News ‘We have standards’: Bulldogs skipper shuts down criticism of club’s culture


Kennel Legend
Aug 5, 2019
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Bulldogs captain Reed Mahoney has shut down suggestions there is a cultural problem at the club following revelations this week that a player took indefinite leave after he was lined up to wrestle all of his teammates for being late to training.

Mahoney defended the expectations of coach Cameron Ciraldo, and said the intensity and workload of training was no different to clubs he has played at before.

“Training is always hard. If it was easier, everyone would be doing it. It’s harder to get in, and it’s also harder to stay,” Mahoney said.
“I definitely think he’s [Ciraldo] a mate before he’s a coach, and that’s what everyone loves about him. He’s easily approachable, his door is always open, and a lot of boys go and talk to him just about life advice, and then footy comes second, and that’s how he is.

“But he has standards, and we have standards as a playing group and as a club with where we want to go. I think Cam is stressed out a lot that this is the way we’re going, and if you don’t really like it, then it’s probably not the place for you.”
The Bulldogs have held talks with the management of the player who hasn’t returned to the club, stressing his welfare is their priority.

Bulldogs media staff wouldn’t let the skipper comment specifically on the player in question, and whether wrestling his teammates was a fair punishment for being late, but Mahoney said he had reached out to offer support.

“His welfare is our priority and the club and the group are doing a great job of that,” he said.


“I don’t want to talk about it because this is his thing, and we’re worried about his welfare – I don’t want to sit here and talk about it, but there was more than just that. There was other stuff going on.”

Mahoney said the playing group had spoken about the criticism, and said if they were winning games there wouldn’t be so many rumours.

“If we were winning, I don’t think we would be having these conversations, but when you’re losing, and the amount of points that we’ve conceded during the year, quite obviously we look at it every day [the culture] and for us to get better, ourselves [we] have to get it right,” he said.
“As a group, as a leader of the club, we need to cop it on the chin and just move on.”

Panthers coach Ivan Cleary, under whom Cirlado was an assistant at Penrith, said the Bulldogs coach had his full support.
“It’s pretty obvious what he’s trying to do. He’s a great coach, he knows what he’s doing. It’s important that he gets supported from above. If they do that, then that club will be on the way up for sure,” Cleary said.
Having coached at three different clubs, Cleary said he knows the struggles and hurdles that come with rebuilding a team.
“Rebuilds [of clubs], it’s a hard slog,” he said. “I’ve been through few myself, so I understand it’s hard going. If you want to change things, change culture in any workplace, it’s not always going to be smooth.
“From the outside looking in, they’re just going through those growing pains.”

When Ciraldo fronted the media on Wednesday, he said the Bulldogs have used several methods to punish players who didn’t meet the club’s standards and said those who “don’t want to work hard and don’t want to tick every box to win NRL games ... don’t have to be here”.

“The reality is we need to change behaviours here, and I think we’ve done a good job of that throughout the season.”


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
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There’s a bit of an elephant in the room situation here that I’d like to address if that’s ok …

Forgive me if I come across a bit ancient or ignorant here, and trust me I’m just asking a legitimate question, I’m in no way trying to be insensitive so if I come across that way please feel free to rip in and let me know and I’ll delete the comment ….

Someone with knowledge on this please feel free to educate me …

Could someone please define for me these mental health type issues that seem to happen pretty regularly these days, how does someone go for years happily in an environment enjoying what they’re doing, to one situation leading to them to be suffering mental health issues …. I’m not saying they’re not legit, but you never really heard of this back in the day … are we saying that something so traumatic happened that the person had a break down mentally over the situation ?

What do they actually define mental health issues as?

I’ve had a lot to do with the police force over the years, and in association with that, paramedics, ambulance drivers etc …… I’ve seen some retire on stress leave just for the $$, I’ve seem others who’ve worked for years in these fields see one thing that triggers them off to the point they had no choice but to retire, but they’ve been very extreme situations ..

So I’m legitimately interested in what people with more experience in this field have to say about this so I can wrap my head around it with a better understanding, because honestly you just never really heard the words back in my day.
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mmm tasty ear
Oct 5, 2003
Reaction score
It's an overly used and abused terminology, which in fact is a diservice to actual mental health issues. The issue today is drop those two words and it's hands off. No one questions it cause it's not politically correct and to do so is career suicide. Everyone is under stress of some form or another. NRL has high expectations and isn't the job for everyone.


Kennel Lizard Lord
Oct 6, 2012
Reaction score
So because we hear so many people coming out with mental health issues they must be more that are not genuine and the evidence for this is back in the day when no one talked about mental health issues we didn't hear much of it?

@mods - can we have a 'have you really thought about what you are going to post' button before we post? Its a health issue - if I keep laughing this hard I might die.


May 19, 2008
Reaction score
There’s a bit of an elephant in the room situation here that I’d like to address if that’s ok …

Forgive me if I come across a bit ancient or ignorant here, and trust me I’m just asking a legitimate question, I’m in no way trying to be insensitive so if I come across that way please feel free to rip in and let me know and I’ll delete the comment ….

Someone with knowledge on this please feel free to educate me …

Could someone please define for me these mental health type issues that seem to happen pretty regularly these days, how does someone go for years happily in an environment enjoying what they’re doing, to one situation leading to them to be suffering mental health issues …. I’m not saying they’re not legit, but you never really heard of this back in the day … are we saying that something so traumatic happened that the person had a break down mentally over the situation ?

What do they actually define mental health issues as?

I’ve had a lot to do with the police force over the years, and in association with that, paramedics, ambulance drivers etc …… I’ve seen some retire on stress leave just for the $$, I’ve seem others who’ve worked for years in these fields see one thing that triggers them off to the point they had no choice but to retire, but they’ve been very extreme situations ..

So I’m legitimately interested in what people with more experience in this field have to say about this so I can wrap my head around it with a better understanding, because honestly you just never really heard the words back in my day.
I think a lot would be depression.
Anyone can fall into it in certain circumstances.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 29, 2011
Reaction score
There’s a bit of an elephant in the room situation here that I’d like to address if that’s ok …

Forgive me if I come across a bit ancient or ignorant here, and trust me I’m just asking a legitimate question, I’m in no way trying to be insensitive so if I come across that way please feel free to rip in and let me know and I’ll delete the comment ….

Someone with knowledge on this please feel free to educate me …

Could someone please define for me these mental health type issues that seem to happen pretty regularly these days, how does someone go for years happily in an environment enjoying what they’re doing, to one situation leading to them to be suffering mental health issues …. I’m not saying they’re not legit, but you never really heard of this back in the day … are we saying that something so traumatic happened that the person had a break down mentally over the situation ?

What do they actually define mental health issues as?

I’ve had a lot to do with the police force over the years, and in association with that, paramedics, ambulance drivers etc …… I’ve seen some retire on stress leave just for the $$, I’ve seem others who’ve worked for years in these fields see one thing that triggers them off to the point they had no choice but to retire, but they’ve been very extreme situations ..

So I’m legitimately interested in what people with more experience in this field have to say about this so I can wrap my head around it with a better understanding, because honestly you just never really heard the words back in my day.
First responders will see crazy shit that the ordinary person would not see on a daily basis. So I can understand the traumatic stuff that comes along with it.Memtal health should not be joked with. It’s a dark place for one that suffering from it and I love how society now is trying to tackle the situation.

But having said that, for me, in my honest opinion think the sporting fraternity take advantage of it to wiggle out of shit. And I find that so fucking low. As soon as a player is in trouble, they bring out the trump card and it’s despicable.