Woman 38 weeks pregnant bashed in Sydney cafe by random stranger.


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 13, 2014
Reaction score
my son works for corrective services and says this guy is a repeat offender. he is a full on nut case who abuses other prisoners as well while in holding cells. Only a matter of time before he kills someone and should be locked away. No woman deserves that. None. and even if this guys has mental issues he should not be walking around the streets


Kennel Established
Jul 23, 2005
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What the fucks wrong with the men standing around? About as fucking soy as the men you ran out of Lindt cafe leaving the women behind. Uppercut yourselves.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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What the fucks wrong with the men standing around? About as fucking soy as the men you ran out of Lindt cafe leaving the women behind. Uppercut yourselves.
Bunch of fucking pretty boy poofter.


Kennel Legend
May 23, 2013
Reaction score
What the fucks wrong with the men standing around? About as fucking soy as the men you ran out of Lindt cafe leaving the women behind. Uppercut yourselves.
Bunch of fucking pretty boy poofter.
I got jumped on top of whilst minding my own business sitting on a train , my friend tried to get him off me by hitting his back with her handbag, he only got off me when the train stopped and he ran out. The man sitting opposite just watched on.. I truly didn't know what pissed me off more.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Gutless dog, mental or not he should have an idea of what is wrong.
Women have a right to feel safe in our violent society.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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What the fucks wrong with the men standing around? About as fucking soy as the men you ran out of Lindt cafe leaving the women behind. Uppercut yourselves.
Mate the Lindt cafe was different. Those men had a chance to escape and they did. I’m sure most people would’ve done the same thing. I’m no expert but if I was in that cafe I would’ve signalled one of the other guys there either by eyes of hands that we’ll jump the prick together and overpower him.


Kennel Established
Oct 8, 2016
Reaction score
my son works for corrective services and says this guy is a repeat offender. he is a full on nut case who abuses other prisoners as well while in holding cells. Only a matter of time before he kills someone and should be locked away. No woman deserves that. None. and even if this guys has mental issues he should not be walking around the streets
I know this bloke well enough. He is usually in and out of Long Bay loonie bin

All of the siblings in that family suffer from schizophrenia.

I am truley amazed that they would let him out on the streets, since he suffers from a violent form of schizophrenia and not to mention that he has knocked out pretty much every copper out of Liverpool and Parramatta Stations.

Bob dog

Hectik defence
Premium Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Never bashed a woman in my life and those that have should be facing a mandatory sentencing.
This bloke should of been sedated long ago.


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
These threads always being out the John McClanes of the internet...

Unless one has experience or is trained in those sorts of situations, we generally have no idea how we will truly react in a situation, whether it be the Lindt siege or a nutter in Parramatta bashing a pregnant woman. If someone freezes in their response or isn't sure what to do in that split second they aren't terrible bad people or anything is necessarily "wrong" with them and they are not necessary bad people. How would I react? I would like to think i'd step in, etc, but the reality is I have no fucking idea, and neither would most on here either TBH. In both of these circumstances, there was only ONE bad person - the fucking perpetrator. We shouldn't lose focus on that. From my being a member of TK for more than 6 years, I think there are only a handful, from knowing their employment or life background, I would be betting money on them being the hero of the day.

I've been in a few situations in public where i've stepped and others where I have not (mostly arseholes on public transport). Don't really regret or dwell on any of them really, except maybe one, which I will share now (I think i've posted those before somewhere a while ago, buy anyways)... so in 2011, my father and I popped into a random 7-11 one night in a not exactly salubrious area of Los Angeles (near Compton). Out the front was a large black dude, who was pretending to be some sort of injured veteran, sitting in an old wheelchair begging. Anyway, he hassled us a bit but not enough to be overly concerned and we walk in. Shortly after the cops walk up to the guy and tell him to move on (people a regular occurrence I thought). one cop then came inside, chatted briefly with the cashier (a Sikh fellow) and left. We were still perusing the aisles when the black dude burst in and went completely psycho, like off the charts. He wasn't trying to rob the store, but just started trashing it. Now, we're in basically the infamous south-central LA, and in a country where, as an Aussie, you think everyone is carrying a gun, what do I and my 60 something old father do? Here was a nutter, screaming his head off, mostly at the Sikh for calling the cops presumably. We were the only customers, I think. Anyway, the guy eventually leaves the store (to this day I don;t know ho long it went for, could have been only 30 seconds, but felt like 5 minutes), and we helped the cashier pick up some shelves that had been tipped over etc, and I actually found myself apologising to him for not doing anything. But do what? Overpower a nutter who could have been drugs and armed? In the heat of the moment, though, whilst I didn't hide away, I also didn't rush forward,I kind of froze in the middle ground. I know this isn't the same as going to the defence of someone who is being assaulted (especially a pregnant woman), but I guess to me, it highlights that things happen so quickly, and overall I don' consider myself a bad person for not making an attempt to rush this guy.

Bad Billy

Kennel Immortal
Jan 25, 2010
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Another one for my “if I ever get cancer” list.


Jun 26, 2019
Reaction score
Looks to be her partner/relative and he's not happy with whatever the paperwork is.
Suspect the religion of both parties is muslim and she is seeking legal advice in regards to something against his wishes.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
my son works for corrective services and says this guy is a repeat offender. he is a full on nut case who abuses other prisoners as well while in holding cells. Only a matter of time before he kills someone and should be locked away. No woman deserves that. None. and even if this guys has mental issues he should not be walking around the streets
No human deserves to be attacked randomly


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
SC H2H Champion
2 x SC Draft Champ
Nov 15, 2013
Reaction score
Mate the Lindt cafe was different. Those men had a chance to escape and they did. I’m sure most people would’ve done the same thing. I’m no expert but if I was in that cafe I would’ve signalled one of the other guys there either by eyes of hands that we’ll jump the prick together and overpower him.
And then he shoots you, the end.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
These threads always being out the John McClanes of the internet...

Unless one has experience or is trained in those sorts of situations, we generally have no idea how we will truly react in a situation, whether it be the Lindt siege or a nutter in Parramatta bashing a pregnant woman. If someone freezes in their response or isn't sure what to do in that split second they aren't terrible bad people or anything is necessarily "wrong" with them and they are not necessary bad people. How would I react? I would like to think i'd step in, etc, but the reality is I have no fucking idea, and neither would most on here either TBH. In both of these circumstances, there was only ONE bad person - the fucking perpetrator. We shouldn't lose focus on that. From my being a member of TK for more than 6 years, I think there are only a handful, from knowing their employment or life background, I would be betting money on them being the hero of the day.

I've been in a few situations in public where i've stepped and others where I have not (mostly arseholes on public transport). Don't really regret or dwell on any of them really, except maybe one, which I will share now (I think i've posted those before somewhere a while ago, buy anyways)... so in 2011, my father and I popped into a random 7-11 one night in a not exactly salubrious area of Los Angeles (near Compton). Out the front was a large black dude, who was pretending to be some sort of injured veteran, sitting in an old wheelchair begging. Anyway, he hassled us a bit but not enough to be overly concerned and we walk in. Shortly after the cops walk up to the guy and tell him to move on (people a regular occurrence I thought). one cop then came inside, chatted briefly with the cashier (a Sikh fellow) and left. We were still perusing the aisles when the black dude burst in and went completely psycho, like off the charts. He wasn't trying to rob the store, but just started trashing it. Now, we're in basically the infamous south-central LA, and in a country where, as an Aussie, you think everyone is carrying a gun, what do I and my 60 something old father do? Here was a nutter, screaming his head off, mostly at the Sikh for calling the cops presumably. We were the only customers, I think. Anyway, the guy eventually leaves the store (to this day I don;t know ho long it went for, could have been only 30 seconds, but felt like 5 minutes), and we helped the cashier pick up some shelves that had been tipped over etc, and I actually found myself apologising to him for not doing anything. But do what? Overpower a nutter who could have been drugs and armed? In the heat of the moment, though, whilst I didn't hide away, I also didn't rush forward,I kind of froze in the middle ground. I know this isn't the same as going to the defence of someone who is being assaulted (especially a pregnant woman), but I guess to me, it highlights that things happen so quickly, and overall I don' consider myself a bad person for not making an attempt to rush this guy.
That's why I always assess before acting, call it a natural reflex/instinct for 14+ years being a bouncer.

But obviously easier said than done and it all comes down to fight or flight.

I have been shot at in a drive by at Cave night club and I have had a gun to my head twice. First time it was flight, wanted to run but couldn't move a muscle.

Second time I surprised myself and went for a headbutt which thank God was on point and splattered his nose open, making him drop the piece and hit the floor. Next thing I knew I was stomping on his head and neck just wanting to kill the **** until my boys pulled me away from him.

PS all I remember was stomping on the ****, the rest the boys were telling me and I had to view the CCTV footage.


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
These threads always being out the John McClanes of the internet...

Unless one has experience or is trained in those sorts of situations, we generally have no idea how we will truly react in a situation, whether it be the Lindt siege or a nutter in Parramatta bashing a pregnant woman. If someone freezes in their response or isn't sure what to do in that split second they aren't terrible bad people or anything is necessarily "wrong" with them and they are not necessary bad people. How would I react? I would like to think i'd step in, etc, but the reality is I have no fucking idea, and neither would most on here either TBH. In both of these circumstances, there was only ONE bad person - the fucking perpetrator. We shouldn't lose focus on that. From my being a member of TK for more than 6 years, I think there are only a handful, from knowing their employment or life background, I would be betting money on them being the hero of the day.

I've been in a few situations in public where i've stepped and others where I have not (mostly arseholes on public transport). Don't really regret or dwell on any of them really, except maybe one, which I will share now (I think i've posted those before somewhere a while ago, buy anyways)... so in 2011, my father and I popped into a random 7-11 one night in a not exactly salubrious area of Los Angeles (near Compton). Out the front was a large black dude, who was pretending to be some sort of injured veteran, sitting in an old wheelchair begging. Anyway, he hassled us a bit but not enough to be overly concerned and we walk in. Shortly after the cops walk up to the guy and tell him to move on (people a regular occurrence I thought). one cop then came inside, chatted briefly with the cashier (a Sikh fellow) and left. We were still perusing the aisles when the black dude burst in and went completely psycho, like off the charts. He wasn't trying to rob the store, but just started trashing it. Now, we're in basically the infamous south-central LA, and in a country where, as an Aussie, you think everyone is carrying a gun, what do I and my 60 something old father do? Here was a nutter, screaming his head off, mostly at the Sikh for calling the cops presumably. We were the only customers, I think. Anyway, the guy eventually leaves the store (to this day I don;t know ho long it went for, could have been only 30 seconds, but felt like 5 minutes), and we helped the cashier pick up some shelves that had been tipped over etc, and I actually found myself apologising to him for not doing anything. But do what? Overpower a nutter who could have been drugs and armed? In the heat of the moment, though, whilst I didn't hide away, I also didn't rush forward,I kind of froze in the middle ground. I know this isn't the same as going to the defence of someone who is being assaulted (especially a pregnant woman), but I guess to me, it highlights that things happen so quickly, and overall I don' consider myself a bad person for not making an attempt to rush this guy.
maybe he was just trying to give you a Compton experience to tell everyone about like Kramer did for those tourists in seinfeld



Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Looks to be her partner/relative and he's not happy with whatever the paperwork is.
Suspect the religion of both parties is muslim and she is seeking legal advice in regards to something against his wishes.
no put this one into the Croatian/catholic violence category