News Bulldogs hard man Luke Thompson rushes home to England 'in an emotional state' to deal with a mystery family issue


Kennel Participant
Feb 2, 2020
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Those tries they found a way to take off him and the team as well!

All round his time here has been a bumpy ride. He has been behind the 8 ball the whole time.

He arrived under Covid lockdown.
Poor coaching and team play.
Poor results and team effort by Dogs team ....when he has come from the top UK team... it must have been dispiriting.
Constant talk of being overpaid by our previous inept Board and all the politics of that...and being apparently offered to several opposition teams and shopped by this current one.
His vaxx issues.
The severe inappropriate ref (penalties), bunker rulings (2 no tries), MRC stitch ups.

Then there is his form and eroded value to the team. If he had been able to go on this run of success with the team for the past 4 weeks, he may be flying by now. Due to concussion issues he has missed out and now his Mum is unwell.

Wish him all the best.

He is a Bulldog and chose us to play for over other teams regardless of the money situation we have no real info on from other clubs. His form was great and he was our best forward last year for most of the year. He was held in great respect and admiration at that time even including TK :grinning:

His success, or otherwise, is as much a reflection on our club and what we can do for a player's career and wellbeing as it is on him personally.

All the personal issues and the club's side issues and hassles go into the fallout of the present situation, so let's show some thoughtful respect.

For our club to be considered a great club once again, we need to look after players and gather them into the Bulldogs way ...with fans and supporters playing their part as well in consolidating our club's reputation as Simply The Best.
Thank you for this post, means a lot


Kennel Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2013
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Julie is in a bad way, Luke has not left her side since he come home ! My heart bleeds

So heart breaking honestly. And to think he wasted 3 years almost here in Oz playing league when he could’ve spent so much time with his family. Only goes to show how we never know what’s around the corner and every decision we make is vital. Wish his mum nothing but the best of health and may the family find strength to get through this.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jan 20, 2013
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It just puts things into perspective really and reminds you how short life is. We all should love and care for each other. So even if I don’t know any of you in person, just want to say I hope everyone is doing okay and I love all of you bastards and wish you nothing but good health and a great life.


Kennel Participant
Feb 2, 2020
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On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you for your kind words and support and also thank this great club of yours Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs for their compassion and care which is greatly appreciated.

Always a bulldog


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you for your kind words and support and also thank this great club of yours Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs for their compassion and care which is greatly appreciated.

Always a bulldog
I'm confused. Gus said he's returning on the 8th of July and everyone else is saying goodbye's to him?


Kennel Established
Oct 31, 2013
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Julie is in a bad way, Luke has not left her side since he come home ! My heart bleeds
Mums are a red line.

anybody with Smartarse comments towards are British bulldog should be banned immediately from here on out, until his Mother makes a full recovery.
Take care of your mum buddy, we all only have one mum treat her like the queen she is. Good luck and God’s speed Thommo.


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 13, 2019
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Best wishes to Luke and his family, glad he is able to be home

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
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Damn right!

Always say the smarter technology gets, the dumber people become.

De-evolution at its finest.
I will share this true story with you...
I have two cousins that spent excessive time on computer games when they were meant to be studying, frequently my uncle would get angry with them and says the Chinese (meaning Japanese) are so smart they make these games for you to play and stay dumb while they keep on getting smarter.
Funny how it panned out, one of them was one of the smartest uni student in NSW then later became one of the youngest ever uni professors and the second become a psychologist...
Up till now my uncle wonders, how did it happened ? :tearsofjoy:

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
On behalf of the family, I would like to thank you for your kind words and support and also thank this great club of yours Canterbury Bankstown Bulldogs for their compassion and care which is greatly appreciated.

Always a bulldog
I don't know if it is possible, if it is please extend our well wishes !


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
I'd honestly be happier if he's not rushed back with his mother's health still on his mind. I know that after my dad had a stroke a couple of years ago, I was really distracted by a fear in the back of my mind that I mightn't see him again. I had to go a month at work before I could get down to see him.

I know we're paying Thompson well, but I don't think it hurts our pulling power as a club if we're regarded as compassionate when our players have family issues.