will be a strictly limited exemption for workers to attend sites to respond to an emergency or perform urgent and essential work to protect health and safety.
An amnesty will be put in place so that a limited number of workers can attend construction sites to shut them down safely.
All government construction projects in metropolitan Melbourne and relevant Local Government Areas will be closed, with no new work to be completed – other than work required to make the site safe and secure.
All sites will be required to demonstrate compliance with Chief Health Officer Directions prior to reopening – including the requirement for workers to show evidence to their employer of having had one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine before they return to site on 5 October.
The Government will continue to work with the industry to get as many workers vaccinated as possible – with the priority blitz continuing until Sunday 26 September, including walk-up appointments (without a booking) available at key sites. For more information about priority vaccine access, visit
A COVID-19 disaster payment is available to help workers unable to earn income due to public health orders, with more information available at
The Victorian Government will work with stakeholders over coming days to determine the best way for the industry to show full compliance with the Directions.
Important COVID-19 update: Mandatory vaccination for construction workers
at 17 September 2021

Public health officials have become increasingly concerned about COVID-19 transmission and exposure in construction settings. Construction workers are often highly mobile and the risk of spreading coronavirus in these settings as evidenced by recent outbreaks is concerning. Therefore, the Victorian Government has announced that construction workers across Victoria will need to show evidence to their employer that they have had a first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine by 11.59pm on Thursday 23 September.

Limited medical exemptions and proof-of-booking exceptions will apply, in line with previous requirements for residential aged care workers.

Employers will be required to keep a record of their employees’ COVID-19 vaccinations.

In a further tightening of COVIDSafe settings for the industry to slow the spread of coronavirus, construction workers will not be able to cross the metropolitan-regional boundary for work effective immediately, in light of COVID-19 cases seeding from Melbourne into regional Victoria. We understand this may be difficult to manage but we have to play our part to keep the industry and its workers safe.

From 11.59pm Friday 17 September, tea rooms will also close and food or drink cannot be consumed indoors at work.

Worker shift bubbles must be operating, and all sites require a COVIDSafe Marshal on site.

These measures are in place to ensure the construction industry can continue to operate in a COVIDSafe way.

Priority COVID-19 vaccination for the construction sector

Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect our workforce from further outbreaks of COVID-19. Getting vaccinated protects you, your colleagues, your family and our community.

As announced on Monday, construction workers have priority access to COVID-19 vaccination.

Four major vaccination centres are open to construction workers, without a booking, every day until 26 September.

The Ford Campbellfield site, the Heidelberg Repat, Eagle Stadium in Wyndham, and the former Bunnings in Melton are open for walk-up appointments for construction workers from 8am until 11am over the next fortnight.

The Ford and Repat sites will open again for walk-ups daily between 5pm and 8pm, with the Wyndham and Melton sites open for walk-ups between 5pm and 6pm on Thursdays and Fridays. Pfizer will be offered to attendees under the age of 60.

For full details on locations, visit Vaccination centres

20,000 priority Pfizer appointments will made available to construction workers at all sites across Victoria (excluding drive-through sites).

Workers should book an appointment via the Coronavirus hotline, 1800 675 398, this week, to ensure they receive priority access. These priority appointments will be available through to Sunday 19 September.

AstraZeneca walk-ups will be available for construction workers at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre each afternoon from 3pm, for a fortnight.

Anyone who works at a site where civil works, building or construction activities take place, including contractors and architects working onsite, are eligible.

You can also get your COVID-19 vaccine by booking at a doctor’s clinic, pharmacy or community health service.

For more information about getting vaccinated, visit COVID-19 Vaccines

Construction site COVID-19 compliance blitz is underway

The Victorian Government’s four-week COVID-19 compliance blitz at Victorian construction sites is underway.

This operation has adopted a ‘zero tolerance’ approach to non-compliance.

Construction workers are reminded that they must use the Victorian Government QR Code Service, to check in on site everywhere, every time.

Face masks must be worn indoors and outdoors, unless you have a lawful reason not to.

Thank you for doing your part to keep all Victorians safe and construction operating.


Sep 10, 2010
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Anyone have any actual evidence of urine on the war memorial or vaxclinic workers getying spat on? I'm seeing news reports but no actual photo or video, which is odd considering everyone has a cameraphone and lelbourne is blanketed in cctv.