Look at the terrorist sympathisers in this thread. Fucking disgusting
I don't see users here in this thread supporting israel with their terrorist and invasion tactics, so what the fuck are you on about?
You aren't smart or funny so get the fuck off your high horse and shut the fuck up regarding a current topic that isn't for you, especially with your skewed Western media only education regarding the topic that we can clearly see, but let me try educate you somewhat so you can understand
israel has tried to invade Lebanon many times in the past for control and resources not for defeating "terrorism", what you call terrorism is actually resistance to a blood thirsty coloniser and oppressor without the support of the west; when your land, culture, history and all that defines you (we are a very old people with a rich history) is trying to be continuously taken away by an entity so jealous and of the belief that our land is theirs due to some "holy doctrine" they believe in, you must resist and keep resisting...
My father before he came to Australia as a very skilled immigrant didn't fight in our countries civil war with his brothers and comrades risking their young lives so that we could be dissolved by said blood thirsty coloniser and oppressor, it was to resist and protect what we are as a people and it hasn't stopped ever since, that is a true and real first hand experience that defines the situation despite what ever example or western backed gibberish you spurt to justify your opinion
Don't think for a second if they could just take the whole of Lebanon they wouldn't, they crave our better land, resources and culture they try to copy oh so much, they are an ugly people to live near the border aswell, just look at how they illegally settle on native land and sometimes kill the native occupants of whom they are stealing from...
Do you understand now why resistance is required or is it still terrorism to you?