Religious Discussion Thread


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2019
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Greek Orthodox Church took tens of millions in rent from aged care home at centre of deadliest COVID outbreak - ABC News

A group of taxpayer-funded aged care homes funnelled $31 million back into the coffers of one of Australia's largest churches, an ABC investigation has found.

The homes include St Basil's in Melbourne, where 45 residents died in Australia's deadliest COVID outbreak.

In the past eight years, St Basil's paid more than $22 million in rent and fees to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese while receiving federal government funding.

A commercial real estate agent told Background Briefing this was double the rental market rate.

Towards the end of that period, the church was funding the lavish lifestyle of its newly appointed Archbishop, including the purchase of a $6.5 million Sydney apartment with harbour views.

Archbishop Makarios, who oversees the church's schools, parishes and aged care homes, arrived on Australia's shores in the middle of 2019 to much fanfare.

He was swamped by thousands at his enthronement in Sydney and photographed meeting the Prime Minister along with other political and business leaders.

"Until the end of my life, I belong to Australia," he declared, choking back tears.

But as he toured the country in his first months in charge, some in the church noted his lifestyle seemed excessive for a man who had taken a vow of poverty.

He was arriving at parishes in a black Holden Caprice with dark tinted windows, a flag and a personalised number plate ordered just for him: ARCHBM.

His ceremonial gowns of luxurious silks and wool in vivid hues, embroidered with gold thread, cost up to $30,000 each, according to sources linked to the church.

They were a stark departure from the conservative black cotton garments worn by his predecessor, the late Archbishop Stylianos.

Then in December 2019, the church bought him a new official residence in Millers Point, a luxurious apartment with sweeping views of Sydney Harbour and the Opera House.

It provoked outrage among the faithful, so in mid-2020 the Archdiocese issued a statement denying the Archbishop was living in the apartment.

But Background Briefing has observed Archbishop Makarios's Caprice entering and leaving the apartment complex.

The Archdiocese has now confirmed he moved in earlier this year.

Sources say before he moved in, a $3 million renovation was carried out.

The church said the renovation was paid for by a private donor.

The Archdiocese dismissed questions about the Archbishop's lifestyle as "discourteous and ill-founded", but concerns persist that funds from the Greek Orthodox Church's aged care homes are helping to pay for it.

Background Briefing has uncovered an extensive network of residential and commercial properties around Australia owned by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese and overseen by the Archbishop.

But assets don't equal liquid cash.

The Archdiocese also owns 15 aged care homes dotted around Victoria, New South Wales, Western Australia, Queensland and South Australia, which receive aged care funding from the federal government.

Some of the church's aged care homes are passing money directly back to the church, with a total of $31 million transferred in the past eight years, often while homes are posting operating losses.

And you know what will happen...nothing! Just like the catholic church got away with raping children for decades, this church will get away with profiting off old people dying. They will never be required to repay what they ripped off.

The only good thing about these stories is they shed light on the real morals and ethics of churches and that is money, making it wherever and however possible regardless of the suffering it causes.

Psycho Doggie

Kennel Immortal
Mar 25, 2014
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There needs to be criteria that officially differentiates faith-based organisations from religion corporations. In the former, it should be easy to see that money is a means to an ends, a necessary component of doing whatever activities the organisation seeks to do, but secondary to those activities. The latter is, as in the above example, essentially a profit making organisation, therefore a corporation, and should be subject to taxes etc.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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Small thing and not to that scale but....

I volunteer at an aged care home..unpaid office manager really :grinning:

We have several old, very sick resi's whose family wont buy them clothes OR pay for cost of their medicines :(

The staff were telling me they were going to 2nd hand stores, at their own expense, to buy this one particular old guy some trackpants. He is incontinent and blind and 2 pairs isnt enough. Daughter doesn't visit or ring and refuses to pay for items for him.

So I said I'd go around at all the outlets to find something for him. Had on my uniform and explained the situation to them all.

The Disability charity was wonderful. Gave me Pj's, clothes anything I thought he'd need and just said they were very happy to help and no cost.

Had some luck with a few of the others ..half price, will hold appropriate items for collection etc but...the biggest Charity shop (warehouse size), run by the biggest church in the World, would only take $4 off the trackies. I paid but I thought...last time I'm donating to them.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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lol unsurprising. I suppose if they spent the money stolen from people dying on a giant useless statue you'd be impressed.
You attack any Christian-based organisation at any chance you get, so much so that anything you post now about it has lost meaning.

Also, if you're having a go at a giant statue, then you might as well have a go at every single Christian-based ornament made while you're at it, because hey, the money spent making those objects could be spent feeding the homeless :tonguewink::tonguewink::tonguewink:


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 3, 2019
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You attack any Christian-based organisation at any chance you get, so much so that anything you post now about it has lost meaning.
All religions are equal in my eyes. All I do is point out the lies, hypocrisy, corruption, greed and the lack of morals and ethics all religions have including yours. You can chose to wilfully ignore those aspects, but that says more about you than it does about me.

Also, if you're having a go at a giant statue, then you might as well have a go at every single Christian-based ornament made while you're at it, because hey, the money spent making those objects could be spent feeding the homeless :tonguewink::tonguewink::tonguewink:
So you can learn, there is hope for you yet.

south of heaven

Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Mar 6, 2014
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Is this the new go to now when ever you need to question something?

Would make for a good slogan on a t-shirt.
Lol yep already used it a work up on wet roof thinking what would concrete Jesus do, he was telling me to get down and have a whiskey.
Not one to upset concrete Jesus I complied.

Typical dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2017
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TBF how else are they going to come up with the hush money needed to keep their victims silent.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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All religions are equal in my eyes. All I do is point out the lies, hypocrisy, corruption, greed and the lack of morals and ethics all religions have including yours. You can chose to wilfully ignore those aspects, but that says more about you than it does about me.

So you can learn, there is hope for you yet.
Wouldn't you feel more at home here:


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 24, 2010
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Humanity over time has ruined all religion..........