~stacie Jul 11, 2010 hahahahahaahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha im not even surprised, scawt! hahahahaha
~stacie Sep 12, 2009 LOOOL Tsk, tsk! I probably wont get there until about 730-8ish? I have tutor before hand & I'm spending the day studying! WOOO HOOO! I LOVE MY LIFE! At least the weather is nice though, hehehe. Tanning whilst studying ftw~!
LOOOL Tsk, tsk! I probably wont get there until about 730-8ish? I have tutor before hand & I'm spending the day studying! WOOO HOOO! I LOVE MY LIFE! At least the weather is nice though, hehehe. Tanning whilst studying ftw~!
LebaneseBulldog Sep 8, 2009 :roflol: babah yee brother funniest song out hahaha i was listening to it in class we got sent out lmaooo we were laughing so hard
:roflol: babah yee brother funniest song out hahaha i was listening to it in class we got sent out lmaooo we were laughing so hard
LebaneseBulldog Sep 4, 2009 bahahaha fair enough, you waiting for it to go on tv or are you going to listen to it?