Phil Gould sticks up for the dogs - what's going on!!!

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WiLLiE's GaL

Shrek Is King's Queen
Nov 29, 2004
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Million-dollar kid could expose farce corroding game
By Phil Gould
February 13, 2005
The Sun-Herald

I was recently asked, if I could sign one player in the game today, who would it be and how much would I pay him? I replied Sonny Bill Williams and he is worth $1 million a season.

Obviously, no one can pay Sonny Bill $1m a year. But that is what he is worth. I have no doubts that this great young player would provide value for his club and for rugby league at that figure.

But the most money any responsible NRL club could pay him under the salary cap is about $300,000 a year if it wants to retain other quality players and ensure the club has the depth and talent to be successful for years to come.

If any club, including the Bulldogs, signs him and puts up $300,000 as his contract amount, it will have to live with the rumours and jibes that it is paying him under the table.

Williams is the hottest property in the game today. But

he is the latest in a long list of top-line players now finding how restrictive and unreasonable the NRL salary cap system is.

Sonny Bill wants to stay with the Bulldogs but faces the very real prospect he may have to leave to earn his true contract value. Not only are the Bulldogs in danger of losing their star player, but rugby league may lose him to another code if someone doesn't change this farcical situation.

So, for the umpteenth time, let's talk about the salary cap. Why? Because although the salary cap laws continue to cause headaches, and although we keep highlighting the need for changes, the NRL continues to dance around the issue.

This affects the players and the fans, and these are the most important people in our game.

In recent years we have seen players retire, forced to move clubs (some interstate), move to England or go to rugby union, simply because salary cap imbalances have forced the issue.

To highlight how ridiculous the salary cap laws have become, let's look at a situation involving Sonny Bill, who recently featured in a TV commercial promoting a sports drink. He was one of several star athletes in the ad.

Because this sports drink was produced by a particular drinks company, and this company also happened to be a sponsor of the Bulldogs, the NRL salary cap auditors have ordered all money earned from the ad should be included in the Bulldogs' salary cap.

Williams and the Bulldogs are not the first to be disadvantaged by this ridiculous interpretation of the rules, which virtually says that such endorsements are always a scheme to get around the salary cap.

I hope the Bulldogs are strongly challenging the interpretation. But don't you find this ridiculous?

Why wouldn't we want sponsors using our players in TV commercials? It is free advertising for the game. Other codes welcome the exposure without the ramifications.

The NRL should welcome it, no, wait a minute . . . the NRL should be encouraging it, no, wait another minute . . . the NRL should be selling this idea to potential sponsors and advertisers.

I argue time and time again that players such as Sonny Bill, Andrew Johns, Darren Lockyer, Craig Wing etc are entitled to earn as much money outside the salary cap as they can without it affecting the club's salary cap and other players.

I also argue that if a club finds a talented youngster like Sonny Bill and brings him along in junior grades to the point where he becomes an international and helps his club win premierships, the club should never be put in a position whereby it can't afford to keep him without having to let other players go to make up the dollars.

I have argued the same way for the Broncos and Lote Tuqiri, the Knights and Andrew Johns, the Cowboys and Matt Bowen. The list is endless.

If clubs are forced to put every cent earned by the top players into the salary cap it reduces the wage pool available for all other players.

At this point, let's ignore the Bulldogs' salary cap drama from a few seasons ago because many will argue that perhaps their strength was unfairly gained. I do not subscribe to that theory. I think their success has had more to do with the development of talent rather than the overinflated payments some of them were receiving.

But the Bulldogs are now in the same situation faced by grand finalists of the past, such as the Knights, Dragons, Eels, Storm, Panthers and Roosters. Just because their team is highly successful, their players become more valuable and the rules of our game say they must lose players.

The success of a team should not affect the ability of the team to retain the players who have helped it to achieve that success and with whom the fans of that club now have a special bond.

The success of a team and the money it pays its stars should affect the scope of the successful club to buy good players from other clubs below them on the ladder, until such times as the successful club reduces its spending to within set limits.

For example, the Bulldogs could re-sign all their players but should not be allowed to buy someone like Andrew Ryan from the Eels. The Broncos should be allowed to keep a Tuqiri but not buy a Scott Prince from the Cowboys. And before you say what about my club - the Roosters - yep, I agree. The Roosters should not be allowed to buy a player like Joel Monaghan from the Raiders but should not have had to lose Bryan Fletcher, Shannon Hegarty, Peter Cusack, Brett Mullins, Simon Bonetti, David Kidwell, Chad Robinson etc because of salary cap restrictions.

But this is the system under which we live.

The top clubs are penalised for developing a player from junior ranks to international stardom. They have to get rid of their top players, so to replace them they buy the top players from the struggling clubs. How does that help the game?

Players such as Willie Mason, Braith Anasta and Williams are Bulldogs through and through and the club should not be restricted in retaining them because of a salary cap. The penalty for success should be that the Dogs cannot buy players from other clubs until they get their payments back under the set salary cap amount.

This will help the lower clubs and it keeps Bulldogs fans happy. Everyone wins.


so what does everyone think about gould's article...was he high when he wrote it?


Oct 6, 2003
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I saw him say a similar thing on the news last night. I reckon he only wants to do it so the roosters cap will be increased so they can sign new players and possibly sonny. He wouldnt just do it for us theres something he wants in return trust me


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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Maybe after 16 years he realises what a great club he left behind and is a born again christian???


Kennel Participant
Mar 7, 2004
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there is always a hidden agenda with that bloke. it is no wonder that he is on the outer with NRL hierarchy.


he is using the dogs to push his salary cap issues..what better way to do that then use the hottest property on the market... sonyn bill..

can i add yes i was right about gatorade sponsoring the doggies! :D


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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he brings up good points, but the salary cap should remain how it is, except maybe for excemptions for long service.
The whole point of the salary cap is too give all the teams an even playing field, even though it gets frustrating to see bulldogs production line talent being taken away from the club.

Chris Harding

Steam Powered Dog
Premium Member
Mar 1, 2004
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*Bulldogs~Babe* said:
I saw him say a similar thing on the news last night. I reckon he only wants to do it so the roosters cap will be increased so they can sign new players and possibly sonny. He wouldnt just do it for us theres something he wants in return trust me
Actually, B~B, I think he has a point. Like you, I was looking for the hidden agenda, but he is actually saying that we should be exempted to pay all our stars what they want to stay with the Bulldogs and only have the cap applied should we try to buy in stars from other clubs.

Under his idea, other clubs would not be able to buy Willy or Sonny Bill unless they were under the cap, but we could pay top dollar to keep them.

This stops the transfer of talent from clubs that have developed their stars and encourages investment in young talent without the threat of poaching.


It sounds like a good idea on the surface.

But when you look at it in more depth it gets ridiculous.

All the rich clubs with great scouting systems (dogs love their kiwis, roosters love their QLDers) will end up being absolute super powers. The poor clubs will have all their junior poached before they reach grade football, then the rich club will be able to pay them as much as they like if they are any good.


Staff member
Aug 24, 2003
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WiLLiE's GaL said:
but should not have had to lose Bryan Fletcher, Shannon Hegarty, Peter Cusack, Brett Mullins, Simon Bonetti, David Kidwell, Chad Robinson etc because of salary cap restrictions.
Maybe cos all of the players are **** was the real reason why you let them go Gus?


i think the system can be updated and fixed to make everyone happy... having said that I think the cap should be increased... soccer stars get paid millions, but league i know not as popular but alot more dangerous and damaging to the body should have its players being payed more money for what they do...


Double the cap and problems will be solved.........

Until some stupid club pays their star $1 million. Then all stars will want $1 million, then we'll be arguing that the cap shoul be increased again because we cant keep all our stars.

Its a catch 22. No matter how much clubs can pay, players will always want more


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 13, 2004
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gould has a point here...every year the premiers lose star players. if the problem is fixed now we will have a good salary cap system in the years to come. basically we would keep all of our players now, but we cant buy other players coming through other teams juniors. thats how it should work


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Oct 6, 2003
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He has quite a few good points, imo. I dont think any team should have to loose players because they cant afford to keep them under the cap. I like the idea of only having a cap apply for buying players from other clubs. I really dont like how clubs can bring players up through the junours and develop them, just to have another club come along and pay them more. Maybe still have some kind of a cap for players already in the team to stop clubs spensing millions on single players, but I dont think a club should be put in a situation where they cant afford to keep their star plyers because of the cap.

I understand that the cap is there too reduce the difference between clubs, but realistically, imo, there is still a huge difference between certain clubs, even with the cap.

Personally, I think sports people (especially in soccer, golf, tennis, etc) are paid too much. However in saying this, the amount NRL players are paid is jack all compared to these other sports. Why is the cap so strict?!

les norton

Kennel Participant
Oct 6, 2003
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Gus is pushing sonny's barrow to suit his own agenda's.I wonder if he was at a cash strapped club would he be calling for a salary cap increase?


Kennel Participant
Oct 6, 2003
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if they do scrape the salary cap then its gonna be a one sided affair.... the rich clubs are gonna get richer and the poor clubs are gonna get poorer.


Jados Boutros
Feb 26, 2004
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We are getting close to Marquee players here. If the cap rises then players will get paid huge amounts.
But Bee Sting does have a soft spot somewhere in that lost soul of his. He did coach a Premiership winning side in his first year at the Dogs. Maybe he wants to come home........
Bad luck Bee Sting, I don't think you're welcome!


Mar 3, 2004
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*Bulldogs~Babe* said:
I saw him say a similar thing on the news last night. I reckon he only wants to do it so the roosters cap will be increased so they can sign new players and possibly sonny. He wouldnt just do it for us theres something he wants in return trust me
Obvioulsy you didnt read this article properly, what you have said is not what was suggested by Gould....maybe you should go and read the end of the article again.

And, no I am not a Gould fan, I think the guy has too many fingers in too many pies, he's the Eddie FKN McGuire of Sydney...


Danish said:
Double the cap and problems will be solved.........

Until some stupid club pays their star $1 million. Then all stars will want $1 million, then we'll be arguing that the cap shoul be increased again because we cant keep all our stars.

Its a catch 22. No matter how much clubs can pay, players will always want more

If you double the cap, all the stars will be at Canterbury, Roosters, Broncos and Penrith.


Kennel Enthusiast
Dec 22, 2004
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Tha DoggFather said:
If you double the cap, all the stars will be at Canterbury, Roosters, Broncos and Penrith.
As opposed too...

I am yet to see a big name player go to a bad team, if someone says Brent Kite or Ben Kennedy i'll :flamethro, players want to win because that is when they get endorsments and that is where the real money is.
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