"The Bulldogs were sabotaged"

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Kennel Established
Mar 21, 2016
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I love how people at here look at things in retrospect. Nobody cared that Taupau was released from his contract to go to the Tigers because we had the best forward pack in the game. It’s 5 years since he left us and how many finals has he been to? You can’t keep them all and both the Eels and Dragons have let go much better players than us. I’m happy Taupau has made a great career for himself but our only local juniors of note have been Montoya and Reynolds. That means all the other roster spots have been taken up by players we brought to the club.
Cook we should have kept and most on here didn’t understand why he was let go. Finucane was bashed on here just like Woods for being slow and giving away penalties. The time in Melbourne has helped improve his game. Kasiano isn’t doing anything in Melbourne and Graham we should have let retire at our club just not on the big coin he was getting.
Rona left for Rugby and to be in Perth so not sure what we could have done about that?
I don’t care who the dragons and the Eels let go of because we should be much better then them and I’m not sure where it matters players ended up ie Rona , what matters is he left . You hit it on the head though most of this smouldering rabble has been bought and assembled by our old regime which says it all .

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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Also what is does is give some accountability to the actual people responsible.

For too long with this mess our Club has been on the wrong side of social media and commentators; with fans deriding the club for going over the cap, having to toss out players like yesterdays newspaper, showing no respect or concern for our RL values. We have been dismissed as a joke of a club with incompetent coaching and administrative personnel.

By exposing Dib, Hasler and Castle it absolves the club as such and puts the blame for all of thus squarely on them as the decision makers.

I am sure our sponsors and supporters are happy to fully acknowledge who did this, that its out in the open being publicly discusses and that it is being fixed.

Our Club's reputation will not be restored until those responsible are held fully accountable and some sort of cleansing happens so that we move on.

Most fans are truly bitter about what those 3 did to the club and it will forever be part of our history. We will recover but you cant just paper over such diabolical mismanagement.
That is bordering on one of the most illogical things I have read. The Chairman, CEO and coach stuff up and by exposing their mistakes it somehow proves that the CLUB isn't at fault? Just who the hell do/did the Chairman, CEO & coach represent for all those years then? I thought I voted for at least one of those positions not long ago. They have been held accountable because two of them lost their positions while the third moved on. I'm sure the Viking Eagle would appeal to many on here for them but the reality is for all but about 10 people on here the world has moved on and doesn't remember any of them. If no-one gives a proverbial about Flanagan and his mob destroying young mens bodies, I am very confident they care even less about whether a handful of people couldn't count.

This is getting about as boring as "how could we let JT go" getting raised every 5 mins, 14 bloody years down the track. Let's just worry about tomorrow and next year. That we can do something about.

As for our clubs reputation, the cap hasn't made one iota of difference to it. Our reputation was set a long time ago by the behaviour of players who didn't treasure the jersey in a way that those before them had.

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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I am not "moving on" until the fuckwits responsible are punished. People need to stop with the "move on" bullshit. Anyone who says that does not really understand that what happened is very deserving of huge punishments.
That bell ringing means it is time for class. Seriously, everyone understands what happened. It's just that no-one cares and in any event beyond them being excised from the club there is nothing else that can be done. It is an arbitrary rule set by a sporting body to voluntarily control the behaviour of the participating teams. It's not terrorism. They all made mistakes, they all are no longer in the positions or employed by the club where those mistakes were made. End of. It's only a story at the moment because we have been offloading players. Now that has stopped it will soon become fish and chip wrapper and disappear from the media sites.


Kennel Legend
May 23, 2013
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Just so glad the exorcism has worked .. Well done kennelers
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The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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I don't give a fuck about the 3 amigos, but claiming that they sabotaged the club.

That's defamation right there.
Individually, no, but together... well it's hard to argue. Numbers don't lie.


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
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No but I watched it... I was in awe of Greame Hughes hair.. It was like the perfect smooth lego man do.
I’m in awe of how much he hates Dib
And rightfully so

Speaking of LEGO hair
Dib had that style down pat


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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That is bordering on one of the most illogical things I have read. The Chairman, CEO and coach stuff up and by exposing their mistakes it somehow proves that the CLUB isn't at fault? Just who the hell do/did the Chairman, CEO & coach represent for all those years then? I thought I voted for at least one of those positions not long ago. They have been held accountable because two of them lost their positions while the third moved on. I'm sure the Viking Eagle would appeal to many on here for them but the reality is for all but about 10 people on here the world has moved on and doesn't remember any of them. If no-one gives a proverbial about Flanagan and his mob destroying young mens bodies, I am very confident they care even less about whether a handful of people couldn't count.

This is getting about as boring as "how could we let JT go" getting raised every 5 mins, 14 bloody years down the track. Let's just worry about tomorrow and next year. That we can do something about.

As for our clubs reputation, the cap hasn't made one iota of difference to it. Our reputation was set a long time ago by the behaviour of players who didn't treasure the jersey in a way that those before them had.
Oatley Dog...a lot of your replies start off with your comment that your fellow posters have submitted a comment "bordering on most illogical things you've read"...I'm not concerned at all...perhaps you should clear your head of your clouded agendas.

I am only concerned with the CB Bulldogs, not Flanaghan...no relevence. Same as JT?...no relevance. You are wrong with stating the cap hasn't made an iota of difference to our reputation. Do you live in a cave? It is just yet another issue in front of the public eroding our reputation. Maybe it wasnt great to start with because of what you are alluding to but the JG/Woods/Mbye circus keeping us in the headlines is not good for the Club.

Dib and the old Board were voted out...that is not paying for trashing the Club's future or reputation. Now the press are starting to sheet home the failures of the individuals responsible and not just say "the Bulldogs"...now its Des Hasler and Ray Dib who are blamed and that's as it should be.

The coach and admin stuffed up (as you say) and it proves the "Club" didn't by exposing the individuals and clears the Club as an entity.

Just as if you as an individual, stole money or were convicted of a crime, your family name would be trashed in the court of public opinion. If the extent of your crime was more heavily individually rammed home to you, with responsibility laid directly on yourself, then your family may not be as tainted.

That is the premise of my argument and no rant of yours will ever suddenly allow me to forgive and forget the damage done by those 3 stooges and its forever part of our history.

There is a new history starting now that those inept lot are thankfully no longer a part of.

Baby Blues

Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2005
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I don’t care who the dragons and the Eels let go of because we should be much better then them and I’m not sure where it matters players ended up ie Rona , what matters is he left . You hit it on the head though most of this smouldering rabble has been bought and assembled by our old regime which says it all .
Why should we be better than the Dragons? They have a catchment area that is at least 3x ours? Of the NSW teams they and Penrith probably have the strongest junior bases which feeds into more talent in their system.
Saying it doesn’t matter why Rona left is illogical. Players move around all the time and in that case it was better he left to another code than a rival team.
Some of you on here have ridiculous expectations and I really wonder if you believe that we will recruit the best talent and be able to keep all of our own too?
There’s 16 clubs with the same objective here and we don’t have favourable circumstances like the Broncos being a one city team.
Fair enough we lost Cook which was a major stuff up but unless you are a wizard and can predict the future then there will be fringe players that leave us who become stars.
The key will be to gain more talent than we lose. The salary cap stops us from stockpiling talent so sometimes a decision to release a player today doesn’t look great in 5 years time when they have established themselves.


Kennel Established
Mar 21, 2016
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Why should we be better than the Dragons? They have a catchment area that is at least 3x ours? Of the NSW teams they and Penrith probably have the strongest junior bases which feeds into more talent in their system.
Saying it doesn’t matter why Rona left is illogical. Players move around all the time and in that case it was better he left to another code than a rival team.
Some of you on here have ridiculous expectations and I really wonder if you believe that we will recruit the best talent and be able to keep all of our own too?
There’s 16 clubs with the same objective here and we don’t have favourable circumstances like the Broncos being a one city team.
Fair enough we lost Cook which was a major stuff up but unless you are a wizard and can predict the future then there will be fringe players that leave us who become stars.
The key will be to gain more talent than we lose. The salary cap stops us from stockpiling talent so sometimes a decision to release a player today doesn’t look great in 5 years time when they have established themselves.
We recruit rubbish and let go of some of our best juniors if you’re happy with that good for you . If expecting us to be better then the Eels or dragons is having unrealistic expectations then wtf are we even playing for. Unlike yourself some of us don’t give a fuck that there are 16 clubs vying for the same talent we expect us to compete for them . Not have some fat fuck like dib or clealnot return calls for players like Munster and Mitchel.

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
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Oatley Dog...a lot of your replies start off with your comment that your fellow posters have submitted a comment "bordering on most illogical things you've read"...I'm not concerned at all...perhaps you should clear your head of your clouded agendas.

I am only concerned with the CB Bulldogs, not Flanaghan...no relevence. Same as JT?...no relevance. You are wrong with stating the cap hasn't made an iota of difference to our reputation. Do you live in a cave? It is just yet another issue in front of the public eroding our reputation. Maybe it wasnt great to start with because of what you are alluding to but the JG/Woods/Mbye circus keeping us in the headlines is not good for the Club.

Dib and the old Board were voted out...that is not paying for trashing the Club's future or reputation. Now the press are starting to sheet home the failures of the individuals responsible and not just say "the Bulldogs"...now its Des Hasler and Ray Dib who are blamed and that's as it should be.

The coach and admin stuffed up (as you say) and it proves the "Club" didn't by exposing the individuals and clears the Club as an entity.

Just as if you as an individual, stole money or were convicted of a crime, your family name would be trashed in the court of public opinion. If the extent of your crime was more heavily individually rammed home to you, with responsibility laid directly on yourself, then your family may not be as tainted.

That is the premise of my argument and no rant of yours will ever suddenly allow me to forgive and forget the damage done by those 3 stooges and its forever part of our history.

There is a new history starting now that those inept lot are thankfully no longer a part of.
You can trot out all the penny ante analogies you like it won't make your argument any more logical. What trashed our reputation was knucklehead "supporters" punching people out on trains, players bringing the club into disrepute by their actions, other players leaving in the middle of the night and lobbing hand grenades at those behind, so called supporters threatening to kill everyone within coee of them. That's what damaged our reptutation.

A few people gambling and losing on the cap and our players does not do a single thing to our reputation. The managers are still ringing the club looking for deals for players, memberships are up over 19000, sponsorships are stronger than ever and the players are having a dig. We were stuck with Camp Quality for a sponsor because our reputation was so poor. Now we one of the largest sponsors of sport in the world on our jersey.

We live in a democratic country - not a kabbutz. Individuals take responsibility for their own actions so your crime analogy has no merit. If you don't think Dib and Des are heavily chastised for their (in)actions then clearly you have never been voted out of office or summarily dismissed from a public position. They bear the responsibility for their actions every day as they probably deserve to.

Finally, being in the media is actually something all footy teams crave, generally for positive stories but not always. Where you see negativity, many will point to in coming months and say "look at the management of that place, they really turned things around quickly didn't they." Look at it. Day one of the bright new world and we win a game. Doesn't get any better than that.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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I think you will find he is a tigers supporter.
Yeah he is, I have him shit about it too when I was bouncing and walked in like he is a Hollywood superstar lol

Papa Joe

Kennel Enthusiast
May 31, 2012
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Oh my, how the worm has turned. The media were delighted with the events at the club; any chance to put the boot in, but over the last few days or weeks they are now starting to come out with all these stories and are saying things that we as fans ( and mind you, not only people who support our club) have been saying for quite a while.We have Kenty and co venting their " displeasure" at what has happened and who now lay the blame at the feet of the three involved after basically sticking up for them prior. No sense of sorrow from him earlier, just a sort of " I told you so" .
At least Hughes and co on Talkin' Sport have offered invitations to the parties concerned to come on and try to explain their involvement and thinking but none have.

The NRL itself knew full well EXACTLY what was coming our way and really paid nothing but lip service with only a warning that we were headed for trouble. They needed to act with a firm hand and simply say to the club we cannot allow you to register your contracts for your high profile signings because you will never come in under the cap level unless you release players ( which is what we had to do anyway and may still have to over the next year or so) and like others will not be allowed to play or accumulate premiership points until you do.. Poor form all round from those leading the club and in turn those in charge of the game.

One thing is for sure, I reckon the last money that Hasler gets from the game will be what we had to pay him because after this little fiasco no club ( unless they are completely off their head) will want to touch him with a twenty foot barge pole.

I want my club to succeed and of course I would love to have a premiership but the incompetence and outright stupidity of all involved have put the lid on that for many years to come. Damn you Hasler and co!
Agree with you 100%

I'd also like to remind everyone of a possible reason that the NRL decided to warn them where they were heading rather than insist they make immediate changes or even to refuse the registration of any new contracts.....
NRL boss is Todd Greenberg, the very man who passed on the keys & the drivers seat to Des Hasler..... wink wink, nudge nudge. "No worries Todd, we'll work it out, you have my word".

I think you cant work out the rest


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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You can trot out all the penny ante analogies you like it won't make your argument any more logical. What trashed our reputation was knucklehead "supporters" punching people out on trains, players bringing the club into disrepute by their actions, other players leaving in the middle of the night and lobbing hand grenades at those behind, so called supporters threatening to kill everyone within coee of them. That's what damaged our reptutation.

A few people gambling and losing on the cap and our players does not do a single thing to our reputation. The managers are still ringing the club looking for deals for players, memberships are up over 19000, sponsorships are stronger than ever and the players are having a dig. We were stuck with Camp Quality for a sponsor because our reputation was so poor. Now we one of the largest sponsors of sport in the world on our jersey.

We live in a democratic country - not a kabbutz. Individuals take responsibility for their own actions so your crime analogy has no merit. If you don't think Dib and Des are heavily chastised for their (in)actions then clearly you have never been voted out of office or summarily dismissed from a public position. They bear the responsibility for their actions every day as they probably deserve to.

Finally, being in the media is actually something all footy teams crave, generally for positive stories but not always. Where you see negativity, many will point to in coming months and say "look at the management of that place, they really turned things around quickly didn't they." Look at it. Day one of the bright new world and we win a game. Doesn't get any better than that.
The reasons you give for our current reputation are all factors which proves even more as to why it was so "criminal" of Hasler/Dib to add to our woes and how they are solely responsible and should be held solely accountable..not the Club as a whole. The media highlighting this would be welcomed by most Dogs fans.

I tried to give you a personal example of how people's actions impinge on their families and in this case our Club's. If you can't acknowledge that and still think this self inflicted mess is simply a storm in a tea cup that will blow over tomorrow...you are in la la land.

You believe any publicity is good publicity?..the Bulldogs crave all this media attention hey...and one of the biggest sponsors in the World are seeking this publicity we are providing as well hey.

It really is hard to believe that anyone who supports the Dogs could justify the argument you make...I believe most of us are devastated with all the stuff ups over the past few years that have derailed the Club, players, staff, members and fans.

Things are looking up because the new Board are getting things right and reversing and cleaning up the mess they were left with...and are rightly apportioning that blame for the state we are in, back to Dib. Now they are beginning to be backed up by the media.

Your waffling, as with so many arguments you have with others on here, is argument for the sake of it.

Oatley Dog

Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 9, 2017
Reaction score
The reasons you give for our current reputation are all factors which proves even more as to why it was so "criminal" of Hasler/Dib to add to our woes and how they are solely responsible and should be held solely accountable..not the Club as a whole. The media highlighting this would be welcomed by most Dogs fans.

I tried to give you a personal example of how people's actions impinge on their families and in this case our Club's. If you can't acknowledge that and still think this self inflicted mess is simply a storm in a tea cup that will blow over tomorrow...you are in la la land.

You believe any publicity is good publicity?..the Bulldogs crave all this media attention hey...and one of the biggest sponsors in the World are seeking this publicity we are providing as well hey.

It really is hard to believe that anyone who supports the Dogs could justify the argument you make...I believe most of us are devastated with all the stuff ups over the past few years that have derailed the Club, players, staff, members and fans.

Things are looking up because the new Board are getting things right and reversing and cleaning up the mess they were left with...and are rightly apportioning that blame for the state we are in, back to Dib. Now they are beginning to be backed up by the media.

Your waffling, as with so many arguments you have with others on here, is argument for the sake of it.
Spoken like a person with nothing to say.....


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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Spoken like a person with nothing to say.....
You are the one wasting everyone's time by butting in with your futile two cents worth.

Stick to your inside information.


Mar 25, 2005
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I don't give a fuck about the 3 amigos, but claiming that they sabotaged the club.

That's defamation right there.
Don’t understand how? The way they conducted business is the whole reason why the club is in the state it’s in.


Kennel Legend
Jun 25, 2010
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Warren Smith is a Knights suppotrer through and through. Kinda expected this after the sour grapes loss.

The inference was there well and truly.

I.E That the actions they undertook could only be described as sabotage to the club, and that they should never work blah blah blah again.

It's defaming their character by suggesting that their tenure at the club was only with malicious intention.

I don't care either way... it's "wankers at 10 paces" on this one for all involved.

Smith and Russell are tossers, and the 3 amigos were incompetent.

Here's just a few more of Warren Smith's efforts:

View attachment 6386

and these gems after we got fucked over in the Black Friday Souths game in 2015

View attachment 6389

View attachment 6390
Wasn't he a Balmain supporter? He is on film cheering on the Tigers as a kid. Whether he changed to the Knights after the merger is another question.


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 21, 2017
Reaction score
Also what is does is give some accountability to the actual people responsible.

For too long with this mess our Club has been on the wrong side of social media and commentators; with fans deriding the club for going over the cap, having to toss out players like yesterdays newspaper, showing no respect or concern for our RL values. We have been dismissed as a joke of a club with incompetent coaching and administrative personnel.

By exposing Dib, Hasler and Castle it absolves the club as such and puts the blame for all of thus squarely on them as the decision makers.

I am sure our sponsors and supporters are happy to fully acknowledge who did this, that its out in the open being publicly discusses and that it is being fixed.

Our Club's reputation will not be restored until those responsible are held fully accountable and some sort of cleansing happens so that we move on.

Most fans are truly bitter about what those 3 did to the club and it will forever be part of our history. We will recover but you cant just paper over such diabolical mismanagement.
I was disappointed that the new board did an out of court settlement,(I'm no Deathspell) but when defending a damages case the defendant must have the right to present all the evidence available to him in court.
If only half of what we've been told is true it is a massive indictment on Hasler for not only gross negligence but a case of fraud IMHO.
Hasler used his position exclusively for his own short term benefit, with total disregard for the club's future, this fact can be proven beyond any doubt.
For an employee to manipulate his place of employment (club) for his own short term gain, and by doing so at the same time knowlinging he would be seriously harming his place of employment's (club) future would have to be straight out fraud.
Perhaps our current board might be trying to appear Mr nice guy to the RL world, just like Dib and co. were trying to do when they were in office.
Our club had a big opportunity to wipe the floor with Des in court by presenting all the evidence available.
Would like Deathspell opinion, BTW wendog22 your name would'nt be Ian by any chance.

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
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Wasn't he a Balmain supporter? He is on film cheering on the Tigers as a kid. Whether he changed to the Knights after the merger is another question.
Might be right ... Googled it up and it's a different Warren Smith that was involved with Knights.
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