Official Jarryd Hayne Guilty


Kennel Established
Aug 31, 2008
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He's a piece of shit. The longer he rots in a cell the better.
He's a piece of shit, no doubt. That alone doesn't mean he should rot in a cell.

He won his initial appeal. But prosecution is highly politicised. The matter should have ended there. But just as we'd seen with Jack De Belin, prosecutors stretch the limits of credulity and go for victory by attrition.

You're entitled to believe the justice system is not or not sufficiently corrupted... but I assert that you will be wrong. Nothing I have seen shakes me from this conviction.


Kennel Established
Aug 31, 2008
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I am not sure if we can discuss in detail here but it sounds like he did the exact same thing to the chick in America.

Basically goes vampire style on his oral game. It’s more than a coincidence that hes been accused of this bizzare act twice which leads me to the fact that he is guilty.

While Hayne, now 36, claims the sexual encounter was entirely consensual, the jury accepted the woman’s version of events that she repeatedly said “no” and “stop” and was left bleeding after he pulled her pants off.

The jury was told the woman refused to consent to sex because the ex-Parramatta fullback had a taxi waiting outside.
Note from the "and" clause.. if this report is correct, the injury alone wasn't sufficient for the jury to have returned a guilty verdict. And likely they would have been instructed so. They had to consider if this claim of "non-consent" was believable.

So vague stories of some "modus operandi" for Hayne strike likely as malicious in intent (my understanding is that it was not evidence presented by the prosecution, which would certainly have helped their case if it was credible).

It has nothing to do with it. And that's the problem. He was, and probably remains, as he's not had an opportunity at redemption, unlikeable. But our society has a lot of people with low impulse control, who will happily ruin a persons life just on "a vibe".

Fuck that... that's why we need a justice system of high integrity. Because no matter how much of a "non-asshole" you think you are, believe me, to someone, you are that asshole that they'd happily throw under a bus.


Kennel Enthusiast
Premium Member
2 x Tipping Champ
Mar 9, 2019
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Note from the "and" clause.. if this report is correct, the injury alone wasn't sufficient for the jury to have returned a guilty verdict. And likely they would have been instructed so. They had to consider if this claim of "non-consent" was believable.

So vague stories of some "modus operandi" for Hayne strike likely as malicious in intent (my understanding is that it was not evidence presented by the prosecution, which would certainly have helped their case if it was credible).

It has nothing to do with it. And that's the problem. He was, and probably remains, as he's not had an opportunity at redemption, unlikeable. But our society has a lot of people with low impulse control, who will happily ruin a persons life just on "a vibe".

Fuck that... that's why we need a justice system of high integrity. Because no matter how much of a "non-asshole" you think you are, believe me, to someone, you are that asshole that they'd happily throw under a bus.
Sexual assault is very much he said/she said when it comes to proving consent etc. Massively subjective area.
The fact that Hayne has been implicated in 2 of these assaults suggests he quite possibly could be guilty of both. What did the 2nd lady stand to gain from making accusations against him? There was no mention of extortion or anything of that kind.


Kennel Immortal
Sep 25, 2006
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Disgraced NRL star Jarryd Hayne has successfully overturned his conviction for raping a woman in her Newcastle home.

The two-time Dally M winner was found guilty of sexually assaulting the woman at her Newcastle home in the NSW Hunter Region following the high profile trial in the District Court last year.

It was the third time Hayne had faced a trial over the same incident and the second time he was found guilty.

Hayne, 36, has continued to maintain his innocence and quickly launched an appeal against his conviction in the state’s highest court.

Hayne claims the sexual encounter was entirely consensual, but the jury accepted the woman’s version of events that she repeatedly said “no” and “stop” and was left bleeding after he pulled her pants off.

On Wednesday, the former Parramatta Eels fullback appeared in the NSW Supreme Court wearing a prison-issued green tracksuit and a weary expression as he waited to learn the outcome of his appeal.

Justice Stephen Rothman upheld the appeal on two of the three grounds argued by Hayne’s defence team.

Hayne’s appeal relied on three grounds – the first being the verdicts were unreasonable and not supported by evidence at trial, secondly, the trial judge erred in ruling the complainant did not have to give evidence about a 2021 interaction with the man she messaged the same day the jury found she was sexually assaulted in 2018, and lastly, that the judge’s ruling resulted in a miscarriage of justice.

The Court of Criminal Appeal upheld the second grounds and quashed Hayne’s rape convictions.

“The court will quash the convictions and order a new trial,” Justice Rothman said.

“Whether there is a new trial is a matter for the director of public prosecutions.”

During the appeal in April, his lawyers argued that messages the woman he was found guilty of raping had deleted from her phone could be the key to acquitting the former star.

Tim Game SC, representing Hayne, told the court his client should be acquitted rather than face a fourth trial.

He argued the woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, concealed text and social media messages which showed she was consenting.

The messages relate to a Snapchat conversation she had with a friend, whom she had never met in person.

The complainant messaged the friend before and after meeting Hayne, where she told her about the sexual encounter but did not say it was non-consensual.

Mr Game argued concealment was “the same as lying or deception”, saying the woman hid evidence on “a large scale”.

He told the court concealment was “front and centre” of the defence case but a miscarriage of justice arose when Judge Graham Turnbull SC, the District Court judge, ruled the defence could not cross-examine the witness on her deleted or undisclosed messages with a man and woman before and after the incident.

Hayne’s lawyers sought to rely on the messages to suggest the victim “deliberately concealed her communications because … they did not support her version of what occurred and then (possibly) tried to influence in respect of her evidence”.

The court was told the woman had listened to Hayne’s prior appeal in 2021 and contacted the social media friend on Facebook the same day.

“I hope this was worth it for you,” the message read.

“The pain I have endured from all of this is unfathomable. I have never lied. I have never done anything to you and for you to write something to JH about me having him over does not excuse what happened.

“I did not tell you because it was disgusting and confusing for me. If he gets out you can thank yourself. This has been the hardest most painful thing I’ve ever been through and you can thank yourself for helping a guilty person.”

Hayne’s lawyers argue the messages were relevant to the complainant’s credibility, demonstrating her contacting a witness in a “hostile manner”.

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Bulldogs 4 Life
May 10, 2007
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Jarryd has won appeal...

However if the DPP wants to this could go to a fourth trial.


Staff member
Jul 13, 2011
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Crazy how the girl deleted messages apparently and judge didn’t order a cross examination hmmmm anyways his life is over anyways no matter what he can do can help him get the past behind him…


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2024
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I still can’t fathom paying $500 for a taxi from Newcastle to Sydney… he should be jailed just for that
That's actually more common a thing people do than you'd think... A lot of people would rather spend the money than deal with public transport, particularly from Newcastle.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2021
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Crazy how the girl deleted messages apparently and judge didn’t order a cross examination hmmmm anyways his life is over anyways no matter what he can do can help him get the past behind him…
He’s life is over ? WTF ?


Bulldogs 4 Life
May 10, 2007
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Crazy how the girl deleted messages apparently and judge didn’t order a cross examination hmmmm anyways his life is over anyways no matter what he can do can help him get the past behind him…
Insane right!

You are basically guilty as a man once there is an allegation against you and you cannot cross examine the alleged victim for such a critical piece of information is just crazy!


Staff member
Jul 13, 2011
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He’s life is over ? WTF ?
yeah I meant it in the way that this whole allegation and his reputation due to this. I always believed he didn’t do nothing


Staff member
Jul 13, 2011
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Insane right!

You are basically guilty as a man once there is an allegation against you and you cannot cross examine the alleged victim for such a critical piece of information is just crazy!
yep it’s the society we live in.. it can’t be he said or she said type of stuff unless physical and text message evidence surfaces..


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
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Often more than meets the eye but was still criminally convicted originally which differs a fair way from say the Bruce Lehrmann mess. I’d be surprised if the DPP pursues this further - the cost of staging another trial on questionable evidence would likely weigh against it not unlike Jack de Bellend. The bigger question is who will the Long Bay Pirates have as their fullback now??


Kennel Participant
Apr 7, 2021
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That's actually more common a thing people do than you'd think... A lot of people would rather spend the money than deal with public transport, particularly from Newcastle.
Hayne spending $500 on a cab… Lehmann spending $10k on hookers… sexual assault is becoming exclusive only to the wealthy


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2024
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Hayne spending $500 on a cab… Lehmann spending $10k on hookers… sexual assault is becoming exclusive only to the wealthy
Only Hayne and the accuser will know what really went down.. Of course many would love for him to be guilty such is the hatred towards straight white men these days


Kennel Participant
Apr 7, 2021
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I thought most here thought has was guilty cause he was a Parra player.
… and he was barracking for the Roosters in the GF… should of got 2 years just for that.