Opinion Our Right Edge

billy beane

Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 26, 2021
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I’m not too worried about it tbh. 3/5 games have been played in 35° heat. Today was pushing 40. People say we may have lost the gas and it was our fitness, and why did the tigers have more energy then us. Listening to Freddy during the game, he noted off the ball we were running more, more movement. Tigers standing still. All that burns energy. Teams of recent years we would have lost today. At 26-22 I thought we were gone. But the team managed to show a cool head and a bit of resilience, got the win.
Not overly worried myself ... just throwing it out there as it has been a problem area.

Agree games in the kind of heat we have been experiencing can be wild affairs.


Kennel Legend
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Nov 29, 2020
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How many piggy backs did they get?

They were let off the hook time after time.

It was bordering on comical.
Reed Mahoney and Paul Alamoti’s penalties were rigged. So so soft


Kennel Immortal
Mar 23, 2014
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How about the 'crusher' Kikau got put on report for. What an absolute clown show by the refs.

He won't even get charged for it.


Kennel Participant
Premium Member
SC Draft Champion
Oct 12, 2014
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She was stingy with Burto's kicks for line but seemed far more generous with Douhie's, both halves.
I encourage others to go and rewatch the game and return to credit your comment because it was that blatantly obvious, Tigers were getting special treatment, free yardage providing them good field position to get back into the game, narrow the scoreline if not the result.

I don't think Kasey Badger's actions to help the Tigers was a direct result from her husbands affiliation as a consultant with the Wests Tigers club, but most likely came from the bunker and none other than Gerard Sutton, worth checking the decision when young Preston went into touch and she reacted late and raised her flag once she got the call.

Doubt Ciraldo or the club will bother to seek clarification but I think they should because they have a great asset with Burton's big boot where an advantage can be applied when a penalty goes our way and march down closer to the red zone on the back of Burtons big boot, using the right tools to get the job done is an advantage worth exploring.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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I encourage others to go and rewatch the game and return to credit your comment because it was that blatantly obvious, Tigers were getting special treatment, free yardage providing them good field position to get back into the game, narrow the scoreline if not the result.

I don't think Kasey Badger's actions to help the Tigers was a direct result from her husbands affiliation as a consultant with the Wests Tigers club, but most likely came from the bunker and none other than Gerard Sutton, worth checking the decision when young Preston went into touch and she reacted late and raised her flag once she got the call.

Doubt Ciraldo or the club will bother to seek clarification but I think they should because they have a great asset with Burton's big boot where an advantage can be applied when a penalty goes our way and march down closer to the red zone on the back of Burtons big boot, using the right tools to get the job done is an advantage worth exploring.
She blatantly ignored the roughing up/interfering at tpb work Naden put on Kiraz right in front of her also. Tiges were often given extra metres in spotting resumption of play and often walked off the mark a few metres and not pulled up.

I'm not sure on the corruption aspect of it but all the same the Tiges were not penalised when they should have when they did obvious infringements.

Seemed like we got the refs bounce of the ball in the first half but they realised 2nd spell that they'd better start favouring the Tiges so momentum changed to even it up.

Its hard to put a finger on it but it's a thing IMO.


Kennel Established
Mar 19, 2022
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often walked off the mark a few metres and not pulled up
This was the worst part of the officials' performance. And it was blatant.
There was a deliberate Tigers' tactic, used all day, and not pulled up once.
Walking forward and/or to the side to take our markers out of play, allowing Api to scoot in behind the ruck to threaten the middle.

It's BS, it's obvious, and hopefully, Ciraldo is on the phone this morning giving the 'tards at HQ an ear full; behind the scenes at this stage, but if they don't want to listen and it's going to keep happening we need to be prepared to call it out - on the field with Reed (call a halt, make a big stink about it), and then in the next presser as well (Mr Laundy, we're going to need $10k. Thanks)

If it's the "new thing" to do, then we had better start doing it as well (that should be enough for the officials to initiate a "sudden crackdown").


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 8, 2014
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Just saw the replay again, if Monday-is video day, the I hope Ciraldo is putting the last 20 minutes on loop.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Aug 6, 2016
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This was the worst part of the officials' performance. And it was blatant.
There was a deliberate Tigers' tactic, used all day, and not pulled up once.
Walking forward and/or to the side to take our markers out of play, allowing Api to scoot in behind the ruck to threaten the middle.

It's BS, it's obvious, and hopefully, Ciraldo is on the phone this morning giving the 'tards at HQ an ear full; behind the scenes at this stage, but if they don't want to listen and it's going to keep happening we need to be prepared to call it out - on the field with Reed (call a halt, make a big stink about it), and then in the next presser as well (Mr Laundy, we're going to need $10k. Thanks)

If it's the "new thing" to do, then we had better start doing it as well (that should be enough for the officials to initiate a "sudden crackdown").
Yeah if we do it..immediate new tighter rule enacted that week!


Kennel Legend
Jul 30, 2011
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This was the worst part of the officials' performance. And it was blatant.
There was a deliberate Tigers' tactic, used all day, and not pulled up once.
Walking forward and/or to the side to take our markers out of play, allowing Api to scoot in behind the ruck to threaten the middle.

It's BS, it's obvious, and hopefully, Ciraldo is on the phone this morning giving the 'tards at HQ an ear full; behind the scenes at this stage, but if they don't want to listen and it's going to keep happening we need to be prepared to call it out - on the field with Reed (call a halt, make a big stink about it), and then in the next presser as well (Mr Laundy, we're going to need $10k. Thanks)

If it's the "new thing" to do, then we had better start doing it as well (that should be enough for the officials to initiate a "sudden crackdown").
They got away with a lot yesterday. They were piggybacked the whole game, and we were forced to defend our line multiple times due to a lot of poor decisions by the so-called "match day officials" which made us so gassed we barely survived the late tigers onslaught.


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
Reaction score
They got away with a lot yesterday. They were piggybacked the whole game, and we were forced to defend our line multiple times due to a lot of poor decisions by the so-called "match day officials" which made us so gassed we barely survived the late tigers onslaught.
But we did survive and the players dug deep and found a way to win, which wouldn't have been the case for the last 5 years. I have no doubt that we will be stronger for it, it will stand us in good stead as the season progresses.

Always a Bulldog


Kennel Established
Feb 19, 2019
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She blatantly ignored the roughing up/interfering at tpb work Naden put on Kiraz right in front of her also. Tiges were often given extra metres in spotting resumption of play and often walked off the mark a few metres and not pulled up.

I'm not sure on the corruption aspect of it but all the same the Tiges were not penalised when they should have when they did obvious infringements.

Seemed like we got the refs bounce of the ball in the first half but they realised 2nd spell that they'd better start favouring the Tiges so momentum changed to even it up.

Its hard to put a finger on it but it's a thing IMO.
Covered most of it here, but adding:

  • Nofo never played the ball on the mark - always walked 2-3m forward niggling with the marker defender. Never told to go back and play it properly.
  • Naden's work on Kiraz was laughable. Could have penalised every tackle he was in, let it slide for some reason.
  • Brilliant kick by Reed from memory deep into their corner. Doueihi pulls up lame with cramps, stops play and nullifies any advantage we had by giving their tired forwards a good 2 minutes to get back onside and catch their breath. It went from their OBs having to ruck it up, to letting their forwards take the first hit-up and get a roll-on for no reason.
  • Most of the Tigers penalties resulted in touch finders/ inside their 40m zone. They never had to work like we did for yardage. Very similar to Manly Rnd 1.