The Funny Picture/Meme Thread


Kennel Enthusiast
May 6, 2018
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Ashanti Circumcision Knife.
Second half of the 19th century. 9 1/2" total length. Forged iron blade with scalloped tip,
decorated with a band of addorsed crescents along the back and leading edge.
The butt terminal has two double loops, each suspending a cast brass crotal bell.
Grip of two wood scales, with brass band terminals and mixed brass wire wrap.
Fine uniform patina. The blade with scattered old pitting speckles on glossy
chocolate brown ground.
The decoration has old encrustation from use...
As with most African cultures, circumcision was a right of passage performed
on young pubescent boys thus ushering them into manhood.

♫♪ And the little bells make a happy sound! ♪♫