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  • Class Clown
    • Haha
    Reactions: Natboy
    D- voice
    D- voice
    G-Day mate
    Please do not misunderstand me but do you think it would be appropriate to change the heading to Geoff Robinson R.I.P. or just Geoff Robinson.
    Just a suggestion, thanks mate !
    Each person is entitled to do things their only way. If I'm being disrespectful to his memory, then you have every right to call me out. But a hot tip - you are basically telling me I'm not being respectful enough. Sure you can appreciate how that could be taken.

    All good because I'm taking this as coming from the right place.
    D- voice
    D- voice
    I was hoping I wouldn't be misunderstood, I never suggested you were disrespectful I just thought the titling is out of date since his passing, as a matter of fact I positively did post many time on this thread before...
    Never mind, no hard feeling from my side and I'm sure you are the same !
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    Reactions: Doogie
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