Parramatta JRL


Kennel Addict
Sep 8, 2012
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Hi All,

Just after some advice. I am going to keep the age group and Junior clubs private for the moment as i am not sure if they are quite relevant at the moment

My youngest plays in Div 1 in his age group in the Parramatta JRL district. The team has only just been promoted to Div 1 for the first time. Last Saturday a much larger boy put the the most perfect example of a square on shoulder charge on him that you will see. Point of the shoulder hit him square on the nose and broke it.

His nose swelled up, was bloody and he received treatment to his face and was relaced and took no further part in the game. The ref then blew his whistle and said 'Tackle was not high, play on'.

That afternoon we spent the whole evening at the childrens hospital at Westmead and have an appointment with a surgeon on Wednesday to fix his nose.

Because i did not put a complaint in through the junior club before the Monday I was told chances were slim they would even think about doing anything. In my anger I had sent the following email to the Parramatta JRL Association through their Facebook page, 2 emails I found on their website and to the Parramatta Junior Ref Association on the night of the match after we got home from the hospital.

"To whom it may concern, During the xxxx vs xxxx match today at xxxx Oval there was an incident where my son's nose was broken. The number 4 for the xxxx lined him up and hit him with the biggest shoulder charge I have seen in junior Rugby league in a long time. The point of his shoulder hit him square on the nose. I was under the impression that shoulder charges were now illegal, as are high tackles. The referee seeing my son on the ground with a swollen and bloodied nose says to everyone "tackle was ok. Not high". In an era in Rugby League when awareness about head injuries are at an all time high how can this be justified? The referee just brushed it aside like there wasn't a child with a broken bloodied nose on the ground in front of him. There was no penalty given, no sin bin or send off, not even a verbal warning. In fact the direction was Play on. Within 5 minutes another player from xxxx was hit high and also took no further part in the game. When will referees be held accountable? The display of this referee for the regard of the safety of players was non existent. xxxx is a physically much bigger team than xxxx and did not need to resort to these sorts of tactics, but the failure of the referee to police this just gave them the green light to continue. Safety of players is supposed to be paramount. After having to spend the afternoon and evening at the Children's Hospital I am sure you can understand my anger and frustration at inept officiating that allows these sorts of situations to occur."
Not one person has even acknowledged that they received my email.

What do I do as clearly just being a parent means sh!t to these people.
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Hacky McAxe

Super Moderator
Staff member
May 7, 2011
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Post it on their Facebook page and any junior rugby league page. Official NRL page if you can post there too. They tend to start paying attention when it's public as they need to avoid bad publicity.


Kennel Legend
Sep 22, 2013
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@steeliz The referee does have a duty of care to report 'rough play'.
Is there footage of the incident in question?

By Laws and Competition:
This^. Really need footage otherwise it’s he say she say
Now you could just be a parent sooking about an accident from a bigger boy ( not saying you are)
Or it could of been a shoulder charge
Without proof your really pissing in the wind, and what are you looking for? At worst other kid gets a week or so suspension
Very tough for a 3rd party to decide on The matter without any vision

Hope your boy is ok mate, and hasn’t put him off on getting back on the field


Kennel Addict
Sep 8, 2012
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Unfortunately not much footage is shot at U14s level


Kennel Addict
Sep 8, 2012
Reaction score
This^. Really need footage otherwise it’s he say she say
Now you could just be a parent sooking about an accident from a bigger boy ( not saying you are)
Or it could of been a shoulder charge
Without proof your really pissing in the wind, and what are you looking for? At worst other kid gets a week or so suspension
Very tough for a 3rd party to decide on The matter without any vision

Hope your boy is ok mate, and hasn’t put him off on getting back on the field
He is ok. Tough little bastard.

Seeing the surgeon on Wed to straighten his nose.

What I am really fed up with is the bias shown at junior level by referees. I have talked about it before.

14 year olds are just kids. Whether the kid gets suspended or not doesn't bother me. The kids just want to go out and play footy and I have seen so many matches where the kids are just so deflated by biased refereeing. 10 min later another player was hit high and no further part in the game. This led to tempers flaring. The ref had no control from that point on.

I want to see the ref in this case have his ar$e kicked. His job is to be impartial, and control the game, not let the players control it for him.

I don't condone anyone going after a ref at a game, but I have come to understand the impulse with some of these smug, cheating bastards.
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Kennel Enthusiast
2 x Gilded
Premium Member
Sep 23, 2016
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If you receive no reply back from anyone at Parramatta JRL, then go through your club. Have all the details handy, and all doctors reports.

The club then contacts Parramatta JRL who should have a match report of the game in question. If they fail to hand this over, then you can take it up with the NSWRL.

I find that surprising that footage is rarely shot at junior games, seems to be the norm up here in Queensland.