The full extent and repercussions of Canterbury’s salary cap hell

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Kennel Established
Oct 12, 2016
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Melbourne of all clubs got an exemption from this to debut Olam today from what i heard on triplem pre game
Ok noted. I assume an exemption request has rules surrounding it. I doubt a "hey were going fucked and I want to use other pkayers" request will cut it.


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2015
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Look on the bright side, at least we got the chance to resign Elliot and Lichaa!!!


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Nov 11, 2011
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Will be interesting hearing paul kent on nrl 360 tonight


Kennel Participant
Apr 24, 2014
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every one knows eastwood was backended and this year he was on 800ks.

we surely wouldn't have signed actually we would not have been ABLE TO SIGN foran and woods on long term contracts if the cap situation was that bad.

who ever wrote this article is dead set spreading fear and nothing else.

We have fucken already lost truck loads of talent which means big dollars off our cap, last year. No way we are getting worse next year in terms of cap space.
You’re delusional if you don’t think this is on the money. Where there is smoke there’s fire.

Des, Dib and Raelene have fucked us good.


Kennel Participant
Apr 24, 2014
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The only real players that Should be kept are Mybe Jackson RFM Klemmer and just build young stars around that. By the time we can buy the best talent the young guys will have improved leaps and bounds.
The problem we have moving forward is we are going to have to get rid of players to fit a full 30 man squad under the cap.

That means we need to get rid of players mid contract that other teams will want.

That means we are likely to lose the likes of Klemmer, Jackson and RFM.

No other players in this team will be wanted.

If we lose those three that’ll do me.

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
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Nations have fallen races have been wiped out, it's the the sad result of human weakness called greed...
Is it possible The situation is not as bad as reported and the new board is playing games for long term selfish political gains ?
I certainly hope not...
In the event that it is true as reported my solution is very simple.
1 We loose the Morris bros and Eastwood, and all the underachieving overpaid and out of contract players to be replaced with young up and coming talent on a minimum contract.
2 Use the same system that got us in trouble ( back ended payments ) to get us out of trouble only this time cautiously
3 Pay must show faith in the young players in turn those players have to live up to the faith and expectations.
It will all be in vain...If the most important elements the senior players who are eating up the biggest chunk of the cap don't show self-pride and pride in the jersey and give their all to the success of the team and club as whole,
They owe it to the club to the fans...they owe it to themselves to preform admirably !!!
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Kennel Addict
May 16, 2009
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Nations have fallen races have been wiped out, it's the the sad result of human weakness called greed...

2 Use the same system that got us in trouble ( back ended payments ) to get us out of trouble only this time cautiously
Using the same system that got us in trouble, yada yad yada... After the last couple of years I wouldn't trust an unproven new board to be 'Cautious'. Cant predict the future. Not bagging Eastwood with what hes been threw but I dont think hes worth more than $200k to us this year.


Kennel Legend
Aug 28, 2010
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Kenty Details The Impossible Salary Cap Predicament The Bulldogs Are In For 2019
On Triple M Footy

“Sad to say but the pain is yet to come," says Paul Kent on Triple M Sunday Footy as the Bulldogs dramas are about to get a whole lot worse.

Despite the Des Hasler drama now firmly behind the Bulldogs, after settling their contract dispute out of court, the next drama facing the Bulldogs is their salary cap for 2019.

Triple M's Paul Kent has detailed the almost impossible predicament the Bulldogs are facing to have a 30-man rosters in 2019.

In a lengthy yet informative chat, Kenty talks about Des Hasler's back-ended contracts, which players could be moved on and the future of the club.


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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This same article keeps getting rehashed. I highly doubt a Journalist knows any more about our players pay grade apart from the fact that we're paying them money. Even if we're not ready to go on a spending spree, but it seems like the media are painting this in a far worse light than it actually is.


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 19, 2016
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Personally I would prefer to see the clean out now so we become competitive in the recruitment department sooner rather than waiting 2-3 years. This means get rid of anyone and I mean anyone that we can. Sure it would mean a dismal year next year but atm we are looking at 2020-2021 as our building years. We can't wait that long.
Morris brothers have to go, Eastwood and Tolman have to follow. This is over 2 million in cap space. I wouldn't care if the likes of Mbye, Hoppa and Foran go. It just has to happen. At least six players. Bite the bullet and do it now or we can forget about being competitive within 5 years otherwise the next two years will only be offloading players years and not even contemplating rebuilding. A slow drawn out dismal affair.


Kennel Established
Oct 19, 2017
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OK so we got screwed this year with Eastwood and this other non rep player.That's got sweet fuck all to do with next year.
Guys this clown is printing old news.

Did he mention any other player by name or even speculate some numbers that effects next year? No.
Why not? Because he doesn't know of anyone,just spewing garbage,because anything with Bulldogs on it get's readers atm.
Facts please arsehole or go spin a Hastings story,go spy on Pearce might have a new dog,Carney been doing a latrine tour,ask him to pour you a beer.

Brothers do yourselves a favor and don't listen or worry about shit like this.
We're not stupid,we know we've got to work through this shit,one step at a time,this dude is no revelation.
Let's get past this year and at the end of the year this salary cap will become clearer.

,and I stress if,it happens to be true,we've survived and built great teams in the past without spending a dime.
If need be we'll do it again.We've got some decent scouts now,not that lazy Cleal.
Stuff this shit and the mess that son of a whore,that transvestite and that toothless jackass,left us in.
They left us with enough shit for this year,before we start pilling next year's problems on top.
Guys,we've seen this media crap before.Weren't we supposed to lose 5 players to fit in Foran and Woods.

They love to hate us,but we'll aim our dicks and piss on them back!
So any of you guys with big dicks ,line up front and let loose.

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
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This is just the media trying to keep the entire "story" alive and relevant.

If the club announced tomorrow a superstar signing, they'd be all over us writing a story that we have breached the cap, yadda yadda.

So far there is nothing at all to suggest we are in any predicament cap wise at all. Just story after story from the papers.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 1, 2013
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Bmoz acknowledges there's cap problems here and sounds like they won't be here next year.

There's no quick fix but we have already started to invest in young players and offering them a easier path into first grade.

We should also be targeting players that are unhappy at their club who still have a few years on their contract so we can get their current club to play some freight on them.


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2015
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Doesn't it seem odd how all these Journos report of our salary cap trouble except none of them can produce figures on who is getting paid what. At this stage it is just one journo feeding off another. FFS come out with the figures. Get a spread sheet out and show us who's on what next year and beyond. We all know that the Morris Twins and Eastwood are on combined estimates of 2.4 million this year and if they are not resigned thats a big reduction in player salary's for next year. Come on PK and Hooper. If you are reading this, get the facts in figures please. And if you cant get them. Fuck off!


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Bmoz acknowledges there's cap problems here and sounds like they won't be here next year.

There's no quick fix but we have already started to invest in young players and offering them a easier path into first grade.

We should also be targeting players that are unhappy at their club who still have a few years on their contract so we can get their current club to play some freight on them.

bmoz is saying yes there is a cap problem cos him and his brother wont be getting paid 1.5 million a year from next year by the dogs.

there is no cap problem should they choose to stay at the market value of 300k each.


Kennel Established
Jun 18, 2014
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Unlike others, I wish Des coaches again in the NRL. Hope he goes to Parramatta,Brisbane or Roosters...
If he went to Brisbane at least he would have the Sutton brothers on his side!


Kennel Immortal
Nov 23, 2007
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Ok noted. I assume an exemption request has rules surrounding it. I doubt a "hey were going fucked and I want to use other pkayers" request will cut it.
Would be interesting to see what sort of case Melbourne put forward to allow this to happen. Perhaps because he had been the 18th man on quite a few occasions the NRL was of the opinion that he was close to being selected and with two Melbourne players named from the 21 Scott and Tonumaipea injured allowed Melbourne to use a player outside the 21 named.

In 2017, and the 16 NRL clubs will announce squads of 21 players at 4.00pm on Tuesdays, with 19-man squads named 24 hours prior to kick-off for every match.

The team lists process was reviewed in the off-season with a goal to recommend the optimal future system for NRL matches.

The aim was to improve the accuracy of player information, including correct positional data, and to limit any potential integrity risk to the game through an improved team announcement procedure.

Every Tuesday at 4.00pm Sydney time, and each club will announce a 21-man squad consisting of 17 "Active" players named in position, with a maximum of four additional players named as "Reserves". (The Warriors squad will be released at 3.00pm Sydney time [5.00pm Auckland time] on Tuesdays.)

Then 24 hours before each game kicks off a 19-man squad, only from players included in the initial 21-man squad, is selected with 17 "Active" players named in position and a maximum of two additional players named as "Reserves". For example:

• Wednesday 8.00pm announcement for teams playing at 8.00pm on Thursday

• Thursday 8.00pm announcement for teams playing at 8.00pm on Friday

• Friday 7.30pm announcement for teams playing at 7.30pm on Saturday

• Saturday 4.00pm announcement for teams playing at 4.00pm on Sunday

Then one hour prior to kick-off a final team of 17 active players is confirmed, only selected from players included in the 19-man squad.

Clubs wanting to bring in a player from outside the 21-man squad or the 19-man squad after they have been announced must apply for an exemption which will be evaluated by the NRL's Head of Football on a case-by-case basis.

Other Rules:

• Players named as "Reserves" on Tuesday will still be able to be named in the starting sides of NYC and NSW/QLD Cup

• Any players included in the 19-man squad will be deemed ineligible for selection in the final 17-man squad if they play in a NSW/QLD Cup match prior to the NRL match

• In each squad announcement, coaches are to endeavour to name teams with players in correct positions

NYC team lists will follow the same process, but their squad sizes at the three announcements are 23, 20 and 17 players.
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