Fox Sports Brent Read Say's Bulldogs Trying To Organise Elliott On A Player Swap.

Papa Joe

Kennel Enthusiast
May 31, 2012
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On 360 tonight, Brent Read said that he received information today that the Bulldogs may actually try to swap Elliott rather than sack him.

To me, the only way this would be acceptable is -

1. If the player we get in return is of equal contract value OR they take on his full wage.
2. Only if we legally cannot sack him.

He may be a useful pawn to trade if it indeed helps us to pry a player on contract at another club of value to us.

If that were all come to fruition it would look a bit better optically to help him out rather than leave him out on the streets, as he seems to be a loose unit who has the potential to go off the rails & suffer with mental health issues. If that happened after we booted him then somehow the world would blame us.

I know Ricky Stuart loves him as a player as well as Gus & Ricky being really tight, so perhaps the deal could be there.

I'd love it to be Tapine, but I doubt Ricky would let him walk.
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Papa Joe

Kennel Enthusiast
May 31, 2012
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Pawn mate... although it is Elliott :laughing:

This gives some options

Canberra: Ryan James would be good as I said in the other thread or perhaps Horsburgh
Tigers: Brooks? Not too keen myself but some are desperate we buy an experienced 7
Thanks pal :grinning: all fixed now
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Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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People actually want CHN back after the way he behaved? Ffs.

I am actually happy to hear the club is trying to help Elliott out by finding him sn opportunity elsewhere if the mail is on the money, but please no to CHN. Why eoukd we trade one player for another whose disciplinary record is worse?

bulldog butch

Kennel Established
Mar 22, 2010
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Big no to CHN.... To me he didn't take responsibility of his actions and took it at as if he was the victim over the whole school girls incident.... it seems that Jayden copped it on the chin but Corey thought he was hard done by....


Kennel Addict
Dec 20, 2004
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I would swap him for there viking horn.
Do you know I only realised last year it was a fake sound when they blew it :tired:

like it’s huge, looks cool, gets the crowd clapping etc. can’t you Atleast make it functional :p

but yeh when the person blows it the PA system plays a sound over the top :sweat: Raiders should pay a fine for bringing the league into disrepute.


Kennel Enthusiast
Nov 11, 2020
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People actually want CHN back after the way he behaved? Ffs.

I am actually happy to hear the club is trying to help Elliott out by finding him sn opportunity elsewhere if the mail is on the money, but please no to CHN. Why eoukd we trade one player for another whose disciplinary record is worse?
Because CHN can actually play


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 11, 2020
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Swap Elliott for Harry Grant. Elliott can be their replacement for Finucane.

Both players contracts expire at the same time (2023).

True Blue

old dog
Apr 7, 2015
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People actually want CHN back after the way he behaved? Ffs.

I am actually happy to hear the club is trying to help Elliott out by finding him sn opportunity elsewhere if the mail is on the money, but please no to CHN. Why eoukd we trade one player for another whose disciplinary record is worse?
Utility Half & Bulldog Butch. Have either of you not considered the fact that CHN met up with an adult teacher (and not via that school visit as we found) He did not "lure young girls" to his room the same as Okunbor. He did not do anything that quite a few of us may have done at some point in time......look for a bit on the side.......I would take him back in a pinch, but not too sure that he would want to return.......


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
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Utility Half & Bulldog Butch. Have either of you not considered the fact that CHN met up with an adult teacher (and not via that school visit as we found) He did not "lure young girls" to his room the same as Okunbor. He did not do anything that quite a few of us may have done at some point in time......look for a bit on the side.......I would take him back in a pinch, but not too sure that he would want to return.......
CHN was on his final disciplinary warning before the school incident, which was his second at bringing a female back to his room while on a team promotional visit. The first one led to his partner taking their offspring and going back to NZ. He had been counselled several times, missed and was late to training, dodged recovery sessions, was stood down to get his shit together and finally dropped at least 3 times.

Since leaving us he hasn’t exactly improved, with the high range drink driving charge just a highlight of his self entitled attitude that he never does anything wrong.

Always a Bulldog


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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CHN was on his final disciplinary warning before the school incident, which was his second at bringing a female back to his room while on a team promotional visit. The first one led to his partner taking their offspring and going back to NZ. He had been counselled several times, missed and was late to training, dodged recovery sessions, was stood down to get his shit together and finally dropped at least 3 times.

Since leaving us he hasn’t exactly improved, with the high range drink driving charge just a highlight of his self entitled attitude that he never does anything wrong.

Always a Bulldog
TT you got any idea why Rhyse Martin was so stuffed around?

Always intrigued me. Was a top performer in 2018 and a deadly goal kicker yet Pay didn't seem to go for him much.

I've had it confirmed that he was a good trainer, on time etc from someone around the team then.

He seemed so conscientious that it is hsrd to think he had a slack attitude.

Wondering if you had heard anything from that time in 2019?


Kennel Established
Nov 24, 2014
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Swap for Ryan James would be fair. We could use an extra benchy middle forward an he would be an upgrade on Ogden and Atoni.