In the Dog house: Concerns grow for Addo-Carr’s future after brawl


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Yep, he is either woefully naive, or trying to self sabotage.

I don’t know what his deal is but he has been doing nothing but drawing negative attention to himself and the club lately.
A third option, he knows exactly what he is doing, utilising his platform to bring attention to victims that are ignored/attacked in the media.
At the same time, he is forwarding his interests utilising the attention above brings.

I do agree that his behaviour has been unusual of late and can't help but wonder what the underlying reason or reasons are for that.

EDIT - added the last sentence.
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Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Thats not my point.

My point is you need to learn to read the room before commenting. Sometimes its best just to keep your mouth shut.
Look at the current social environment that's achieved.
Speak up, speak loud and proud, speak as respectfully as possible, and shine the light on issues we are too afraid to talk about, so we can collectively seek to positively address them.
This sticking our heads in the sand and sweeping shit under the carpet is so last millennium.
With the invention and advancement of Internet technology, we now have a platform that enables reasonably easy global communication, why not utilise it for positive means?
As a species, we need to continue to evolve, it's about time we abandon those poor practices as a part of our evolution.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
No.. But there's a reason why most athletes don't go near political subjects like this.. Even if they have strong opinions about it. Because it's lose/lose and they often get attacked themselves for sharing an opinion. So it's probably not worth getting involved in when a topic like this is so sensitive.

Obviously Fox wants to express whatever views he has. But he has to be prepared for the backlash and consequences now.
It saddens me we live in a time where a person cops backlash for seeking to address plights suffered by third parties.
In this case, the comparison likely did him no favours in seeking to support the oppressed victims.
I suspect just advocating for them in lieu, would very likely been more palatable for many.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Yep, that's the way it is unfortunately. Not sure what part of recent history makes you think footy players, or any celebrities for that matter, are able to publicly state an opinion that goes against the main view.

Your or my thoughts about whether they should be able to is irrelevant, and a different argument.
...which will not get any easier the longer we ignore it!

A lot of what they share I disagree with, yet generally do respect their courage for sticking their neck out to seek to at least encourage discussion, rather than ignorance.


Kennel Legend
May 31, 2012
Reaction score
Thats not my point.

My point is you need to learn to read the room before commenting. Sometimes its best just to keep your mouth shut.
It is best but not always the right thing to do. I prefer players to have opinions and speak on shit they are passionate about than a fkn media trained monkey just saying the things he thinks people want to hear.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Funny how fox never had an opinion on the Ukraine war.
All the Palestine fans always complain about the west supporting Ukraine and it’s hypocrisy but they didn’t support Ukraine either so they as bad
I support the liberation, freedom, reinstatement of land, and peace for both countries!


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
I've openly supported Russia you dumb fk ... stop baiting everyone and go back to your indian politics and then focusing on the grade of cow shit youre going to smeer over your self before you jump into the worlds dirtiest river and call it a clense.
He's as white as a white man can get according to those here who have met with him, so call him out on a fact in the future, please.
It's not the Indian's or the Leb's fault he is how he is, so smearing their name with associating him with them is unfair!


Super Duper Ultimate Moderator
Staff member
Apr 18, 2006
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Look at the current social environment that's achieved.
Speak up, speak loud and proud, speak as respectfully as possible, and shine the light on issues we are too afraid to talk about, so we can collectively seek to positively address them.
This sticking our heads in the sand and sweeping shit under the carpet is so last millennium.
With the invention and advancement of Internet technology, we now have a platform that enables reasonably easy global communication, why not utilise it for positive means?
As a species, we need to continue to evolve, it's about time we abandon those poor practices as a part of our evolution.
Its all good and well until someone says something you don't agree with. That's the whole issue. Not many people these days seems to be able to handle someone else having a different opinion without attacking them.

Case in point, in the now closed thread in the lounge, all I said was that anyone who attacks children, women and the elderly deserve to be punted from this Earth, and was careful not to point fingers or take sides (Im not an Arab, or a Jew, so literally have no dog in this fight), and you attacked me calling my opinions fucked up as if I had just called for the death of someones race. I am still scratching my head as to wtf I said that was so controversial.

So, no offence, however you are in absolutely no position to talk about speaking loud and proud and being respectful.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 1, 2004
Reaction score
It saddens me we live in a time where a person cops backlash for seeking to address plights suffered by third parties.
In this case, the comparison likely did him no favours in seeking to support the oppressed victims.
I suspect just advocating for them in lieu, would very likely been more palatable for many.
Yeah unfortunately that's the reality of the world we live in now where celebrities can't express an opinion because they risk their livelihoods and income from one tweet or comment..


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
Reaction score
Its all good and well until someone says something you don't agree with. That's the whole issue. Not many people these days seems to be able to handle someone else having a different opinion without attacking them.

Case in point, in the now closed thread in the lounge, all I said was that anyone who attacks children, women and the elderly deserve to be punted from this Earth, and was careful not to point fingers or take sides (Im not an Arab, or a Jew, so literally have no dog in this fight), and you attacked me calling my opinions fucked up as if I had just called for the death of someones race. I am still scratching my head as to wtf I said that was so controversial.

So, no offence, however you are in absolutely no position to talk about speaking loud and proud and being respectful.
The key words there were, your opinion.
I, like you and every other human, can not possibly agree upon everything.
Despite that, I appreciate and value your input, be it right, wrong, or just confusing to a fellow human.
As a rule, I seek (and openly admit to sometimes failing) to ensure that point is appreciated.
I was lazy in my reply and had to address that at a later point, I did not go beyond sharing my outrage.
If I had expressed that I agreed with the first sentence, yet it was in the second sentence of your post I took offence to, I suspect it would have been read in a different manner by you.
The vast majority of us hate and are pained to see innocents suffering, irrelevant to the side they fall upon.
That examples of why we do need to talk about issues, the easy way does not work.
Bad habits are literally the mind seeking the easy way, seeking to only use iirc 30% of the energy/capacity ( I forget which is the case tbf) that forming/maintaining a good habit does.
We as a greater society have taken the easy route and now find ourselves in the mess where we are unable to easily discuss contentious topics due to the reasons you mentioned.
You do have skin in the game, you like most other people including myself, seek peace for mankind, we have to fight for that.


Sep 23, 2016
Reaction score
I support the liberation, freedom, reinstatement of land, and peace for both countries!
Ok in fairness you did say that on Sunday.
But I was talking about Fox.
What I notice is black people never give a crap of white peope are suffering they only get on causes that relate to themselves. Something i noticed
If people complaining about ukraine hypocrisy showed support to Ukraine themselves I’d have more respect for them. Some liked Russia even.
We have members here with family in the Donbas so it wasn’t not noticed


Kennel Legend
Aug 28, 2010
Reaction score
Ok in fairness you did say that on Sunday.
But I was talking about Fox.
What I notice is black people never give a crap of white peope are suffering they only get on causes that relate to themselves. Something i noticed
If people complaining about ukraine hypocrisy showed support to Ukraine themselves I’d have more respect for them. Some liked Russia even.
We have members here with family in the Donbas so it wasn’t not noticed
You’re boring … it was entertaining for a while and sometimes funny but now I get why so many accounts on here just ignore you.