The Real Outcomes of BLM


Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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One of the Founder's of BLM once called herself a "trained Marxist" during an interview, which of course the Conservatives jumped on and went crazy with and one day Dawg watched a YouTube video and believed every word of it.
Yeah, I heard that somewhere before (or maybe read it on a previous incarnation of this thread).... but that doesn’t really equate to a Marxist objective across a broad social movement with a number of founders ..... and I’m
Still at a loss as to where it mentions cultural Marxist objectives on their website.....

Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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BTW, political fact check on the Marxism thing. Here's the brief:

  • Black Lives Matter was founded by community organizers. One of the three co-founders said in 2015 that she and another co-founder “are trained Marxists.”
  • Black Lives Matter has grown into a national anti-racism movement broadly supported by Americans, few of whom would identify themselves as Marxist.



Nov 28, 2003
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If only I made a exact comparative post which someone selectively ignored.... Hmmm
I’m still waiting for you to explain any direct evidence of racism related to Rayshard Brooks, George Floyd and Jacob Blake.

Plenty of evidence of poor training, poor execution etc.

But zero evidence of anything race related.


Nov 28, 2003
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BTW, political fact check on the Marxism thing. Here's the brief:

  • Black Lives Matter was founded by community organizers. One of the three co-founders said in 2015 that she and another co-founder “are trained Marxists.”
  • Black Lives Matter has grown into a national anti-racism movement broadly supported by Americans, few of whom would identify themselves as Marxist.

When you are taught that the world it racist, all that you tend to see is racism.

Much like when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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Like for example... a black officer shooting an unarmed white woman and being immediately arrested and charged with murder (and rightfully so), meanwhile a white police officer killing an unarmed black man and it's not considered to be a crime until the streets are on fire and the police commissioner needs to do something about it.
The fact that I have to quote my own post and highlight the issue just shows how many mental hoops you will jump through to defend your own racism.

Literally illegal for an officer to kill an unarmed person. Literally illegal. No legal grey area here. It's illegal for an officer to kill an unarmed person. It was ignored. The law was ignored when the man was black. Not once. Not twice. Every time until these protests started.


Hacky McAxe

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May 7, 2011
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When you are taught that the world it racist, all that you tend to see is racism.

Much like when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Eh. I can't be bothered. Capn pointed it out. You are racist and you love defending your racism as much as possible and I don't really care as at the end of the day, you will still be who you are and that's your right as a human being.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 28, 2016
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Eh. I can't be bothered. Capn pointed it out. You are racist and you love defending your racism as much as possible and I don't really care as at the end of the day, you will still be who you are and that's your right as a human being.
Which is why I will always reply to him as him being a racist POS


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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KKK burning a black person = poor fire safety regulations


Nov 28, 2003
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Eh. I can't be bothered. Capn pointed it out. You are racist and you love defending your racism as much as possible and I don't really care as at the end of the day, you will still be who you are and that's your right as a human being.
You were bothered enough to reply over the course of an hour or two, with multiple posts.

Just not bothered enough to answer a simple question. What is the direct evidence of racism with rayshard brooks, George Floyd and Jacob Blake?

Surely if these cops were so racist they must have called him a name while arresting him out of anger? Or surely they said something prior to the arrest? Or maybe after the arrest?

Or how about when their homes were searched - they must have had some kkk hoods just hanging there?

The issue for most leftists is their nostalgia for a time when racism actually existed in large quantities And they could call it out to fight it. There really isn’t a great deal of every day racism left, so what ends up happening happening is you look for instances where Black people do not receive the same outcome as someone of another colour skin. You then assume the cause of the inequity is racism, instead of any number of other likely causes such as:

- black crime rates (blacks commit more violent crimes and homicides at rates higher than any other ethnic group in America
- black single mother rate means most black men group in houses without their dads. Btw the same is true for whites (but to a lesser extent than blacks). Black men often lack father figures and this has a huge impact on the upbringing of their young men. They are never taught how to handle themselves around authority. Guess what happens when a cop with authority and a gun stops them on the street.
- college education rates

The list goes on.

The idea that every disparity is the cause of race is probably the most misleading and non evidence based argument you’ve attempted to run.

Come on Dr Google you’re the poster child for science on here. You can Always reference a good internet study or two.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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You were bothered enough to reply over the course of an hour or two, with multiple posts.

Just not bothered enough to answer a simple question. What is the direct evidence of racism with rayshard brooks, George Floyd and Jacob Blake?

Surely if these cops were so racist they must have called him a name while arresting him out of anger? Or surely they said something prior to the arrest? Or maybe after the arrest?

Or how about when their homes were searched - they must have had some kkk hoods just hanging there?

The issue for most leftists is their nostalgia for a time when racism actually existed in large quantities And they could call it out to fight it. There really isn’t a great deal of every day racism left, so what ends up happening happening is you look for instances where Black people do not receive the same outcome as someone of another colour skin. You then assume the cause of the inequity is racism, instead of any number of other likely causes such as:

- black crime rates (blacks commit more violent crimes and homicides at rates higher than any other ethnic group in America
- black single mother rate means most black men group in houses without their dads. Btw the same is true for whites (but to a lesser extent than blacks). Black men often lack father figures and this has a huge impact on the upbringing of their young men. They are never taught how to handle themselves around authority. Guess what happens when a cop with authority and a gun stops them on the street.
- college education rates

The list goes on.

The idea that every disparity is the cause of race is probably the most misleading and non evidence based argument you’ve attempted to run.

Come on Dr Google you’re the poster child for science on here. You can Always reference a good internet study or two.
I never said that the individual police officers were racist and I never said that was why they killed the black men. It's possible but that's never what I was discussing. I clearly pointed out the incidence of racism in the system. The fact that crimes by officers are ignored if the victim is black. I pointed this out multiple times and you keep using the tactic of ignoring the points and diverting the discussion.

It's a poor strawman tactic. Asking for evidence of an argument I never made. This is why discussion with you is pointless.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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But here's some other statistics:

- blacks have a higher rate of poverty

- blacks of equal education less likely to be hired

- per capita, unarmed black men more likely to be killed by police

- black men more likely to be falsely convicted of crime


Nov 28, 2003
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I never said that the individual police officers were racist and I never said that was why they killed the black men. It's possible but that's never what I was discussing. I clearly pointed out the incidence of racism in the system. The fact that crimes by officers are ignored if the victim is black. I pointed this out multiple times and you keep using the tactic of ignoring the points and diverting the discussion.

It's a poor strawman tactic. Asking for evidence of an argument I never made. This is why discussion with you is pointless.
Fair enough - I had thought you were indicating those individual cases were racist. Happy to take back my comments and questions if you weren’t.


Nov 28, 2003
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But here's some other statistics:

- blacks have a higher rate of poverty
True. It's also true that native americans have higher poverty rates than blacks.

It is also true that white people have higher poverty rates than asian americans.

Are asian americans 'nazis'???

- blacks of equal education less likely to be hired
Which study are you referring to? There have been studies done where the researchers sent CV's to potential employers with stereotypically black names (like Lakisha) and also very white names (e.g. David). They concluded there was bias, however the study was criticised for not considering that potential employers may have rejected the CVs because of the belief that particular names denote a certain level of education and income (rather than race). The same wouuld be true of places in Sydney like Campbeltown where parents love giving their kids names like Skylar or some random misspelling of a common name.

Personally at my company, I am a big supporter of 'blind CV's. We remove the candidates name from CV's before showing the CV's to the hiring manager (therefore reducing the chance the hiring manager may choose candidates to interview on the basis of name).

- per capita, unarmed black men more likely to be killed by police
Can you provide the stats? All the FBI stats I've seen indicate that blacks commit violence crimes and homicides at rates fare exceeding any other race in America (whites, asians, hispanics and other).

- black men more likely to be falsely convicted of crime
I guess the first question is what your conclusion is. Are you saying that (for example) in American states which are lead by black /coloured procsecutors (Kamala Harris for example), that these black prosecutors are racist against their own ethnicity? Or are you saying that only the states with white/asian/hispanic prosecutors are racist?

I don't want to write off your assertion entirely (that back people may be falsely convicted more often), but I'd like to understand more specifically what you're asserting.

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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Which study are you referring to? There have been studies done where the researchers sent CV's to potential employers with stereotypically black names (like Lakisha) and also very white names (e.g. David). They concluded there was bias, however the study was criticised for not considering that potential employers may have rejected the CVs because of the belief that particular names denote a certain level of education and income (rather than race). The same wouuld be true of places in Sydney like Campbeltown where parents love giving their kids names like Skylar or some random misspelling of a common name.
You do understand what racism is, right?

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
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May 7, 2011
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Also in response to your request for research on unarmed people shot by police by race



Nov 28, 2003
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You do understand what racism is, right?
yes, discriminating on someone on the basis of their race. See below.

An additional study was done where different last names were used. The surnames Washington and Jefferson were given to the black CV's (90 percent of people in America with the last name Washington are black and 75% of people with Jefferson are black) and there was no significant difference in the response rate between the white and black CV's.

I agree generally with the idea that there is some level of discrimination in the hiring process. I agree generally that some of this could be due to a hiring manager's perceptions of race. But my personal belief is that there are a multitude of other factors which hiring managers are likely to discriminate on the basis of, including the following two:

- Post grad education facility (You'll find that the big 4 accounting firms in Sydney love to hire people from Sydney's north shore who went to a GPS school, and particularly those that went on to study at Sydney Uni and UNSW). This says more to me about bias on the basis of educational institution than it does about big 4 accounting firms wanting to hire white people. However, it would be easy to present this data as racist on the basis that there is a significant skewing of new hires who are white, but that overlooks other factors which I've just discussed.

- Previous company experience. Most hiring managers are more likely to hire someone from a company they have worked at previously, or at companies which are well known brand names. Many recent arrivals to Australia are not able to demonstrate this type of brand name experience. Does this mean the hiring manager is being racist? Almost definitely not. What it does mean is that hiring managers like to hire people from companies with which they are familliar.