The "R U OK ?" Thread


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Sep 2, 2012
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Acute Mental Health Situation: The NSW Mental Health Access Line 1800 011 511
The NSW Mental Health Line is a state-wide telephone number which puts you in touch with your local mental health service. Staffed by mental health professionals, the line gives NSW residents access to expert mental health advice, support and referrals for people dealing with a mental health problem and their families and carers. Where appropriate they can put you in contact with the local mental health crisis or acute care team. The Mental Health Line also provides advice about clinical symptoms, the urgency of the need for care and local treatment options for health and care service providers.

Crisis Telephone Counselling Services: Lifeline 13 11 14
Anyone across Australia experiencing a personal crisis or thinking about suicide can contact Lifeline for support.

Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Provides specialised help for young people aged 5 to 25 years, and is staffed by professional counsellors.

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
The Suicide Call Back Service provides crisis counselling to people at risk of suicide, carers for someone who is suicidal and those bereaved by suicide. People who are not linked in with current professional support can also access up to six sessions of ongoing counselling with the same counsellor at scheduled times.

MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
For men of any age who would like support, information or referral to assist them to deal with relationship problems in a practical and effective way.

Sexual assault, family and domestic violence Line1800 424 017
For anyone in Australia who has experienced or is at risk of sexual assault, family or domestic violence and their non-offending supporters.
*** FOR IMMEDIATE HELP - Please use any of the information available below. ***
Man Therapy "Questionaire" = : An interactive series of questions delivered by Dr Brian Ironwood, with a 'give it to me straight' kind of vibe.

Beyond Blue : 'Anxiety & Depression' checklist = : Bullet-point questionaire to quickly determine your current level of duress.

Mental Health Information Service = 1300 794 991 (weekdays) : Resources and the largest database of mental health support service in NSW.

Suicide Callback Service = 1300 659 467 : Call them in your time of need, and they'll keep an ongoing eye on you.

Lifeline = 13 11 14 : Telephone counselling service for anyone, anywhere, anytime for the cost of a local call.

Beyond Blue = 1300 224 636 : Counselling service.

Salvo Care Line = 1300 363 622 : Counselling service.

Kids Help Line = 1800 55 1800 : Australia's only free, confidential, anonymous, 24 hour phone and online counselling service for people aged between 5 and 18.

Domestic Violence Line = 1800 656 463 : 24/7 service for people affected by domestic violence.

Mensline Australia = 1300 789 978 : 24/7 support for men.
SoH had the idea to create this thread so I did for him. Earlier today we learnt there are many of us battling demons and I think it's easier talking here than to family and friends.

I'll kick it off, I'm diagnosed with clinical depression, sever anxiety and serve stress. I had it for years now but losing my dad and my heart condition spiralled me deeper into my version of hell.

I'm willing to help anyone any little way I can.

So, are you ok?

Brought to you by you friendly neighbourhood Assassin and South of Heaven.
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col of birchmen

Kennel Enthusiast
May 16, 2009
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How do you deal with it all Assassin? I know the pain of losing a loved one, Ive lost my three most important adult figures (Father, Mother, Aunty) in the last 18 months.


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Sep 2, 2012
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Its hard brother, especially when I can't take any anti-depressants since they clash with heart meds.

I guess I try not to think about it but it's hard, any little thing reminds me of my old man. I think I haven't grieved over my dad because all the load came on my shoulders being the eldest in the family. I also feel guilty that I haven't grieved yet.

Also I think the fact that I am a father of two gives me a reason to fight and live on.


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Sep 2, 2012
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PS very sorry to hear about your loved ones Col, God bless their souls.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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earlier this year i had a weird thing where i was sweating as if i had jumped into a pool and i was shaking ffs, i was confused thinking i was having a heart attack but not really because it didnt really feel that way (or what i imagined what it would feel like), so after it went away i have since believed that i had some sort of anxiety or panic attack by self diagnosis because it was the most stressful situation i had been in a while painting the house (i also read that the paint fumes could have triggered it), and i had a smaller version of it but the second time was much better because i knew what it was

i used to think that the anxiety thing was all bullshit but its a real situation

btw how sad when i was having a heart attack one of the first things i could think of was should i create a thread on the kennel saying its over and goodbye


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 8, 2012
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Great idea for this thread. Sometimes its easier talking to strangers then it is family and friends. Those closest are sometimes dismissive of problems..

I'm sure Alot of us will feel good getting things off our chests


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
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God bless you all,
The kennel family is here for us all,


Kennel Legend
Mar 17, 2012
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Great thread Assassin & Soh.

I lost my father almost 6 years ago. I still find it hard but as parent I must hold strong & bring up my kids.

What used to give me the shits was how everyone around me really felt for me. Its like an automatic response but you must understand what else can you say. I could see that.

My wifes friend also gave me some advice as she also lost her father at a young age. "You will never ever forget your father but you will learn in time to except it & live your life as your father would want" I have a great wife & 2 great kids but this is something I have kind of eventually done but took a long time to do.

For my mother its much worse as she still breaks down in tears & feels alone. As her son I can be there but she misses her lover, something I cant be. I spend as much time as I can with her but she is still finding it hard to move on. Im not too sure what I can do for her.


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 18, 2012
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Luckily i don't suffer from depression but i have had plenty of people close to me suffer from it, it's a bloody horrible thing. Honestly if anyone needs someone to talk too, feel free to PM anytime. Sometimes talking to a complete stranger can help because they have no bias towards you or anything that may have happened in your life.


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Sep 2, 2012
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earlier this year i had a weird thing where i was sweating as if i had jumped into a pool and i was shaking ffs, i was confused thinking i was having a heart attack but not really because it didnt really feel that way (or what i imagined what it would feel like), so after it went away i have since believed that i had some sort of anxiety or panic attack by self diagnosis because it was the most stressful situation i had been in a while painting the house (i also read that the paint fumes could have triggered it), and i had a smaller version of it but the second time was much better because i knew what it was

i used to think that the anxiety thing was all bullshit but its a real situation

btw how sad when i was having a heart attack one of the first things i could think of was should i create a thread on the kennel saying its over and goodbye
That sounds like a text book panic attack. What is a spin out is I get them when I think im relaxed and not thinking of shit.

south of heaven

Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Seems like there is a few of us out there with it , here's a little bit of my story.
Most of my life I've never felt "normal" despite a very good child hood growing up I have always felt something was wrong. At a very early age I found comfort in the bottle .I had trouble facing crowds, public places .
As the years went on it progressively got worse (so the drinking got more ) it was a struggle to even leave the house. Most days the symptoms of anxiety I had were many (i still didn't know what the fukk was wrong) hot flushes , pins and needles, numbness in my arm where I could not even pick up a pen. Thinking nothing was real , dizzy spells , fear of impending doom, constant sweaty palms, chest pains .and the list goes on. Nights were the worst just a pon falling asleep I'd take a gaping breath an be convinced I was going to die. Followed by the rest of the night wide awake consumed by to much fear to sleep (add 50000 thoughts going thru your head)
This went on for years the drinking got more and more .I needed a bottle of op rum for breakfast to even face leaving the house . After collapsing a few times and fukk knows how many trips to hospital for scans blood tests still couldn't find out what was wrong.
Shit got worse I couldn't handle it any more vertigo had me bed ridden for months paranoia, agrophobia depression kicked in. I was defeated. I literally tried to drink myself to death over the next few months I just didn't give a fukk. I'm not sure how I got there but I was on the ground in the er pissing my pants not know who I what the **** I was .A nurse picked me up and said I was having a panic attack. Then an there I started to listen, I let it all out on the doc and . Finally had something to work with.
Fast forward a few years things have changed a lot (due to me working my fukking ass off to find a solution) but I still suffer a lot of anxiety symptoms some days I shut down for a few days. Depression comes and goes small things can trigger it . Hopefully in another few years I will of worked on more improvements.
This is something that won't be fixed in days or months, it may never be fixed but I'm now strong enough to fight this fukker on my terms .


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Yeah me too guys... feel free to pm me or talk here.

When depression happens for the first time specially to a guy it is very hard to detect/admit..... so just talk to someone even you feel slightly out of the ordinary.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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Great thread Assassin & Soh.

I lost my father almost 6 years ago. I still find it hard but as parent I must hold strong & bring up my kids.

What used to give me the shits was how everyone around me really felt for me. Its like an automatic response but you must understand what else can you say. I could see that.

My wifes friend also gave me some advice as she also lost her father at a young age. "You will never ever forget your father but you will learn in time to except it & live your life as your father would want" I have a great wife & 2 great kids but this is something I have kind of eventually done but took a long time to do.

For my mother its much worse as she still breaks down in tears & feels alone. As her son I can be there but she misses her lover, something I cant be. I spend as much time as I can with her but she is still finding it hard to move on. Im not too sure what I can do for her.
I get the shits when people say to me "I understand". I fuking hate it. Even though I suffer it, I would never be able to understand someone elses depression.

I know its said with good intentions, but sometimes it makes shit worse.

Ricky Stuart

Kennel Participant
Jul 1, 2014
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I suffered from depression for a long time (4-6 years), i got help 1 year ago and haven't looked back since. I started first getting depression at around when i was in year 10, i was getting bullied for the most stupid reason, i got bullied because alot of the girls in my High school always gave me compliments such as, your cute/hot, i love your eyes, amazing hair, etc. Most of the guys got jealous and bullied me :(:(:(.



Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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God bless you all,
The kennel family is here for us all,
Great work everyone for taking it seriously and waiting to help out mates.


Kennel Legend
Mar 17, 2012
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I get the shits when people say to me "I understand". I fuking hate it. Even though I suffer it, I would never be able to understand someone elses depression.

I know its said with good intentions, but sometimes it makes shit worse.
It pissed me off hard but then again what do you say?

When I go to a funeral I basically dont say anything. I think just being there is most important.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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I suffered from depression for a long time (4-6 years), i got help 1 year ago and haven't looked back since. I started first getting depression at around when i was in year 10, i was getting bullied for the most stupid reason, i got bullied because alot of the girls in my High school always gave me compliments such as, your cute/hot, i love your eyes, amazing hair, etc. Most of the guys got jealous and bullied me :(:(:(.

Sorry to ask but what/how did you get help? What got you through it?


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 2, 2012
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That sounds like a text book panic attack. What is a spin out is I get them when I think im relaxed and not thinking of shit.
You are correct. Back in my uni days I used to live with a 70 year old malaysian guy. He used to suffer with panic attacks from the his young age as he went through the war and sound of the blasts gave him life long problem of ringing ears which would happen without any reason and all of a sudden he would be going nuts.