DAZN has bought Foxtel


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
analysts in this article have suggested this price is high
Blah blah blah. As stated yesterday - a shrewd deal. Yet here’s you flailng trying to make it look like a desperate fire sale whilst calling others ‘idiots’ :tearsofjoy:.

I’d hope for any shareholders you’re never in charge of any asset sale :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:. #AnotherZilFail


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
what has their independent valuations and negotiations got to do with the final announcement of the purchase, even the announcement to the media of how much the deal is worth is something separate that can be negotiated
Are you seriously suggesting that the Foxtel Directors lied in an official statement to their shareholders? That's fraud and directors go to jail for that.

Team First


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Are you seriously suggesting that the Foxtel Directors lied in an official statement to their shareholders? That's fraud and directors go to jail for that.

Team First
are you seriously suggesting that the directors would never do anything illegal?, this is just a swap of ownership and valuing their respective companies, its not like they are lying about how much money is changing hands

i also think they are doing cocaine, do you have a problem with that too?

"cocaine is illegal and they would never ever do that"


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
lol am i seriously suggesting the directors lied in an official statement to their shareholders

i think in every statement they make they are misleading shareholders, otherwise they would put straight on the front page in big letters that the company is losing money and is in big trouble instead of hiding it in the balance sheet and calling it a temporary increase in debt


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
go to every company that has gone bankrupt, if in their last quarterly the director didn't write in big capitals letters "WE ARE FUCKED, DONT BUY THESE SHARES" then that company has lied in an official statement

Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
Staff member
May 7, 2011
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Are you seriously suggesting that the Foxtel Directors lied in an official statement to their shareholders? That's fraud and directors go to jail for that.

Team First
Yep. Companies do lie to investors, but it's so illegal that it's ridiculously hard to get away with during a sale or merger. At that stage the government entities go through everything with a fine tooth comb. If they find something, they get to fine the company and bring in more money for the government.

But on another note, pro-tip from someone who wasted way too much time on the nutjob. Rodzilla has these firm beliefs that are the polar opposite of reality. You could provide 100% irrefutable evidence that he's wrong and he will refuse to accept the truth. He'll do the opposite. Because you showed that he's wrong, he will dig in then he'll spend every chance he gets to call you an idiot because you don't adhere to his crazy beliefs.

Best to ignore people like him.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Yep. Companies do lie to investors, but it's so illegal that it's ridiculously hard to get away with during a sale or merger. At that stage the government entities go through everything with a fine tooth comb. If they find something, they get to fine the company and bring in more money for the government.

But on another note, pro-tip from someone who wasted way too much time on the nutjob. Rodzilla has these firm beliefs that are the polar opposite of reality. You could provide 100% irrefutable evidence that he's wrong and he will refuse to accept the truth. He'll do the opposite. Because you showed that he's wrong, he will dig in then he'll spend every chance he gets to call you an idiot because you don't adhere to his crazy beliefs.

Best to ignore people like him.
lol i really don't think anybody here apart from me grasps this concept properly ffs

this is a share swap with a private company and an asset of another company, both these things have no benchmark market value, so what are the government going to be looking for with a fine tooth comb? are they going to argue that these subjective valuations are wrong?

and once everyone has agreed then it is mutually beneficial to claim a higher valuation of the acquiring shares, since everybody involved is going to be owning some of those shares, private companies can be judged by how much someone paid for a share in it, so this is like choosing how much the company is worth


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
btw you are talking about yourself when still believing in something despite 100% irrefutable evidence

for example the kristian andersen slack messages have been produced, he put it all down in writing, he still believed covid was engineered while writing proximal origins paper, a journalist was asking him questions about it, he said the journalist was spot on yet deceived the journalist

you are the one who still must somehow believe that he was being an honest scientist and his proximal origin paper still stands up


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
Only @Rodzilla can turn any thread back into a Covid conspiracy, especially after steering the current topic down Looney Boulevard with zero evidence of what he says he’s ‘right’ about: Churches/Religion, Horse Racing and now the sale of Foxtel! :tearsofjoy:

He reminds me of Spacey in Seven:





The rest of TK :-):


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Only @Rodzilla can turn any thread back into a Covid conspiracy, especially after steering the current topic down Looney Boulevard with zero evidence of what he says he’s ‘right’ about: Churches/Religion, Horse Racing and now the sale of Foxtel! :tearsofjoy:

He reminds me of Spacey in Seven:
View attachment 127090
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The rest of TK :-):
View attachment 127095
don't forget to include me being right about netflix as well, you sold your shares and claimed they were in trouble

i knew at the time you were being dumb and yes the stock soared


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
don't forget to include me being right about netflix as well, you sold your shares and claimed they were in trouble

i knew at the time you were being dumb and yes the stock soared
Why would anyone agree to you being right?
I never said Netflix were in trouble.
You’ve invented absurd conclusions about the Foxtel transaction you have zero evidence of.
But this from someone who believes double guilded TK members have special post editing privileges and the definition of ‘they’ is a ‘higher power’ and evidence can be garnered from ‘YouTube Commenters’ :tearsofjoy:.

In your shoes i’d tone down the righteousness a tad :-)


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Why would anyone agree to you being right?
I never said Netflix were in trouble.
You’ve invented absurd conclusions about the Foxtel transaction you have zero evidence of.
But this from someone who believes double guilded TK members have special post editing privileges and the definition of ‘they’ is a ‘higher power’ and evidence can be garnered from ‘YouTube Commenters’ :tearsofjoy:.

In your shoes i’d tone down the righteousness a tad :-)
you said netflix couldn't grow anymore, that they were burning cash and wouldn't sustain it

thats why you sold your netflix shares lol, so you forgot that you sold netflix shares now you forgot why you sold netflix shares ffs, i know you are getting really old but try to remember


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
you said netflix couldn't grow anymore, that they were burning cash and wouldn't sustain it

thats why you sold your netflix shares lol, so you forgot that you sold netflix shares now you forgot why you sold netflix shares ffs, i know you are getting really old but try to remember
Nope, wrong again.

I bought NFLX under $100 and sold them above $500 - a healthy profit that was used to fund other investments. Just because you choose not to believe that that’s on you and no-one else.

Yes, I said Netflix had ongoing growth struggles and that view is still shared:
To their credit they pivoted pretty well introducing ad supported subscriptions but just as I said in the past, they can’t simply keep raising prices in the face of rising competition and as they pursue sport and other more expensive content. I never once said they were ‘in trouble’ nor was that the reason I sold my shares.

Try to keep up. Try not to invent garbage regarding the Foxtel sale you have zero evidence of and can never prove. You have so little credibility as it is, it might be best to try to retain any crumbs that are left :-).


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Nope, wrong again.

I bought NFLX under $100 and sold them above $500 - a healthy profit that was used to fund other investments. Just because you choose not to believe that that’s on you and no-one else.

Yes, I said Netflix had ongoing growth struggles and that view is still shared:
To their credit they pivoted pretty well introducing ad supported subscriptions but just as I said in the past, they can’t simply keep raising prices in the face of rising competition and as they pursue sport and other more expensive content. I never once said they were ‘in trouble’ nor was that the reason I sold my shares.

Try to keep up. Try not to invent garbage regarding the Foxtel sale you have zero evidence of and can never prove. You have so little credibility as it is, it might be best to try to retain any crumbs that are left :-).
oh so from announcing that you sold netflix stock before deleting it, then not remembering that you sold netflix stock, now you remember the price you sold it and everything

actually your post said that is exactly why you sold your shares ffs

"Nor have I said Netflix is dying - just that they burn cash like no tomorrow and what options do they have to raise their profits?
Price rise ain't one - too much competition. Content costs a fortune to make - ask Hollywood - who they alienated and made competitors out of.
It's why I sold NFLX shares two years ago. "

why would i choose to believe you when you lie your ass off like this


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
the problem with lying is you have to remember everything you lied about so that you can keep your story straight, dinkum dog doesn't do this


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
oh so from announcing that you sold netflix stock before deleting it, then not remembering that you sold netflix stock, now you remember the price you sold it and everything

actually your post said that is exactly why you sold your shares ffs

"Nor have I said Netflix is dying - just that they burn cash like no tomorrow and what options do they have to raise their profits?
Price rise ain't one - too much competition. Content costs a fortune to make - ask Hollywood - who they alienated and made competitors out of.
It's why I sold NFLX shares two years ago. "

why would i choose to believe you when you lie your ass off like this
Baaaaahaaaaa - you’re still so filthy about being wrong about post editing which led to the mother of all hissy fits and 3 month TK holiday - allegedly to a support group who also told you to Foxtrot Oscar due to your looney beliefs that now you have to pivot back to something else? You’re a special breed Zil.

I actually happened to look up the transactions - that’s how I know the buy/sell prices - zero to do with ‘remembering’ anything. But fabricate more.

Lie ass off? My post above clearly says ‘Nor have I said they are dying’ yet you’ve repeatedly posted that I said they were ‘in trouble’. I never did, but I allegedly ‘lie’ when your lies are there for all to see - the latest being about the Foxtel sale. As stated, zero credibility.

Practice what you preach you goose :-).


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Dinkum Dog in Aug 2024

"Never owned it.
What nonsense will you post next?
Did I? Well if I did it was long ago and I forgot.
Certainly haven’t owned it in recent years.
I don’t manage my portfolio so whatevs."

Dinkum Dog in Dec 2024

"Nope, wrong again.

I bought NFLX under $100 and sold them above $500 - a healthy profit that was used to fund other investments. Just because you choose not to believe that that’s on you and no-one else.

I never once said they were ‘in trouble’ nor was that the reason I sold my shares. "

thats quite a memory you have, it goes in and out, from not remembering anything to remembering everything including your reasons for selling


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
Reaction score
Ah yes, and the lizard is the bastion of truth.
Except he just lied about the Foxtel sale inventing things about valuations he has zero evidence of and can never prove. Zero cred, angry man :-).