News Sex Offender Rolf Harris dead at 93


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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Actually I just had a check the Robert Hughes plaque at Circular Quay is actually for the author and art critic..not for the actor.. Unfortunately for the guy he has the same name as the pedophile actor.

View attachment 72294
Oh damn well we should just burn the peadophile one for real then?

I forgot there's 2 of them?
Either way the peado one got off too lightly.
He did jail time but as soon as he got released denounced his Aussie citizenship and ran back to peado HQ in London!


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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I used to live at Colyton.
I walked passed the corner of Gilmore and Shepherd St and there's a park adjacent to a home on the corner of those streets facing the park.

One time I walked passed and seen a man looking out his door with binoculars at a heap of kids playing at the park.

I thought wtf is happening here? But didn't want to jump to conclusions so let it go.

About 5 days later I walked by again roughly same time and this time he had a camcorder and appeared to be filming the kids.

I reported it to the police this time.
The cop tried not giving it away but he made it clear without directly saying it that the police were already aware of this guy.

The cop was probably a peadophile?
His attitude over the phone was like"why do you care? It's not that big of a deal".

He didn't say that, but he may as well of!

Gene Krupa

Kennel Legend
Jul 8, 2020
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What about Robert Hughes?
I loved watching hey dad as a kid.
More for all the cast except for Hughes.

Hey Dad started in 1987.
I would of been 3 or 4 years old.
I used to get the creeps watching Bob Hughes.
By the time I was 5 years old I concluded he wasn't a good person.

I could just tell even as a 5-6 year old boy that there was something off about him?
How right was I?
So true if you get a funny feeling in your gut, when you see someone creepy don't ignore it!

There's a plaque at circular quay to commemorate Robert Hughes.

People walk over his name daily like he's some sort of Aussie icon?
The nonce was born in U.K!

I am going to petition to city of Sydney to have it removed!
You do know it's a different Robert Hughes. :tearsofjoy:

Robert Hughes who wrote The Fatal Shore.



Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2021
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I used to live at Colyton.
I walked passed the corner of Gilmore and Shepherd St and there's a park adjacent to a home on the corner of those streets facing the park.

One time I walked passed and seen a man looking out his door with binoculars at a heap of kids playing at the park.

I thought wtf is happening here? But didn't want to jump to conclusions so let it go.

About 5 days later I walked by again roughly same time and this time he had a camcorder and appeared to be filming the kids.

I reported it to the police this time.
The cop tried not giving it away but he made it clear without directly saying it that the police were already aware of this guy.

The cop was probably a peadophile.
His attitude over the phone was like"why do you care? It's not that big if a deal".

He didn't say that but he may as well of!
This is where street justice comes in bro.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 18, 2008
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Sadly paedophiles get protected in even more sickening ways than the systematic ways people are suggesting. Often they are protected by family members such as wives, mothers, grandparents, cousins. Statistically peadophiles offend against people known to them, and far too often it's not reported. That's why stanger danger is no longer drummed into kids.. they are statistically more vulnerable in their own home.


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
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I know bro, sickenkng.
Trust me I really wanted to act when I seen him both times but I took a deep breath and reasoned with my conscience!

If it was a place like Russia I definitely would of acted and gave him hell!


Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Sadly paedophiles get protected in even more sickening ways than the systematic ways people are suggesting. Often they are protected by family members such as wives, mothers, grandparents, cousins. Statistically peadophiles offend against people known to them, and far too often it's not reported. That's why stanger danger is no longer drummed into kids.. they are statistically more vulnerable in their own home.
Oh yes this is another fact you have brought up.

The movie once were warriors depicts best how predators work.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2021
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Trust me I really wanted to act when I seen him both times but I took a deep breath and reasoned with my conscience!

If it was a place like Russia I definitely would of acted and gave him hell!
Guy I know is looking at 3 years for kidnapping and breaking the jaw of a pedo (ALLEGEDLY) that was fucking around with his younger cousin. No charges laid against him.
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Desball 4 life
Nov 29, 2004
Reaction score
Guy I know is looking at 3 years for kidnapping and breaking the jaw of a pedo that was fucking around with his younger cousin. No charges laid against him.
He's got a good lawyer?

These pieces of shit practice black magic that's what gives them the power and protection to get away with their demented ways!

Btw magic doesn't work the way it's depicted in Hollyweird!