CHN and Okunbor de-registered


Alexander the Great

Polites is a good operation. He does good with the investing of players portfoulious.
Shame.. I use to like reading your posts.

Have never liked reading yours though, they are rubbish. Go support the Roosters if you love Polites so much.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
Premium Member
Apr 24, 2018
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That's all fine and well. Get what you're saying.

But, in the case of JO initial contact was made through a supervisory role he had at that school. This isn't a debate about whate age is best to be legal to have sex, and people need to stop doing that. This debate is about the fact JO was acting as a supervisor while there and in no way should he have continued contact in the manner that he did after the school visit. Especially to the point he had sex with her. You just can't do that.

I still think it's way over the top, when you consider that there are players who have put others lives at risk that are running around.. if it's a precedent they have set, then so be it, but I don't buy that for shit, because what we know about Todd and the administration is that they are always flip flopping. What annoys me is how we are always the club whereby an 'example' is set, and we are always the club that is remembered for its dark days, where as most of the other clubs, bar Sharks and a couple of others, when their players stuff, it's gone as soon as it happened just about, and their players cop a slap on the wrist


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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Bazildog..? It’s its in my profile, sorry would you like it in sign language it or should I type slower for you?

Don’t need mates to support my opion or view champ, but good for you if you do. Apparently there are a few “blokes” on here that share your view on shagging 16 year olds while on tour as paid professionals representing our club so you won’t be lonely.
I would like to see your post in sign language lol

PS shave your dog to look like this...


I would if i had a dog lol


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 16, 2017
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Didn’t want to really comment but I will
I agree with the other posters if it was roosters they probably wouldn’t have got same punishment BUT

illegal or not is not the issue. I can’t see any large reputable organisation in the country not sacking a employee in same situation . The reputational damage to the brand is huge especially when this has occurred during a trip which you are representing the company . it is seen as worse than many types of criminal manners, rightly or wrongly . In terms of the bulldogs at the time of the incident they did lose sponsorship , and tell me which company wouldNot sack their employees wth the loss of such monies if it was through direct actions that went against that companies code of conduct which appears to be the case in this instance .

Ribo Flavin

Kennel Established
Apr 6, 2015
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Spot on mate. Spot on. Ignore the haters. It's good to see someone with some basic sense on here.

If I were a Mod I'd be delating most of those comments as 100% journalists are going to be on here trawling for comments such as them. We're going to get painted in an even worse light because of some of the idiots on here ...
bulldogs are just fodder to the media. we are hated by most other fans. we could field a team of choir boys and we d still be painted in a negative light. moral standards arent judged evenly.


Kennel Immortal
Sep 25, 2006
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Shame.. I use to like reading your posts.

Have never liked reading yours though, they are rubbish. Go support the Roosters if you love Polites so much.
It's a th.jpg

They are weeping in the corner.


Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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Yes it is there fault and if they followed clear instructions this never would've happened.

Who give as fuck? Plenty of people. This was completely blown out of proportion and the club contributed to it in numerous ways.
Do you really think the media and NRL would have tried to go lighter on the club if the club had tried to downplay CHN’s incident and tried to frame it as not that big of a deal? That would have only put the blowtorch firmly on the club and heightened media criticism.

Both players were on a tour representing the club, both players made the choice to break rules by inviting the girls back.... the fact the girls are both still school students and that the incident took place in Coffs only added fuel to the media’s fire....

You’re entitled to your opinion, but whatever you think of the club’s handling of the matter, the two players put us in a very difficult position. All they had to do was keep it in their pants til they got home.

Alexander the Great

If only they just had a wank how things would have been so much more different for them.
Do you really think the media and NRL would have tried to go lighter on the club if the club had tried to downplay CHN’s incident and tried to frame it as not that big of a deal? That would have only put the blowtorch firmly on the club and heightened media criticism.

Both players were on a tour representing the club, both players made the choice to break rules by inviting the girls back.... the fact the girls are both still school students and that the incident took place in Coffs only added fuel to the media’s fire....

You’re entitled to your opinion, but whatever you think of the club’s handling of the matter, the two players put us in a very difficult position. All they had to do was keep it in their pants til they got home.

Tassie Devil

Kennel Immortal
Oct 29, 2018
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I still think it's way over the top, when you consider that there are players who have put others lives at risk that are running around.. if it's a precedent they have set, then so be it, but I don't buy that for shit, because what we know about Todd and the administration is that they are always flip flopping. What annoys me is how we are always the club whereby an 'example' is set, and we are always the club that is remembered for its dark days, where as most of the other clubs, bar Sharks and a couple of others, when their players stuff, it's gone as soon as it happened just about, and their players cop a slap on the wrist
And that's fine. Not asking you to agree with me or change your views. Agree that when comparing to other clubs it seems like we're treated differently, but I couldn't care less about other clubs. For me the club has 100% acted in the right way according to the values we're trying to implement in the club.

Howard Moon

Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Apr 24, 2018
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And that's fine. Not asking you to agree with me or change your views. Agree that when comparing to other clubs it seems like we're treated differently, but I couldn't care less about other clubs. For me the club has 100% acted in the right way according to the values we're trying to implement in the club.

It's not that I disagree that it was not a great thing to do, but in no way is it worthy of being deregistered.. I'm just over this PC nonsense from administration and sponsors.. I mean what sorts of characters do they think make up the rugby league body? if we knew everything that every player got up to, they would have to deregister half of the players in the league

Tassie Devil

Kennel Immortal
Oct 29, 2018
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It's not that I disagree that it was not a great thing to do, but in no way is it worthy of being deregistered.. I'm just over this PC nonsense from administration and sponsors.. I mean what sorts of characters do they think make up the rugby league body? if we knew everything that every player got up to, they would have to deregister half of the players in the league
Fair enough mate. In CHN's case I agree it's a big call to de-register him but I imagine there's a lot to this behind the scenes we don't know. With JO he had to go. No ifs or buts. No other choice.

We can agree to disagree though. All good

Alexander the Great

Nice one Steve. Well said my friend.
Fair enough mate. In CHN's case I agree it's a big call to de-register him but I imagine there's a lot to this behind the scenes we don't know. With JO he had to go. No ifs or buts. No other choice.

We can agree to disagree though. All good


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
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Adam Elliott has been to court multiple times, has actually been found guilty and is currently on a good behaviour bond...why is he still allowed to play for us?!!!
For clarity, Elliott wasn't found guilty, he pled guilty, no criminal conviction was recorded and he got a good behaviour bond.
He's allowed to play because the matters have different mitigating circumstances, despite both bringing shame on the club reputation wise.

Psycho Doggie

Kennel Immortal
Mar 25, 2014
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According to the story, CHN actually DID go to the school, unless I'm reading this wrong:

Canterbury's statement described the players' conduct - after they had been to a school visit with the club - as demonstrating "an unacceptable lack of respect for their teammates, their coach and club officials, our hosts in Port Macquarie and fans of the game everywhere".

I doubt either of the players will take legal action, if they do they will probably just make things worse for themselves. The code of conduct is really clear, and the instructions given regularly to the players is really clear, as attested publicly by multiple sources.

Now that this is done, the club needs to make sure and follow up. It seems as though they are doing the right thing by all parties involved in this case, however they also need to make sure and follow up on every single case that comes up in future involving a RL player, no matter what club they come from.

When RL does resume, whatever shape it takes, the climate for players will be different. They will probably be getting less pay, and with unemployment likely to be at least 9% or more for a fair while, they will need to be careful to hang onto their jobs. These two players are probably going to end up being the poster children for how to throw away a great thing.

Tassie Devil

Kennel Immortal
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
According to the story, CHN actually DID go to the school, unless I'm reading this wrong:

Canterbury's statement described the players' conduct - after they had been to a school visit with the club - as demonstrating "an unacceptable lack of respect for their teammates, their coach and club officials, our hosts in Port Macquarie and fans of the game everywhere".

I doubt either of the players will take legal action, if they do they will probably just make things worse for themselves. The code of conduct is really clear, and the instructions given regularly to the players is really clear, as attested publicly by multiple sources.

Now that this is done, the club needs to make sure and follow up. It seems as though they are doing the right thing by all parties involved in this case, however they also need to make sure and follow up on every single case that comes up in future involving a RL player, no matter what club they come from.

When RL does resume, whatever shape it takes, the climate for players will be different. They will probably be getting less pay, and with unemployment likely to be at least 9% or more for a fair while, they will need to be careful to hang onto their jobs. These two players are probably going to end up being the poster children for how to throw away a great thing.
Interestng that mate and thanks for posting. Based on that it doesn seem that CHN was also at the school visit and if that's the case one can't argue against his de-registering.

Agree totally that I think this really has been the benchmark on how to deal with things. Get why so many are comparing to other clubs, does seem unfair with how others have seemingly got away with things. From my side though, I'll be pissed off if other clubs don't follow suit in their punishments handed out to players.


Kennel Established
Oct 31, 2013
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Corey got done also..... wow.

I give up.

Nice one to the Board as well for throwing them under the bus instead of covering it up like every other club does. Again us the fans cop it .....................
Mate lyn anderson wouldn't know how to run a brothel let alone an nrl club.