Please help me understand!!!

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Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 6, 2012
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Now I'm going to sound like a complete arsehole, but I'm cool with that because I know I am one. I've tried to bite my tongue, (fingers in this case) and not post anything in this thread because I just can't help myself but ridicule people who actually get offended by what other people think or say, but it's gotten to the point that I can no longer hold back... here I go....

Honestly! If words on a screen, or the opinions, words, thoughts and ideas of another person have an affect on your emotions or just offend in some way, I recommend not stepping outside your home, because if words on a screen typed by someone you have never met seems to make such an impact on your life, the real world is sure to be a lot f*cking worse.

It amazes me that we can sit and watch people dying around the world for unjust causes and reasons and still go about our daily lives like nothings wrong, but the second someone says something that may be insulting, defamatory, derogatory, offensive or racial, everyone has a f*cking opinion on the matter and it becomes the front page of every magazine and newspaper.

Priorities mean sh*t in this world, people seem to think they have this god given right to dictate what others say or do just to please themselves, if you don't like something that's being said or done, keep it to yourself, cause f*ck knows that every single person has said or done plenty in their life that other people didn't find too pleasing.

What ever happened to the world where people weren't such emotion cripples that demand everything be censored because one pathetic f*ck decided it offends them for reasons no one has the balls to question because that might f*cking offend them too!

It makes me sick that people out there piss on about freedom of speech and then get offended by it when it's put into place.
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