Jake Turpin


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 11, 2020
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We were after him a few years back and made an absolute mess of the situation, to the point it was a deciding factor in him not signing with us.

Pre Mahoney and in the Anderson / Pay era as it was before he left Broncos.

Goes pretty well for a hooker, and will provide a good one-two punch with Mahoney. Plus can cover the halves at a pinch.


Kennel Addict
Sep 5, 2016
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We were after him a few years back and made an absolute mess of the situation, to the point it was a deciding factor in him not signing with us.

Pre Mahoney and in the Anderson / Pay era as it was before he left Broncos.

Goes pretty well for a hooker, and will provide a good one-two punch with Mahoney. Plus can cover the halves at a pinch.
Bring back the Rona pic dude


Kennel Established
Nov 9, 2018
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Turpin is a tough little bugger and an experienced NRL standard hooker

If Mahoney goes down injured in the first game (heaven forbid), we now have an established replacement

With Nu Brown and Flanagan gone we had no backup at hooker. Now we do, and for me Turpin is a better player than Brown and Flanno so we have just strengthened our squad and saved some money

Yes we still need a couple of middles, but we also needed another hooker

A good signing by Gus


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 6, 2012
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Everyone has a point here but it’s kinda sad how the name calling gets thrown around. Relax guys it’s footy talk not life or death! I agree with people saying and Ciro wouldn’t know about players being lazy etc etc but I also agree that gus has stuffed up a shit load of recent signings and I’m afraid it could be Happening again. Why sign more fringe squad players to release similar players. Yes they are prob slightly better but you have invested a whole year into some players who know your style of play and then get rid of them to begin again?
Heck what would I know I’m just a supporter but if the results are the same next year then they both have alot to answer for!


Kennel Legend
Aug 28, 2010
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What part made you think I am happy with the results but I don't sit and put shit on every decision the club make. Win or lose that **** puts everyone down. I'm satisfied we have the right people in charge to turn the club around. I don't try to get the board thrown out so Gus n cc get sacked. I called it in 2014 to sack DES and got hammered because we were winning even though the negative system he was setting up impacted the club. Yes I'm fucking delusional for not caring about the current results as long as we return to where we were 10 -20yrs ago. No pathways, no juniors and poor results on top of cap maxed with over paid under value players is what we have seen for the last 5 yrs and everyone thinks we will start winning and pluck elite superstars out our ass and win. Gus n cc have a plan to be somewhere and the current crop didn't answer the call so let's recruit kids who will.turn up and show pride in the jersey until the pathways work . That is the system now if you don't like , just like Mariner fuck off to another club.
You fuck off to another club if you don’t like supporters voicing their opinions that are different to yours. Who made you the fkn be all and end all.
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Tassie Devil

Kennel Immortal
Oct 29, 2018
Reaction score
Everyone has a point here but it’s kinda sad how the name calling gets thrown around. Relax guys it’s footy talk not life or death! I agree with people saying and Ciro wouldn’t know about players being lazy etc etc but I also agree that gus has stuffed up a shit load of recent signings and I’m afraid it could be Happening again. Why sign more fringe squad players to release similar players. Yes they are prob slightly better but you have invested a whole year into some players who know your style of play and then get rid of them to begin again?
Heck what would I know I’m just a supporter but if the results are the same next year then they both have alot to answer for!
Shut up ****


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
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Trust me, if everyone loved Averillo he would then hate Averillo. He has to go against the grain. Needs to be in the minority so when what he says comes off he will turn around and tell everyone “I told you so” and try to look smarter than anyone else. The truth of the matter is that no one on here can do a better job than who we have at the club now. If they can do a better job then why aren’t they in the club helping out.
Perhaps they can do a better job, yet not being Dogs fans, why would they bother?


Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
@TheSexDogs you truely are a grade a fuckwit. How the fuck you call yourself a fan when you have not 1 positive thing to say about the team, coach , board and anyone. You just sit back and laugh at decision made to recruit, or player selection acting like a know it all. Every year you change your name you turn into a bigger ****. You and that fucking clown would be 1 n 2 on my list and that's not for fucking recruitment.
How can you tel who their name was before?
I never know and I lose track


Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
You fuck off to another club if you don’t like supporters voicing their opinions that are different to yours. Who made you the fkn be all and end all.
I'm not the one attacking the club **** , you and your little keyboard goons sit here week after week putting shit on the club, then after 2 wins go and buy grandfinal tickets than after 3 losses throw in your Membership and after 5 losses want to oust the board. Go eat a dick, after you pull the rainbow one out your ass.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 26, 2021
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Worse then Hayze, Aalamoti, Flange, okunbor, Edwards, RFM, Topine, Wilson, Sutton, Pele? :p

We fielded a team of Ron Massey cup players this year. I agree with you that this player and others aren’t game changers to a decent team. But a team that had 5-6 NRL quality players these signings do elevate us. We are nowhere near a top 10 team. But we had a putrid team this year and by all reports a lazy team with a loser mentality. Sometimes subtraction is a form of addition haha :-)

We do need several hard nosed props though and ideally a controlling/solid 7. Just hope we move away from smaller, utility type players. Unless Ciro is wanting a small ball NRL team like the warriors (of golden state :p) lol
Zion and embid up front , shut the gates. Giannis, montrezl and doncic at 13


Kennel Addict
May 16, 2009
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There is 2 things happening. There is now and there is building for the future.
I believe in Gus's and the Clubs plans for the future. I dont know all the details but Penrith and Roosters all the better for having Gus there.

Its the now that concerns me. Gus has been here 2 years.

What was known in the preseason before round 1 this year -
TPJ was thinking of a career change, he told Ciro.
Pele was a gamble. Sometimes gambles are worth taking. It didnt pay off.
RFM was and average first grader.
Thomo was an average first grader.
Wadell was an average first grader.
Jacko gone.

So what has been done to 'strenghen' our pack from this year going into 2024?

Fans expect their team to be competitive, that every game is worth winning and fighting for.
There is a distinct feeling that the now isnt a priority and some decisions by Gus and Ciro have been disappointing.
No positives in the way we played or individuals improving this year. What is the coaching staff responsible for?????
Gus sais the end of season cant come quick enough, says it will get worse before it gets better. Sais to Ciro come next year.
Imagine if all supporters said not going to games in 2023 and membership forget it, 2024 maybe.

I think this is where alot of the arguments come from. You either buy into everything Gus sais and keep quiet or get upset with where we are at after years of garbage and your a negative ****.
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Kennel Established
Jan 7, 2022
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Kikau the only player there that's quality+ (elite in Panther system in his case). All the rest either do the job or are not that great. It's one of the worst forward packs in the NRL on paper. It's the same next year.
It’s worse next year


Kennel Established
Feb 20, 2014
Reaction score
His strength seems to be in his defence, dosn’t miss a whole lot


Previously James Cochrane
Jul 15, 2020
Reaction score
Mahoney had a tough season played every game and 80 min most games making 50 tackles a game. Has picked up a few injuries . Looks to have shoulder strapping and has a bulging disc. May need to have some surgery so could be a bit slow to start the season. Also if we play Reed like that again we will burn him out and he will get a long term injury. Good to have back up.