Opinion Facebook deletion

south of heaven

Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Mar 6, 2014
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I've found a remarkably high positive correlation between use of FB and depression/anxiety/stress symptomology. My advice for anyone who wants less of those things in their lives is to get off FB, straight away, don't look back.
2 of our kids have it held out for a long time they are old enough but they never grew up with it so they very rarely use it , or use it for its intended purpose .my fucking mother on the other hand


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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I've found a remarkably high positive correlation between use of FB and depression/anxiety/stress symptomology. My advice for anyone who wants less of those things in their lives is to get off FB, straight away, don't look back.
Is that of any age group tho Psycho?

If you don't get caught up in the "glamour" "trolling" "bullying" "self image" aspects couldn't it be beneficial for some.

Older folk find it helpful to be instantly involved in family goings on? and far more involved with younger members bc they wont visit or ring?


Kennel Legend
Mar 9, 2014
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Don't like a discussion in your local commumity page? Unfollow it.
You lost me at discussion with local community.. :tearsofjoy: I deleted my account years ago when a mate of mine oversees called me to ask what I was doing at a particular resturant, because the people we were out with had taken photos and posted where, who and even what we were eating ffs..

I might be old fashioned but I am not a fan of telling every fucker every detail of my life, also its handy tool for a burglar. Its feels like one big "LOOK at me trip" Fuck facebook.


Kennel Enthusiast
Premium Member
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Jun 11, 2019
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Seems like the consensus is overall positive , kind of just felt like a lot nonsense and not required

Psycho Doggie

Kennel Immortal
Mar 25, 2014
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Is that of any age group tho Psycho?

If you don't get caught up in the "glamour" "trolling" "bullying" "self image" aspects couldn't it be beneficial for some.

Older folk find it helpful to be instantly involved in family goings on? and far more involved with younger members bc they wont visit or ring?
The issues are tilted towards the younger generations, certainly. Having said that, I've seen plenty of people 60+ who were experiencing unnecessary issues that appeared to be correlate to their heavy FB use.

FB distorts reality, even between people who supposedly have a reasonable knowledge of each other. At another level FB is designed to mess with your dopamine reward system, and is therefore addictive, regardless of the innocence or otherwise of what is being shared. At still another level there is some serious meta-ethical questions with the whole operation of FB. Personally I discourage all of my older relatives from using it and phone/visit them instead.

I'd raise the question, where have we gotten to as wider family groups if we are dependent on FB for interaction? FB has only been around for 10 years or so. What did humanity do for the thousands of years before this?


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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You lost me at discussion with local community.. :tearsofjoy: I deleted my account years ago when a mate of mine oversees called me to ask what I was doing at a particular resturant, because the people we were out with had taken photos and posted where, who and even what we were eating ffs..

I might be old fashioned but I am not a fan of telling every fucker every detail of my life, also its handy tool for a burglar. Its feels like one big "LOOK at me trip" Fuck facebook.
If you're not a fan of telling every fucker every detail of your life, you don't have to though.


Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 30, 2014
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Was down at snapper Rocks yesterday with the kids and literally watch a bloke walk out to the edge of the rocks, take his shirt off, put some water in his hair and then put his phone up in front of his face and do 360 - I assume he was doing a face book post or something.

Funny thing is he put his shirt back on and walked off - didn't even go for a swim. Yet his face book friends would be in envy of his day at the beach :tearsofjoy:


Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 30, 2014
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Getting tagged in without you knowing can be bloody annoying
Years ago, I was looking for a new job and didn't want my employer to know.... sure enough my wife starts tagging me in posts for for jibs going in the area


Mar 26, 2012
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You lost me at discussion with local community.. :tearsofjoy: I deleted my account years ago when a mate of mine oversees called me to ask what I was doing at a particular resturant, because the people we were out with had taken photos and posted where, Who and even what we were eating ffs..
I don’t know if I’d ring you or the police at that point but I would be curious as to who you were eating. Boom tish


Mar 26, 2012
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I believe it’s a tool for vein women to polish their ego’s.
It’s not even that I mean I know my missus doesn’t fall for the really obvious duck lip million dollar hand bag hired apartments to look rich shit but it is a way to brag and show a certain side of your life which is mostly not real and it gets to people. So humble example yeah it’s about that time in life we will start thinking of kids but all these perfect mums post all these perfect shots on a beach eating cheese and drinking wine with a happy smiling perfect baby when really the stress that it took that perfect mummy to get that shot was so tiring that after the bloke cracked it after the 350th shot and the baby needed changing and started wailing because she was tired and hungry and the sun wasn’t in the right place and it started getting really windy and cheese actually was off once she looked at the packet yeah that’s the stuff I feel my missus falls for which shits me #day out with my little tribe…

People just post shit to make their friends feel bad about themselves - N4TE 2021

Anyone has my permission to quote my quote.