Cap doesn't fit for Bulldogs but Pay upbeat about sore Foran

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Kennel Established
Oct 24, 2016
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He looks like he isn’t 100%. How a million dollar half back only touches the ball a “few” times in a half and does very little kicking is beyond me.

I thought he just wasn’t a first receiver but the more I watched the more evident it was he wasn’t 100% and I mentioned it a few weeks ago.

Hypothetically Lichaa, woods and Foran would be on huge back ended deals. Jackson, mbye, klemmer would be on incremental contracts (they rise every year and would definitely have cap increase payouts too). A Sunday playing hoppa would be cashing in on previous quiet seasons. The “best prop” in the world wouldn’t be on peanuts.

So when people think where is the money with 2.5 million or what ever coming off the books. The reality is say “hypothetically” woods, foran are on 350 each this season and lichaa is on 90k (pulled the figures out of my ass). Lichaa could be in for a 300-400k+ increase next season (could be 700k who knows?). If Foran and woods are half a million or more under paid. It will catch up eventually.

Raelene has no idea and should have shut this down years ago. You can’t justify spreading a million dollar contract and back ending it.

Fact is we are in cap trouble. Hypothetically if it’s 800k left for 14 players we could give parra a run for its money in terms of worst salary cap cheats in history (in terms of money spent on talent).
Foran will never be 100% bro, dont worry about what your club tells you, hes got chronic injuries that will never go away, most weeks he plays on injections.
If you guys get him for 50% of your games over the next few years it will be close to a miracle.
Best thing for you guys is if you could find a reason to sack him, not joking, thats youre only hope.
Hes a shadow of the player he once was and will never be the same again.
This guy will only hold you back for the next 3 years.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Its funny how so many on here talk about our cap situation like they have a copy of our books sitting in their filing cabinet at home the fact is we dont know but apparently the club is holding a fan forum soon to explain the cap situation.
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Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 12, 2008
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Lets not forget that Hasler was the main reason things have been/are so bad cap and player wise. NO ONE wanted to come play for us so we had to pay through the roof for guys and hope they came good.
Canterbury was once a club players came to to play forever and become better players/people, but the past 5-6 years have been the worst in the club past 40 years and it wont improve for a few more years so we can all sit here and snipe Tony Abbott style from the stands or reluctantly accept that the idiots running the show over those years are now thankfully gone but we are all suffering as fans and im sure the players are as well.
We either get behind these guys and support them no matter what or piss off and follow someone else because the club needs you now more than ever.

Anyone can follow winners year after year, but its when times are dark like now that the true supporters stand up and at least support the players through this shit period of time.
Nobody is happy with our situation, only opposition fans, but fighting with each other is not going to resolve anything and will just rip our fan base apart further.
I hate watching this current team losing but its the only Canterbury team playing so i will continue to watch and suffer along with them until things turn around (hopefully).
Its a shit time right now but i have also seen far more great times in the past so hopefully things will turn around.

Lets all hope Gerard Sutton is never appointed to our games, that will at least help us somewhat...little steps...haha
Its hard folks but lets hang in there.


Kennel Addict
Aug 23, 2013
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The more I hear about this stuff the more I fucking hate des and dib. Dib is such a fool, he shouldn’t ever be let near the club again.
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Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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Eastwood is on 800k this year and it does not matter that he was on 250k last year. Because of the stupid and flawed backended theory just like negative gearing, we lose out by having to release good players and recruiting shit because of the accumilation of backloaded contracts.

It was a stupid strategy that totally backfired.

Foran is on "average" on 1 mill a year, but its "just backended"

We had no issues with our cap until Foran and Woods were signed. We than had to release Graham & Kasiano to stay under the cap and now we have 800k to spend on what 14 players? which includes the funds leftover from Morris bros, Eastwood, Graham & Kasiano contracts?

Current players who are on backloaded contracts are calculated on a % basis with the cap increase per year.

Funnily enough, Morris Bros are on 750k each, Eastwood on 800k and Graham 500k(from Dogs) comes to a total of $2,800,000 which gives you 2 mill between foran and woods and the 800k leftover for the 14 players off contract? Coincidence?

Do the math numbnuts
I just did the maths and by your calculations we lose 3 and have to buy 14. That means we will have a squad of 41 next year. do you think the NRL will notice? Or conversely the other 11 we will get rid of played for free this year. That seem more likely? tough knowing which way to go here.....


RIP Habs
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2 x NF Draft Champ
Aug 4, 2007
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Pay is in a lose lose situation here. He tries new ppl half the place say he shouldnt be changing players so often (especially if the player doesnt go well i.e Priest). If he doesnt change players every week he gets flamed too. At least he is trying things to find winning form. Ppl criticising Pay for our situation this year are nuffs


Kennel Addict
Aug 23, 2013
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Foran should try ozone injections in his bulging disc over the off season.

The outcomes obtained are promising: 100% patients had a resolution of motor weakness, while 84.6% had complete pain relief. Our results demonstrate that O2-O3 therapy can be considered a valid treatment option for this category of patients.

Paulie Gualtieri

Previously Shrimp
Oct 9, 2016
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Personally I think it's a excuse to not make the player feel bad or look bad in the media that he has been dropped. Some coaches do that for the players, it's pretty shitty thing to do but some do it
That can be the case but with Pay being a moron and not a great top grade coach this isn't the case, he has a hard on for the average park player Priest and simply made a poor error again. Most likely will make a heap more.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jan 5, 2015
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That can be the case but with Pay being a moron and not a great top grade coach this isn't the case, he has a hard on for the average park player Priest and simply made a poor error again. Most likely will make a heap more.
Fair point but as a rookie coach maybe it's better he learn from his own errors, might benefit him for next year

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
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Our attack looks heaps better with Foran... way more opportunities than last year, we just lack getting the ball down, etc.


Kennel Addict
Sep 5, 2016
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Pay is in a lose lose situation here. He tries new ppl half the place say he shouldnt be changing players so often (especially if the player doesnt go well i.e Priest). If he doesnt change players every week he gets flamed too. At least he is trying things to find winning form. Ppl criticising Pay for our situation this year are nuffs
Absolutely. His passion alone is a pass mark. Farout, havent seen that much passion from a bulldogs coach in a long time.
The Andersons are very fond of him. He's got good support around him at the club which I am pleased about.
He's a fighter and I'm confident he'll come good for us.
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Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 19, 2016
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Everything is fine, Foran will just have to play using a walking frame which means our attack will probably be just as good as it is now, Eastwood was stung by a bee he only looks overweight and tired the swelling will go down, as for Fualolo his training is outstanding, I mean he's standing outside of Macca's, were on our way up!!

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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Its funny how so many on here talk about our cap situation like they have a copy of our books sitting in their filing cabinet at home the fact is we dont know but apparently the club is holding a fan forum soon to explain the cap situation.
Yep and I will be one of the ones there. Not expecting much though because I suspect it is more an NRL than Bulldogs thing. Greenberg et al are apparently going to be there.


Previously wilddog
Jul 23, 2010
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Pay is in a lose lose situation here. He tries new ppl half the place say he shouldnt be changing players so often (especially if the player doesnt go well i.e Priest). If he doesnt change players every week he gets flamed too. At least he is trying things to find winning form. Ppl criticising Pay for our situation this year are nuffs
Well said
If it was up to that prick hasler, it would be the same side every week.
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Horny Wog

Kennel Enthusiast
May 21, 2014
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I just did the maths and by your calculations we lose 3 and have to buy 14. That means we will have a squad of 41 next year. do you think the NRL will notice? Or conversely the other 11 we will get rid of played for free this year. That seem more likely? tough knowing which way to go here.....
Your maths is atrocious

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
Reaction score
Its funny how so many on here talk about our cap situation like they have a copy of our books sitting in their filing cabinet at home the fact is we dont know but apparently the club is holding a fan forum soon to explain the cap situation.
Yep and once the fan forum is over everyone will be like "Ahh so such and such was full of shit" or "so the media WERE talking out their arse".

Remember, you can publish an article with 0% fact and enjoy 0% responsibility.
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