The things that 'grind your gears' thread...


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
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If anyone knows a hitman that will safely remove someone's tongue or vocal chords please pm me with contact details.

I'm basically living with a permanent version of gogglebox going 9 feet away from my room. But it's an a.gry version that has no sense if humour or humility.

My housemate gets up at about 11 O clock. Makes a cup of tea then proceeds to yell at the tv or his I pad for about 12 to 13 hours a day. 5 fucking years this has been going on. Been off work for three months so it's just about driven me fucking nuts without mf being away for 9 hours a day.

I've got music going loud enough to be giving me a headache (a different sort than his monotonous fucking yelling gives me) and he's just gotten louder. FFS. Wouldn't be as annoying as it is if he didn't think he was a fucking genious. I've stayed here because the dogs shit scared of his yelling. Took a year of me living here before the dog was able to stop hiding under the bed while he yells. So I either steal the dog and move, remove his tongue/vocal chords or do something extreme.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
If anyone knows a hitman that will safely remove someone's tongue or vocal chords please pm me with contact details.

I'm basically living with a permanent version of gogglebox going 9 feet away from my room. But it's an a.gry version that has no sense if humour or humility.

My housemate gets up at about 11 O clock. Makes a cup of tea then proceeds to yell at the tv or his I pad for about 12 to 13 hours a day. 5 fucking years this has been going on. Been off work for three months so it's just about driven me fucking nuts without mf being away for 9 hours a day.

I've got music going loud enough to be giving me a headache (a different sort than his monotonous fucking yelling gives me) and he's just gotten louder. FFS. Wouldn't be as annoying as it is if he didn't think he was a fucking genious. I've stayed here because the dogs shit scared of his yelling. Took a year of me living here before the dog was able to stop hiding under the bed while he yells. So I either steal the dog and move, remove his tongue/vocal chords or do something extreme.
I know it is extreme, yet have you tried talking to him?
Mention it scares the dog, most humans are more compassionate towards animals than fellow humans.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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If anyone knows a hitman that will safely remove someone's tongue or vocal chords please pm me with contact details.

I'm basically living with a permanent version of gogglebox going 9 feet away from my room. But it's an a.gry version that has no sense if humour or humility.

My housemate gets up at about 11 O clock. Makes a cup of tea then proceeds to yell at the tv or his I pad for about 12 to 13 hours a day. 5 fucking years this has been going on. Been off work for three months so it's just about driven me fucking nuts without mf being away for 9 hours a day.

I've got music going loud enough to be giving me a headache (a different sort than his monotonous fucking yelling gives me) and he's just gotten louder. FFS. Wouldn't be as annoying as it is if he didn't think he was a fucking genious. I've stayed here because the dogs shit scared of his yelling. Took a year of me living here before the dog was able to stop hiding under the bed while he yells. So I either steal the dog and move, remove his tongue/vocal chords or do something extreme.
Tell him your bro Assassin hasn't met his monthly quota and I'm on speed dial.


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
If anyone knows a hitman that will safely remove someone's tongue or vocal chords please pm me with contact details.

I'm basically living with a permanent version of gogglebox going 9 feet away from my room. But it's an a.gry version that has no sense if humour or humility.

My housemate gets up at about 11 O clock. Makes a cup of tea then proceeds to yell at the tv or his I pad for about 12 to 13 hours a day. 5 fucking years this has been going on. Been off work for three months so it's just about driven me fucking nuts without mf being away for 9 hours a day.

I've got music going loud enough to be giving me a headache (a different sort than his monotonous fucking yelling gives me) and he's just gotten louder. FFS. Wouldn't be as annoying as it is if he didn't think he was a fucking genious. I've stayed here because the dogs shit scared of his yelling. Took a year of me living here before the dog was able to stop hiding under the bed while he yells. So I either steal the dog and move, remove his tongue/vocal chords or do something extreme.
Noise cancelling headphones, they work a treat. As well as blocking out unwanted noise you can listen to TV, iPad etc or talk on the phone at the same time.

Team First

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Comes a time in everyones life when they have to fight, put one on his chin and lay down the rules.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
I know it is extreme, yet have you tried talking to him?
Mention it scares the dog, most humans are more compassionate towards animals than fellow humans.
More than once. Mostly from the perspective of he sulks that the dog barely comes near him anymore. Generally when I was getting home from work the dog would come zooming down to me at the door and he'd say it's the first time he's seen him today. I'll generally ask if he's been yelling at the TV. He says he's put up with it since he got him. He knows what the issue is but doesn't give a shit. He's not a nasty person. Just generally thinks his opinion trumps all others, he has worked for 6 months of the 21 years I've known him (basically because my sister has a 22yo child to him from a fling). I wasn't planning to live here more than a few months. My last place was getting renovated and I got moved out for that. But I knew three days after I moved in the dog is scared of him. The dog basically was my nieces dog until he stole it by degrees (it hated the big boisterous dogs at my sister's and slowly spent more time at his place until he decided to keep him which has never sat right with niece or sister who still love the dog too).

So basically a decent person in some ways, but a huge know it all with no life outside of yelling at the TV and not letting other people talk in conversation. It was mildly annoying having the constant shouting from 8pm-11pm when I was at work daily and the inability to let others talk. But as mentioned I've been off work for three months. It's now 11am to 11pm when he's exhausted himself that I've got angry gogglebox going 10 feet away 12 hours a day. I can't rinse a cup without getting instructions. And I'm pretty sure he feels hard done by that I don't stop to listen to him rant about shit daily. I'd give it 15 minutes until I went off work. Gradually just started walking through the loungeroom as I got frustrated with having about 1 sentence in 15 minutes of his rants (which for the record he only has 5 topics on a loop).

If the dog wasn't part of the equation I'd have moved out 4 years ago or would tomorrow. I honestly don't hate him. But I would seriously pay for vocal chord removal right now. I say that with 100% conviction.

Anyway. Just my rant. I'll have to sort something out. Basically hit a point yesterday where I decided I can't live like this. I even get sick of hearing him shout down visitors or people on the phone now. Just needed an outlet yesterday or I was going downstairs to swear at him.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Comes a time in everyones life when they have to fight, put one on his chin and lay down the rules.
Part of getting to this point was that I actually had a dream this week where I did just that. I've only thrown punches at three people since I was 13-14. One of those was me initiating it over someone talking shit about a girl I worked with when I had 10 scotches in my system. Meant to wind him and broke ribs. The other times were jumping in to defend mates once and I belted a sisters ex who gave her a black eye. I don't do unwarranted violence unless I'm in a rage.

I've broken my knuckle loads of times punching walls when they deserved it less than the people who pissed me off in the first place. Gonna have bad arthritis in my right hand due to that. My temper scares me. I'm not talking myself up but I can throw them hard enough that it ends the conversation. I just generally don't want to go that way. Dad was a bouncer for years and taught me enough to be dangerous. I did martial arts for 6 years to get my temper in check too. Been lucky not to have a record for the three times I've lost control of my temper and hit people in the last 30 or so years.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Part of getting to this point was that I actually had a dream this week where I did just that. I've only thrown punches at three people since I was 13-14. One of those was me initiating it over someone talking shit about a girl I worked with when I had 10 scotches in my system. Meant to wind him and broke ribs. The other times were jumping in to defend mates once and I belted a sisters ex who gave her a black eye. I don't do unwarranted violence unless I'm in a rage.

I've broken my knuckle loads of times punching walls when they deserved it less than the people who pissed me off in the first place. Gonna have bad arthritis in my right hand due to that. My temper scares me. I'm not talking myself up but I can throw them hard enough that it ends the conversation. I just generally don't want to go that way. Dad was a bouncer for years and taught me enough to be dangerous. I did martial arts for 6 years to get my temper in check too. Been lucky not to have a record for the three times I've lost control of my temper and hit people in the last 30 or so years.
Have you considered therapy?


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Have you considered therapy?
May not seem like it while I'm venting, but I'm pretty well adjusted, just losing tolerance with the situation I find myself in. Can't vent to anyone on the phone because he's never out of the fucking house. Briefly get to talk about it with my niece.

For further context, my niece and her daughter actually live between here and my sister's place and we've had these similar discussions about her dad and his perception that he's the eternal voice of wisdom. For her being a 20 something the main thing that pisses her off is that if she says she likes certain shows he'll explain for 20 minutes why her personal tastes are wrong (Friends or the big bang theory- too formulaic to be funny, they have to set up jokes. Her musical taste- nobody really likes that music, it's basically girls singing thoughts from their diaries, and they've only sold their music because they're fronts for drug dealers). I'm not exaggerating when I say he'll take 20 minutes explaining to you why something you enjoy is shit. And some his explanations just make you wonder what fucking world is he living in. And you can't just stop him by saying it's personal taste, stop trying to talk me out of enjoying what I enjoy or how sold out concerts and huge tv followings would imply that you are in the minority in thinking these things are shit. He really does think he's smart enough to convince you otherwise on matters of personal taste.

I've had two of my mates visit here in 5 years once or twice and they won't visit again because he bailed them up and spoke at them (as opposed to speaking to them, which would imply you get the chance to talk back). So I'm not alone in thinking as I do about him. Everyone that knows him has similar opinions on him. It's universal and I've been very fucking patient in staying here as long as I have. It's a mix of sympathy because he's a fucking lonely person and not wanting to leave the dog.

I think I said early on that he's got good qualities too. It was just easier to ignore the poor qualities before I lived here. I actually feel sorry for him in many ways. He's got no fucking life beyond yelling at the tv. He only really has a couple of old school friends that drop by occasionally and my room is attached to the loungeroom by a set of stairs. You can generally pick up on when he annoys his friends with his ranting because he's loud with it and they'll start excusing themselves when ever they get a word in. But it can take them half an hour to leave politely. His older brother died of cancer a couple of years back and his father passed away early last year. So sympathy and the dog kept me here when I was last making my exit strategy. I'm just hitting the point where I think I've completely lost patience with it. I've had issues keeping me from working and have some cabin fever too right now. So the sticking point is the dog and my own conscience. Don't want to leave the dog here. Don't really want to take him either since my housemates had grief to deal with. So I'm going through the conscience issues which is frustrating as hell. He's a lonely person and I don't think he actually knows why people avoid him. But within 5 minutes of speaking with most people he'll say shit that implies that you are stupid if your opinion is not his exact opinion. I can't sum it up better than that last sentence.

I think I'll leave it there on this discussion. I don't hate him as such. But if I stay much longer I think it's hitting a point where I will. The sympathy I had is getting smothered with the annoyance that he speaks to adults like they're morons. You have no idea how annoying it is getting instructions on everything from throwing a piece of fucking rubbish in the bin to why you should move from a job where you feel good about helping the elderly, to a council job because it's got good benefits. GET A FUCKING JOB YOURSELF BEFORE CRITICISING MY CHOICE OF WORK.

Think I'll stop venting here. I probably do need some counselling obviously not coping with it well now.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
May not seem like it while I'm venting, but I'm pretty well adjusted, just losing tolerance with the situation I find myself in. Can't vent to anyone on the phone because he's never out of the fucking house. Briefly get to talk about it with my niece.

For further context, my niece and her daughter actually live between here and my sister's place and we've had these similar discussions about her dad and his perception that he's the eternal voice of wisdom. For her being a 20 something the main thing that pisses her off is that if she says she likes certain shows he'll explain for 20 minutes why her personal tastes are wrong (Friends or the big bang theory- too formulaic to be funny, they have to set up jokes. Her musical taste- nobody really likes that music, it's basically girls singing thoughts from their diaries, and they've only sold their music because they're fronts for drug dealers). I'm not exaggerating when I say he'll take 20 minutes explaining to you why something you enjoy is shit. And some his explanations just make you wonder what fucking world is he living in. And you can't just stop him by saying it's personal taste, stop trying to talk me out of enjoying what I enjoy or how sold out concerts and huge tv followings would imply that you are in the minority in thinking these things are shit. He really does think he's smart enough to convince you otherwise on matters of personal taste.

I've had two of my mates visit here in 5 years once or twice and they won't visit again because he bailed them up and spoke at them (as opposed to speaking to them, which would imply you get the chance to talk back). So I'm not alone in thinking as I do about him. Everyone that knows him has similar opinions on him. It's universal and I've been very fucking patient in staying here as long as I have. It's a mix of sympathy because he's a fucking lonely person and not wanting to leave the dog.

I think I said early on that he's got good qualities too. It was just easier to ignore the poor qualities before I lived here. I actually feel sorry for him in many ways. He's got no fucking life beyond yelling at the tv. He only really has a couple of old school friends that drop by occasionally and my room is attached to the loungeroom by a set of stairs. You can generally pick up on when he annoys his friends with his ranting because he's loud with it and they'll start excusing themselves when ever they get a word in. But it can take them half an hour to leave politely. His older brother died of cancer a couple of years back and his father passed away early last year. So sympathy and the dog kept me here when I was last making my exit strategy. I'm just hitting the point where I think I've completely lost patience with it. I've had issues keeping me from working and have some cabin fever too right now. So the sticking point is the dog and my own conscience. Don't want to leave the dog here. Don't really want to take him either since my housemates had grief to deal with. So I'm going through the conscience issues which is frustrating as hell. He's a lonely person and I don't think he actually knows why people avoid him. But within 5 minutes of speaking with most people he'll say shit that implies that you are stupid if your opinion is not his exact opinion. I can't sum it up better than that last sentence.

I think I'll leave it there on this discussion. I don't hate him as such. But if I stay much longer I think it's hitting a point where I will. The sympathy I had is getting smothered with the annoyance that he speaks to adults like they're morons. You have no idea how annoying it is getting instructions on everything from throwing a piece of fucking rubbish in the bin to why you should move from a job where you feel good about helping the elderly, to a council job because it's got good benefits. GET A FUCKING JOB YOURSELF BEFORE CRITICISING MY CHOICE OF WORK.

Think I'll stop venting here. I probably do need some counselling obviously not coping with it well now.
I've a better understanding than most probably realise.
Taken years to get the guy that I know like this to even admit he can be wrong about something, without there beign a specific matter.
My suggestion of therapy was akin to couples therapy, yet obviously in the line of housemates therapy (not housemate syndrome).
You've my well wishes.

EDIT - typos
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Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
I've a better understanding than most probably realise.
Taken years to get the guy that I know like this to even admit he can be wrong about something, without there beign a specific matter.
My suggestion fo theray was akin to couples therapy, yet obviously in the line of housemates therapy (not housemate syndrome).
You've my well wishes.
Maybe I'll just type up a note on the issues and see if he learns to be a bit more respectful. He's virtually a brother in law if you disregard the fact that my sister wouldn't have anything to do with him if they didn't have a kid together. And for what it's worth I appreciate that I was thrown a lifeline when my last accommodation dried up. He's bought my sister a couple of cheap cars when hers crapped out over the years among other things. Just can't handle the angry gogglebox crap all day.

I know I'm going a bit stir crazy with just three months of not working. Can't imagine 20 plus years staring at shitty daytime tv would do much for keeping me balanced.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Maybe I'll just type up a note on the issues and see if he learns to be a bit more respectful. He's virtually a brother in law if you disregard the fact that my sister wouldn't have anything to do with him if they didn't have a kid together. And for what it's worth I appreciate that I was thrown a lifeline when my last accommodation dried up. He's bought my sister a couple of cheap cars when hers crapped out over the years among other things. Just can't handle the angry gogglebox crap all day.

I know I'm going a bit stir crazy with just three months of not working. Can't imagine 20 plus years staring at shitty daytime tv would do much for keeping me balanced.
Tried to get him outside and do something?
Bush walking?
Fishing would be ideal as he would have to STFU!
Even just a walking in a nature reserve or along a park with a body of water.
Try to get into a regular routine with him doing this.

Is one of the changes that assisted the guy that I know, to openly exhibit more compassion for those around him.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
Tried to get him outside and do something?
Bush walking?
Fishing would be ideal as he would have to STFU!
Even just a walking in a nature reserve or along a park with a body of water.
Try to get into a regular routine with him doing this.

Is one of the changes that assisted the guy that I know, to openly exhibit more compassion for those around him.
I'll pm you with my response to this. I think you have the impression we're a couple. Definitely not the case. But you seem genuinely concerned and I don't want to air my dirty laundry on here anymore.


Kennel Addict
Jul 7, 2023
Reaction score
In a nut shell Al sounds like he is treating you with contempt ( without regard) and in yr own way let him know how he is impacting on you. The dog well he can obviously sense it too, poor bugger cant escape it. I hope things improve for you Bro.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Stalkers who try and know everything you do, on the net , what you buy, what you look at, post, buy, passwords whatever they can be obsessed and make trouble with so I let them, sooner or later society will be sick of them and hopefully give it the dont know dont care.
People have their own lives, families, jobs and friends to focus on.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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Wankers who start shit in a thread then lock it.


BTW "Not aimed at anyone" - using the cowards words.
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Kennel Lizard Lord
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
Wankers who start shit in a thread then lock it.


BTW "Not aimed at anyone" - using the cowards words.
Gets funnier - we had the original thread that got doomed really quick because of where it could go. But only where it could go - it didn't get there. Then we had thread #2 - some of the stuff in that thread was way beyond thread #1 but it was allowed to keep going.

Then we had the bomb (no pun intended) that you referred to and when called out - bye bye thread.

Ya gotta laugh.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2013
Reaction score
Gets funnier - we had the original thread that got doomed really quick because of where it could go. But only where it could go - it didn't get there. Then we had thread #2 - some of the stuff in that thread was way beyond thread #1 but it was allowed to keep going.

Then we had the bomb (no pun intended) that you referred to and when called out - bye bye thread.

Ya gotta laugh.
Thank you, thank you, 2-0 so far ey, but as a quote by said fuckwit and sore loser "dirty terrorist" and "garbage" I do what I can in a civil manner