Opinion It’s Time Someone Returned Serve …


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
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YES … this thread IS a return serve to the Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo post that “wasn’t whinging” but went onto be one big misinformed whinge” …

@04 Dreaming / Flanagun is carrying on about a job that in Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo time is still in its infancy … it’s like whinging at your builder and saying he’s doing a crap job when only the slabs been poured.

Fans often argue whether Gould should receive the accolades for the Panthers success, the answer there lays in what’s often forgotten ..

People forget he originally left the Panthers in 94 and moved over to the Roosters who were a perennial bottom of the table team.

Before Gould joined, the Roosters had only played finals footy once since 83.

Gould did what he does best, he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up.

Is it a coincidence that Gould joined in 95 and the Roosters became a consistent semi-finals team from 1996 onwards, making the Grand Final in 2000, and then the club went on to win a Premiership in 2002, their first in 27 years and have gone on to have long term success and win another 3 since ?

In May 2011 he took up the General Manager role at the Panthers, not just another struggling club, but apparently one that was also going broke … again he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up, whether he was still there for the GF wins or not is irrelevant, the results of the years of work he put in there are B2B premierships 2021 & 2022.

To do a massive job successfully once, you might say ok … but twice !!! …… maybe it’s time to say this bloke knows what he’s F***** doing …

If you think everything along the way was going to be sunshine and roses and he wasn’t going to make any mistakes then you must live in Bikini Bottom (sponge bobs fictional world) …… because life’s full of making mistakes, especially at the top … it’s how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and whether you learn from those mistakes that makes the difference ..

The Roosters did the same … I don’t think they’ve ever been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 4 premierships since that decision ..

The Panthers made the same decision, I don’t think they’ve been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 2 premierships since and maybe the 1st to do 3 in a row since whenever.

Gould did the same with Ricky Stuart at the Roosters and the result was a premiership.
Cleary was sacked in 2015 for just avoiding the spoon, not a premiership winning coach obviously, he’s now gone on to win 2 premierships and the story’s not over.

One of the many reasons they’ve bought Gould in, is to sort that shit out and get it right, look at the work he put in at Roosters & Panthers, it takes time to rebuild an elite top of the table 1st grade squad, luck in having the right players available at a certain time plays a big part in it .. the point is it takes time if you want to build for long term success, which if you look at Roosters and Panthers that’s Gould’s trade mark, LONG TERM SUCCESS.

You crapped on about forwards and a 7 and don’t even mention that since Gould came on board we’ve had to compete in a market where a 17th team has just been introduced, a new club who had a full salary cap available to them to outbid us for players we may have been chasing.

What 7 and forwards would you have suggested Gould get ? … rush in and make another Napa & Flanagan mistake ? …

Gould has said it many times, to get back to the top after being down the bottom for many years is going to require a lot of patience, especially when you consider there’s another 8 or so clubs all trying to do the same thing, and compete in the same market, the key is development and time.

So put your hate away and just back your team each week and allow Gould and the club the time to do what they do best ..

Also I didn’t touch on Goulds first 5 seasons as a coach, that his teams were involved in 3 grand finals and he won 2 of those, or that he’s the most successful Origin coach ever .. I didn’t go into depth on that because a lot on TK members don’t like to read anything that takes them over a minute or 2 …


Kennel Established
Oct 21, 2020
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YES … this thread IS a return serve to the Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo post that “wasn’t whinging” but went onto be one big misinformed whinge” …

@04 Dreaming / Flanagun is carrying on about a job that in Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo time is still in its infancy … it’s like whinging at your builder and saying he’s doing a crap job when only the slabs been poured.

Fans often argue whether Gould should receive the accolades for the Panthers success, the answer there lays in what’s often forgotten ..

People forget he originally left the Panthers in 94 and moved over to the Roosters who were a perennial bottom of the table team.

Before Gould joined, the Roosters had only played finals footy once since 83.

Gould did what he does best, he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up.

Is it a coincidence that Gould joined in 95 and the Roosters became a consistent semi-finals team from 1996 onwards, making the Grand Final in 2000, and then the club went on to win a Premiership in 2002, their first in 27 years and have gone on to have long term success and win another 3 since ?

In May 2011 he took up the General Manager role at the Panthers, not just another struggling club, but apparently one that was also going broke … again he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up, whether he was still there for the GF wins or not is irrelevant, the results of the years of work he put in there are B2B premierships 2021 & 2022.

To do a massive job successfully once, you might say ok … but twice !!! …… maybe it’s time to say this bloke knows what he’s F***** doing …

If you think everything along the way was going to be sunshine and roses and he wasn’t going to make any mistakes then you must live in Bikini Bottom (sponge bobs fictional world) …… because life’s full of making mistakes, especially at the top … it’s how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and whether you learn from those mistakes that makes the difference ..

The Roosters did the same … I don’t think they’ve ever been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 4 premierships since that decision ..

The Panthers made the same decision, I don’t think they’ve been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 2 premierships since and maybe the 1st to do 3 in a row since whenever.

Gould did the same with Ricky Stuart at the Roosters and the result was a premiership.
Cleary was sacked in 2015 for just avoiding the spoon, not a premiership winning coach obviously, he’s now gone on to win 2 premierships and the story’s not over.

One of the many reasons they’ve bought Gould in, is to sort that shit out and get it right, look at the work he put in at Roosters & Panthers, it takes time to rebuild an elite top of the table 1st grade squad, luck in having the right players available at a certain time plays a big part in it .. the point is it takes time if you want to build for long term success, which if you look at Roosters and Panthers that’s Gould’s trade mark, LONG TERM SUCCESS.

You crapped on about forwards and a 7 and don’t even mention that since Gould came on board we’ve had to compete in a market where a 17th team has just been introduced, a new club who had a full salary cap available to them to outbid us for players we may have been chasing.

What 7 and forwards would you have suggested Gould get ? … rush in and make another Napa & Flanagan mistake ? …

Gould has said it many times, to get back to the top after being down the bottom for many years is going to require a lot of patience, especially when you consider there’s another 8 or so clubs all trying to do the same thing, and compete in the same market, the key is development and time.

So put your hate away and just back your team each week and allow Gould and the club the time to do what they do best ..

Also I didn’t touch on Goulds first 5 seasons as a coach, that his teams were involved in 3 grand finals and he won 2 of those, or that he’s the most successful Origin coach ever .. I didn’t go into depth on that because a lot on TK members don’t like to read anything that takes them over a minute or 2 …
Well said hate the negative people even after we win yes there is big problems at the club but just enjoy the win ffs


May 19, 2008
Reaction score
Well said @1967

I hardy read this forum as its full of emotional whingers.
I think if they had their way we would be perenial backmakers chucking everything out and starting again when we
don't achieve the instant success they desire.
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Bulldog Bloke

Kennel Participant
Jun 30, 2017
Reaction score
YES … this thread IS a return serve to the Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo post that “wasn’t whinging” but went onto be one big misinformed whinge” …

@04 Dreaming / Flanagun is carrying on about a job that in Gould/Khoury/Warburton/Ciraldo time is still in its infancy … it’s like whinging at your builder and saying he’s doing a crap job when only the slabs been poured.

Fans often argue whether Gould should receive the accolades for the Panthers success, the answer there lays in what’s often forgotten ..

People forget he originally left the Panthers in 94 and moved over to the Roosters who were a perennial bottom of the table team.

Before Gould joined, the Roosters had only played finals footy once since 83.

Gould did what he does best, he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up.

Is it a coincidence that Gould joined in 95 and the Roosters became a consistent semi-finals team from 1996 onwards, making the Grand Final in 2000, and then the club went on to win a Premiership in 2002, their first in 27 years and have gone on to have long term success and win another 3 since ?

In May 2011 he took up the General Manager role at the Panthers, not just another struggling club, but apparently one that was also going broke … again he bought in good people around him and set about rebuilding that club from the bottom up, whether he was still there for the GF wins or not is irrelevant, the results of the years of work he put in there are B2B premierships 2021 & 2022.

To do a massive job successfully once, you might say ok … but twice !!! …… maybe it’s time to say this bloke knows what he’s F***** doing …

If you think everything along the way was going to be sunshine and roses and he wasn’t going to make any mistakes then you must live in Bikini Bottom (sponge bobs fictional world) …… because life’s full of making mistakes, especially at the top … it’s how you pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and whether you learn from those mistakes that makes the difference ..

The Roosters did the same … I don’t think they’ve ever been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 4 premierships since that decision ..

The Panthers made the same decision, I don’t think they’ve been out of finals footy since and they’ve won 2 premierships since and maybe the 1st to do 3 in a row since whenever.

Gould did the same with Ricky Stuart at the Roosters and the result was a premiership.
Cleary was sacked in 2015 for just avoiding the spoon, not a premiership winning coach obviously, he’s now gone on to win 2 premierships and the story’s not over.

One of the many reasons they’ve bought Gould in, is to sort that shit out and get it right, look at the work he put in at Roosters & Panthers, it takes time to rebuild an elite top of the table 1st grade squad, luck in having the right players available at a certain time plays a big part in it .. the point is it takes time if you want to build for long term success, which if you look at Roosters and Panthers that’s Gould’s trade mark, LONG TERM SUCCESS.

You crapped on about forwards and a 7 and don’t even mention that since Gould came on board we’ve had to compete in a market where a 17th team has just been introduced, a new club who had a full salary cap available to them to outbid us for players we may have been chasing.

What 7 and forwards would you have suggested Gould get ? … rush in and make another Napa & Flanagan mistake ? …

Gould has said it many times, to get back to the top after being down the bottom for many years is going to require a lot of patience, especially when you consider there’s another 8 or so clubs all trying to do the same thing, and compete in the same market, the key is development and time.

So put your hate away and just back your team each week and allow Gould and the club the time to do what they do best ..

Also I didn’t touch on Goulds first 5 seasons as a coach, that his teams were involved in 3 grand finals and he won 2 of those, or that he’s the most successful Origin coach ever .. I didn’t go into depth on that because a lot on TK members don’t like to read anything that takes them over a minute or 2 …
The bloke is a winner.
He has proven it time and again.
Awesome post.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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I reckon they are bro. And a few others. ***** with multiple accounts have too much time on their hands. What kind of lame **** could pretend to be multiple people
Oh there's lots.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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Anyone know anything of this guy Gus got from Broncs.



Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
Reaction score
Anyone know anything of this guy Gus got from Broncs.

View attachment 72193
Watched him play a q cup game the other night @KLil found a game on Kayo and put me into it.

He’s a big bugger for a centre, moves well and good hands, and as that article says he’s a metre eater …

Straight into the 30, interesting to see what their plans are for him ..