A resolution to the mess is displacing 2 mil people. What a clown
I had a phone hookup with some people I'm working with in the States today. Sort of dropped my shock at the announcement. They all started laughing. Asked am I missing something? They said its all bullshit. In their view this is just the latest distraction from Musk stealing all their personal data. And they are seriously pissed about that.
Which when you think about it - if you move aside from having any morals or ethics - its actually fairly clever. Think of it as a hail mary. Gets everyones attention, stops everyone focussing on what they should be focussing on (Musk stealing all your info). As long as you get done what you really wanted to get done - you can come out at the moment you need to and say - well we thought about it - Palestinians, great guys. Very smart people blah blah blah. And everyone breathes a sigh of relief and we move on.
But also, if somehow it gets up and there's some sort of international agreement to it - beauty. Hit the jackpot.
No downside because the worst that happens is everyone thinks your a fckwit. Everyone already thinks he's a fckwit so where is the loss?