I truly believe that we can finish in the top 6 in 2018

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RIP Habs
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Aug 4, 2007
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ill be happy to make the 8 tbh while playing unpredictable football and being competetive

just over the predictable team we had become the past 4 years, so just want it to change and be excited to watch games again

top 4, i really really doubt it, we have a tough draw

last years ours was piss easy and we did f all
Last year we had Des.


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Sep 2, 2012
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The boys will be happy Hitler is gone so they all will be unleashed and enjoy their footy, leading to better results.

I see us as a big girl who has dropped all her weight and wants to make up for the lost years lol


Kennel Immortal
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Feb 12, 2009
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I backed us to win it at $26
Chuck a greenback on the chooks for spoon! Their real Salary cap will come out to play sooner or later even storm couldn’t hide it forever!


Kennel Enthusiast
May 12, 2006
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I'm just looking forward to seeing us play positive football, hopefully Pay has them running more than 2 set plays at training and abolishes the negative crap that we are so used to.

We have a good side, we had a good side last year, but all that gets thrown out the window when you're taught to not go for it on the last in the 10, not contest bombs, not let the hooker run, completions, percentages blah blahhhhhh I could go on.


Kennel Legend
Sep 18, 2012
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Chuck a greenback on the chooks for spoon! Their real Salary cap will come out to play sooner or later even storm couldn’t hide it forever!
Its the number of losses now, they dont have spoon betting anymore because of insiders knowing about salary cap breaches.


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 21, 2017
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I.m with Brakes.


1 No Hasler.
2 No Eastwood.
3 Better enthusiasm in 2018, no enthusiasm for most of 2017 except for the last 3 games.
4 Players to be dropped for poor performances.
5 Mbye at FB.
6 Mbye not at half.
7 Better balanced front row with Klem and woods.
8 Faulalo, Taulau and RFM all improving
9 Some players playing for contracts.
10 ISP cup players can now play with some hope of been promoted.
11 Lichea been allowed to run the ball.
12 Montoya only getting better.
13 Players rejuvenated.
14 No more Manly stooges.
15 More Bulldog greats around club and players.

POSSIBLE MASSIVE PLUS FORAN, if no injury and plays to true form.

Minuses for 2018.
1 A few players at tail end of career.
2 Harder draw.
3 Possibly more injuries.

Cant think of any more.


Kennel Established
Oct 24, 2016
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I believe that you may have been having a few sneaky bongs and a couple of micro dots today?
Did you mean to say bottom 6?


Kennel Addict
Sep 17, 2015
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A year away.

Happy with gradual improvement, that might be coming 10th or so. Watch out in 2019 though.

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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A year away.

Happy with gradual improvement, that might be coming 10th or so. Watch out in 2019 though.
Really? We came 11th this year and you would be OK with us finishing 10th? If we do and there isn't a good reason like half the FG squad getting hurt then Pay shouldn't even be coach in 2019. I fully expect top 4, can live with the 8 if we have a few things go against us and want him gone if we miss. Simple as...


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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I'm not really sure what to expect. Pay has said the right things, but we've only got his results with a talent packed junior origin team to judge from. He's question mark number 1. But hopefully we see him make some good decisions with our top 17 and not pick based on reputation or loyalty. He'll bring his own style to the Dogs and hopefully it works

We have quite a few players who have a lot to prove.
- Lichaa has made a point of blaming his poorest form on coaches instructions. If he plays the way he did for the bulk of his NRL career his critics will be baying for his blood. Put up or shut up now Lichaa.

- Mbye also has plenty of critics and needs to start justifying his big money contract. As far as athleticism goes he's good enough. While a lot of people have taken a quoteless article as gospel that he'll be fullback next year it's nothing the coach has confirmed so he might still be part of the halves pairing. If he's playing in the halves it's now or never in terms of getting his kicking game right and proving himself as a playmaker. I'm not convinced that he's able to plot since he either runs with no intention of passing or passes like it's hot potato football. If he does move to fullback he'll need to be on song with support play and get his kick defense right quickly. I know he played at fullback as a junior but it's been a few years soince he did and he'll need to invest some time into brushing up on skills that might be rusty.

- Foran is hitting a point where he'll be able to see an end to his playing days. He's got some issues to deal with and will need to keep his nose clean with regards to staying away from people who's association with him have created some question marks around his character. But I hope with a full off-season to work on fitness and the fact that he's able to rejuvinate his family life to some extent that he'll find some happiness and translate that into getting near his best on field.

- Eastwood earned a lot of critics last year and will hopefully be out to wow everybody. In the past his ability to create something from his back-up running was brilliant and he's a tough player who can do well just by getting in the oppositions face with defensive aggression and hard running. I still think he's potentially got a lot to offer, but it's up to him to find his best football.

- Lee could be a superstar if he gets things right defensively. He does have some handling issues too. But he's got some pace and footwork coupled with the ability to read the game a bit. Hopefully he can improve his negative traits because i think he could be a great player with a few improvements.

Aside from that we probably have some competition for halves places for the first time in a while. If Pay opts to promote a junior there it will be a gamble but possibly one that will prove to be a good choice If we have a varied kicking game that gets us tries and regular repeat sets next year it will pay off. We have quite a few forwards ready to make their reputations as well as a handful of rep level forwards. I think we've probably got plenty of options for the engine room. I think that if they're getting the ball early enough from well timed passes that allow them to hit their pace before having to catch our pack can dominate. In my opinion a big part of this is getting Lichaa or whoever is picked at 9 performing as both runners and in ball distribution. Our backline may get a shuffle, but i think it's going to be potentially the same players in new positions. Maybe later in the season we'll see some new faces step up, but i don't expect any newcomers there unless injury or poor form forces it.

Overall a lot of our success is going to come down to how Pay gets the players performing. Plenty of people think his addition to the club is a masterstroke and I personally hope it is. But realistically he's got a big job to reinvent our attack. Having Foran there will help and with any luck Lichaa can improve which will flow on to getting our forwards rolling, our halves some early ball which will in turn give the backs space. But He's got to prove himself as a coach and thats no easy task. Overall i think we'll make the finals with our squad. How high on the ladder I don't know. But if we can get good ball distribution from our 6,7 & 9 we'll be off to a good start. If we get our support play on track we'll add a string to the bow we were ;lacking with this year. And the final peice will be getting results from kicking which can mean the difference between dominating games and having to fight for every inch. I'm quietly confident that we'll not be one of the teams scrambling for wins to make the eight at the end of the season, but I don't know if we'll be consistently good enough to be top four.
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