The things that 'grind your gears' thread...

HD and Ink

Kennel Established
Mar 22, 2021
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Hate when folk say I can't speak to this. So talking about a train timetable, petrol prices., lost keys...whatever and I hear folk use that expression especially on the tele when they get interviewed.

Of course you bloody cant speak to that you're bloody talking about petrol prices its a thing you don't go around speaking to things.....well in my world anyway.

Like nails on a blackboard to me.
Yes Assassin....I figured you'd like that sound pal.

south of heaven

Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Mar 6, 2014
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People who don't know how to order without holding up a fucking whole shop you can see the board clear as day before you approach the cashier make a fucking decision then .get your shit together and place the order, if it's not on the menu don't fucking um and ahh and ask" do you do this " have your wallet, purse, phone ready and futher hold up people when you decide what card to use or wherever you put your coffee card to get stamped ,then move the fuck out of the way .
Rant over got my coffee can now function


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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People who don't know how to order without holding up a fucking whole shop you can see the board clear as day before you approach the cashier make a fucking decision then .get your shit together and place the order, if it's not on the menu don't fucking um and ahh and ask" do you do this " have your wallet, purse, phone ready and futher hold up people when you decide what card to use or wherever you put your coffee card to get stamped ,then move the fuck out of the way .
Rant over got my coffee can now function
Lol. My husbands biggest complaint is same same at the supermarket checkout....for heavens sake, get your freakin' purse/wallet out whilst the items are being scanned....not after its all been tallied and then (ladies in particular) start scratching around in their bags for purse, loyalty card, saver docket, email offer of free choc milk etc. Of course all this paraphenalia has fallen to the bottom of their huge bag and the scramble is on to find it, and then after all that....the credit card has insufficient funds and other cards needed. Meanwhile everyone else behind in the queue patiently waiting and silently cursing under their breathe lol


Mar 26, 2012
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The fucking opal card readers and gates at train stations 1 in every 5 swipes they will say error and you have to reswipe and because everyone is trying to move through at a walking pace five people all bump into each other like a pile up on the highway creating a fucking human centipede. Then you get the bitch behind you do the impatient sigh and then 1 in every 20 times it still doesn’t swipe the second time now the whole human centipede is groaning tuting and rolling their eyes at this poor idiot that can’t even top up their opal card so you step aside let them go through and tap gates open. Pisses me off.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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The propaganda war machine is one thing, but nothing annoyed me more than the T1000 Terminator made of liquid moly that was impossible to kill or even believe.

Roll the Bones

Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 27, 2007
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People who don't know how to order without holding up a fucking whole shop you can see the board clear as day before you approach the cashier make a fucking decision then .get your shit together and place the order, if it's not on the menu don't fucking um and ahh and ask" do you do this " have your wallet, purse, phone ready and futher hold up people when you decide what card to use or wherever you put your coffee card to get stamped ,then move the fuck out of the way .
Rant over got my coffee can now function
I've had a rant in this thread about that exact same thing. It's infuriating. But what's more infuriating is when you go up to a bar to just order a round of beers, and the karmichael hunt in front of you orders 17 different cocktails, each with 17 different ingredients. They should be given one of the buzzer things and when their order is ready, they can come back for the drinks. And then I don't have to wait 4 hours to get my beers.

capt obvious

Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 17, 2014
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1. Noisy eaters
2. People who talk in movies
3. My mother inlaw
4. Scott cam
5. Work

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Vigilante lunatics trying to save the world usually bark up the wrong tree eventually.
While I can be accused of contempt I look at it more as just not respecting the situation.
Trying to please everyone every time isnt that easy.


Kennel Addict
Sep 5, 2016
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Not sure if it’s said before, but when the whole street get their bins emptied except yours. And it’s happened multiple times. I’m convinced the garbo guy hates me.

Kung fu man

Kennel Enthusiast
Oct 28, 2020
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Not sure if it’s said before, but when the whole street get their bins emptied except yours. And it’s happened multiple times. I’m convinced the garbo guy hates me.
Put your bloody bins at least a meter apart or they won't get emptied!


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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Those mother fuckers who do not raise their hand as a sign of "thanks" when I allow them to cut in front of me while driving.

Absolute C U next Tuesdays.
I've noticed this is much worse in Qld than in NSW (along with indicators being optional). No idea why. Mrs CD, who is also not a Brisbane native and confused by it all, even did a survey of her colleagues, and some of them just looked at her as if asking if they give a courtesy wave was some kind of crazy new phenomenon.

Overall people up here are much happier, friendlier and more relaxed than down south, but there are two places/times where they turn really fucking feral:

1. State of Origin time (its a long 2 months).
2. Behind the wheel.


Kennel Addict
May 16, 2009
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Still waiting on a blue card I applied for in March. I got flagged for something I did 18 years ago that had nothing to do with kids. I even did a fed police check in Feb before I started my coarse just in case and that came back clear.
Invested this year in studies that I cant finish just because I cant do my placement without the cards even though all my assessments and class work is complete.
Frustrated to say the least.


Kennel Legend
Mar 9, 2014
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The morons that turn up at ALDIs with all their bags and esky bags and a massive trolly of groceries at the checkout. Then instead of quickly putting all scanned items back in thier trolley to pack after at the bench with everyone else, they fucking stand there individually packing and sometimes repacking every fuckung item…

I want to bitch slap them.


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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Not sure if it’s said before, but when the whole street get their bins emptied except yours. And it’s happened multiple times. I’m convinced the garbo guy hates me.
Some shithead stole the lids to my recycling bins. My housemate thinks it was the garbage man that did it. He said he heard the Garbo stop the truck and got out while he (housemate) was in the yard.

It's bloody annoying not having the lids.


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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Getting sick of work changing my roster without asking or letting me know it's been altered. I organised a trip to Coffs Harbour to drop my sister off there as my niece is expecting a baby soon. Was planning on going down on Tuesday, having dinner with my niece, her partner, my sister and an auntie and uncle that live in Coffs and returning on Wednesday after a bit of fishing in the morning. So Tuesday morning arrives, I look at the roster app and I'm rostered for the Wednesday. I'd arranged this three days ahead with the online roster at my sister's place. So I didn't imagine the roster change. On top of that I'd arranged my birthday off which I'm now rostered on for.

It's enough that I have to work with a fucking nutcase that seemingly needs to have an enemy at work (me currently since others have quit over her bullshit). But it's pissing me off that I don't even get notifications of roster changes let alone asked if I'm ok with it.

Methinks it's time to leave.