Chris Harding
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  • Hi Chris
    Most be liked my covid post. Was there anything particular you got angry about
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    Chris Harding
    Chris Harding
    Hi Russell, I wasn't angry with your post, but with the situation. I was sharing your frustration that we need someone to put a bit of energy and commitment into the players.

    I've often wondered whether the angry emoji is supposed to reflect how I feel about the situation or the person posting. I guess I've used it incorrectly.
    The use of the emoji and others are not overly descriptive. I think they probably could be revamped like our backline and what the hell, our pack as well !
    god.if he cant be found i just dont know we need someone that can get stuck rite into these players a tim sheens kind of coach would be great for our club. smart and brutel"
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