Mundine encourages players to strike

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Kennel Addict
Apr 25, 2005
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NRL players get paid overs as it is.

They train for a few hours a day, and play one game for an hour and a half on the weekend, do a bit for the community here and there, and they expect to get paid like celebrities? FMD. What you do doesn't even contribute to ANYTHING. You only provide entertainment. That's all you are, entertainment. Your profession is good for nothing else. You're not helping people, you're not providing a service - you're just running around a park for 90mins in short shorts with a few other blokes. But you want more money? Reputable teachers earn close to your MINIMUM wage, and how much more do they contribute to society?

And to the people who will say "Yeah, but their career only goes for 15yrs", what, they can't go out and study like a normal person? You say it as if they have to live off their savings for the rest of their lives. People change careers all the time, and they were earning a hell of a lot less than these half-wits for starters.

No, they get paid good money, and can set themselves up quite easily for life after football. If they wanted to remain in the sports industry, they could simply take a couple of years to study, and get into the workforce. Their names will open doors for them - it's the nature of the business. Hell, they might not even have to study.

I say the NRL should let these crying little whingers walk if they want to. The game should not bend over backwards to keep 1 or 2 players each season. F*ck em.
its like you took the words right out of my mouth!

strongly agree with you! They should be made to work like regular people

Bulldog Baxter

New Pup
Jun 3, 2010
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The only thing we need to strike is a match on his head after we pour petrol on it!! FOOL!!


Father Figure
Aug 26, 2009
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If it was upto mundine and his team of monkeys all teams will go broke.


The Virtual One
Apr 5, 2004
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there was a poll on i was hoping it was

should anthony mundine shut the **** up
please die


The Bart, The
Premium Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Ay, bruddaz, youse shud go on stryk, bruddaz. Uze can gets more money, brudda.

I fyt at a rsl agaynst sum bum, brudda.


Kennel Participant
Mar 17, 2008
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there was a poll on i was hoping it was

should anthony mundine shut the **** up
please die

Could the SMH cope with the voter volume on this one?

Mundine is just feeding on the dreg news from the NRL so that he attracts some attention for his fights which only draw a following from the spuds like me, desperately hoping that he gets the hiding he deserves.
I have woken up to him though, as he never fights anyone who hasn't picked up the bong before the fight.

Anthony, you are a mouth piece who has never achieved anything.
Not a patch on your old man in the ring.
All talk on the footy field.
A cancer on the arse of Australian sport.

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
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Clearly years of sniffing petrol and getting belted around ths head has damaged what little brain cells he has left.

What right does this w@nker have to tell NRL players to go on strike when he is turning the boxing world into a joke by fighting people who are only a few years from the retirement home??

Then when he does come against decent opposition (read Danny Green for example), he can only win on points descision, by which some question if money has changed hands there too.

Mundine needs to shut his mouth and throw the gauntlet down to whoever says "C'mon .. lets fight". Be that Roy Jones Jnr, or Bernard Hopkins, or someone else capable of smashing this twerps head in.

Mundine wouldn't last a second in UFC either.

AND yes he has another fight coming up soon against 85 year old John "No teeth all gums" Doe from Wankville Retirement Village. They are just waiting for him to recover from a quadruple heart bypass.

In all seriousness SBW is his pre-fight entertainment (thus why SBW is around like a bad smell at the moment), and why Mundine is back in the media.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 13, 2006
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Its the NRL fans fault they dont get paid more, we dont go to matches

The Greatest

Kennel Enthusiast
May 10, 2010
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NRL players get paid overs as it is.

They train for a few hours a day, and play one game for an hour and a half on the weekend, do a bit for the community here and there, and they expect to get paid like celebrities? FMD. What you do doesn't even contribute to ANYTHING. You only provide entertainment. That's all you are, entertainment. Your profession is good for nothing else. You're not helping people, you're not providing a service - you're just running around a park for 90mins in short shorts with a few other blokes. But you want more money? Reputable teachers earn close to your MINIMUM wage, and how much more do they contribute to society?

And to the people who will say "Yeah, but their career only goes for 15yrs", what, they can't go out and study like a normal person? You say it as if they have to live off their savings for the rest of their lives. People change careers all the time, and they were earning a hell of a lot less than these half-wits for starters.

No, they get paid good money, and can set themselves up quite easily for life after football. If they wanted to remain in the sports industry, they could simply take a couple of years to study, and get into the workforce. Their names will open doors for them - it's the nature of the business. Hell, they might not even have to study.

I say the NRL should let these crying little whingers walk if they want to. The game should not bend over backwards to keep 1 or 2 players each season. F*ck em.
I was going to say something, but after reading that, there is no need, you took the words right out of my mouth.
Well said dude.


Dec 9, 2008
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NRL players get paid overs as it is.

They train for a few hours a day, and play one game for an hour and a half on the weekend, do a bit for the community here and there, and they expect to get paid like celebrities? FMD. What you do doesn't even contribute to ANYTHING. You only provide entertainment. That's all you are, entertainment. Your profession is good for nothing else. You're not helping people, you're not providing a service - you're just running around a park for 90mins in short shorts with a few other blokes. But you want more money? Reputable teachers earn close to your MINIMUM wage, and how much more do they contribute to society?

And to the people who will say "Yeah, but their career only goes for 15yrs", what, they can't go out and study like a normal person? You say it as if they have to live off their savings for the rest of their lives. People change careers all the time, and they were earning a hell of a lot less than these half-wits for starters.

No, they get paid good money, and can set themselves up quite easily for life after football. If they wanted to remain in the sports industry, they could simply take a couple of years to study, and get into the workforce. Their names will open doors for them - it's the nature of the business. Hell, they might not even have to study.

I say the NRL should let these crying little whingers walk if they want to. The game should not bend over backwards to keep 1 or 2 players each season. F*ck em.
i actually really disagree....i'll say as a whole they are all underpaid considering what they put their bodies through on a weekly basis.

as for your comments about 'expecting to get paid like celebrities'....and 'all you do is provide entertainment' etc etc what do you think celebrities do?? so technically you are contradicting yourself

and dont even get me started on the teachers debate - they are on strike how many times a year??


Kennel Legend
May 8, 2005
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Here is an article about the dribbler.

BOXER Anthony Mundine has described NRL players as ''slave labour'' and called for them to strike for better pay in the wake of Israel Folau's $1.5 million-a-season defection to AFL and the $2m-a-year offer tabled to Sonny Bill Williams to stay with French rugby club Toulon.

Mundine made the comments at a media conference in Brisbane to promote his coming KO To Drugs bout after Williams was asked whether he was considering a return to the NRL. When Williams explained he was unable to because of a condition in his release deal with the Bulldogs, Mundine interjected: ''They are getting slave labour over there anyway.''

A decade after he quit St George Illawarra to pursue his dream of becoming a boxing world champion, Mundine said the pay and conditions for NRL players had not improved and predicted rival codes would continue to poach the best players unless something was done.

''Nothing has gone forward,'' he said. ''In 1998, I signed a $600,000 deal and was the highest paid player in the game. But what are they getting now? They might be getting $600,000 or $700,000 but not as far as their [club] contracts, they would be getting a third-party deal to try and help them out.

''I reckon the players should go on strike, they should just go on strike. They need more money because AFL is going to take over. AFL is laughing at them and rugby is laughing at them, and they are going to steal their best players.

''It is still a great game but they have got to get their infrastructure right. The players are getting a small piece of the cake, they are looking for crumbs. The salary cap is restrictive where teams have got to cheat to keep their players and I think that is not right.''

Williams, who walked out on Canterbury midway through the first season of a $2m, five-year deal to join Toulon, said league was a tough game and players deserved to be fairly remunerated for the toll on their bodies.

''If the game is making no money, then so be it, they shouldn't get paid more,'' he said. ''But from my understanding they are only getting 23 or 24 per cent of the pool. People go to the game to watch the players, not the suits upstairs in the corporate boxes, so I believe they should be getting more than 23 per cent of what the game earns.''

Asked if he was angry at rugby league, Williams said: ''I am never angry at rugby league because it gave me the start and gave me my name. But you just want what is fair. Rugby league is a tough sport, you've only got to look at Ben Ross. He probably won't play again.''

Mundine also pointed out that many former players finish the game with little financially to show for their efforts.

''Whether it is the clubs or the league, they don't give a damn about the players,'' Mundine said. ''There is no loyalty in the game, people talk about loyalty but I'll tell you where it is, it's in their back pockets. When you have finished your career and you are broke, like Graeme Langlands, that can only do so much for you, and he is an Immortal, so you have got to get what you can when you can.

''That is why back in 1998, I told them, 'Show me the money', and today I am a businessman - I fight not just for my goals and my dreams but the business stuff too. That is just the way life is.''

Both Mundine and Williams said Folau had little option but to accept the $6m, four-year deal to play with the new Greater Western Sydney franchise and wished him and fellow AFL recruit Karmichael Hunt well.

''It is good to see these players standing on their own two feet and making decisions based on what they need and what their families need,'' Williams said. Mundine added: ''Of course they are going to leave, they are looking after themselves, they are looking after their families. If you are going to get paid $400,000 or $1.5 million, where would you go?''


Hava Nagila
Oct 20, 2003
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NRL players get paid overs as it is.

They train for a few hours a day, and play one game for an hour and a half on the weekend, do a bit for the community here and there, and they expect to get paid like celebrities? FMD. What you do doesn't even contribute to ANYTHING. You only provide entertainment. That's all you are, entertainment. Your profession is good for nothing else. You're not helping people, you're not providing a service - you're just running around a park for 90mins in short shorts with a few other blokes. But you want more money? Reputable teachers earn close to your MINIMUM wage, and how much more do they contribute to society?

And to the people who will say "Yeah, but their career only goes for 15yrs", what, they can't go out and study like a normal person? You say it as if they have to live off their savings for the rest of their lives. People change careers all the time, and they were earning a hell of a lot less than these half-wits for starters.

No, they get paid good money, and can set themselves up quite easily for life after football. If they wanted to remain in the sports industry, they could simply take a couple of years to study, and get into the workforce. Their names will open doors for them - it's the nature of the business. Hell, they might not even have to study.

I say the NRL should let these crying little whingers walk if they want to. The game should not bend over backwards to keep 1 or 2 players each season. F*ck em.
sorry slips... i disagree on few of your points here...

NRL is now a professional sport and if Rugby League in Aus is going to go back 20 years by having players working full time and play next to nothing... the sport will die on its arse here in aus with AFL, Union and overseas RL clubs as well splashing the cash on players.

We have moved on from this era of having players working full time and play for little money... RL in australia cant afford to go backwards from this.

Fair enough the players are getting paid good money for playing the game they love but these players are putting their bodies on the line risking injuries.

What about Kane Cleal? I really felt sorry for the bloke when his season ended with a broken jaw and ended getting paid only $25k. Who would play our game for this sort of money and getting a serious injury like what kane had

And you have players like McCracken, Johns and Rosss retiring with a neck injuries


The Bart, The
Premium Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Man, end of the day it's a bunch of guys kicking a football around.


Dec 9, 2008
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true, but a bunch of guys who have 20k+ watching them kick a footy around...not to mention ratings on 9 & fox


The Bart, The
Premium Member
Mar 5, 2005
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Doesn't matter how anyone sugar coats ANY sport. It's still a bunch of dudes/dudettes kicking a ball around.

We all know how much money is invested into it. Kinda makes it that much more petty when you think about it.


¯\_( '~')_/¯
Jun 7, 2008
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i actually really disagree....i'll say as a whole they are all underpaid considering what they put their bodies through on a weekly basis.

as for your comments about 'expecting to get paid like celebrities'....and 'all you do is provide entertainment' etc etc what do you think celebrities do?? so technically you are contradicting yourself

and dont even get me started on the teachers debate - they are on strike how many times a year??
How am I contradicting myself when I never said celebrities should get payed as much as they do? I don't agree that they should at all. So to say that I'm contradicting myself is an uneducated opinion.

Teachers are also on strike on average once a year. But think about it, they are educating the next generation, and minding people's children for 7 hours a day. What teachers do flies under the radar, and clearly people like yourself don't appreciate what their job entails. They have a right to go on strike. Did you know that the maximum a high school teacher could earn in 2005 was $60,000? I repeat, $60,000. The minimum wage for the NRL is $55,000.

Is this justified do you think? Honestly? Footy players subject themselves to the physical punishment because they choose to, not because they have to. But why do they subject themselves to punishment anyway? What does it do for our society? Personal trainers do 3x the amount of physical work that footy players do at training on a daily basis. The only "punishment" footy players are subjected to is ONE game on the weekend. Do you think they batter each other throughout the week?

Please, save yourself the embarrassment.
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