News Dogs Stick With Hutchinson Despite Mounting Pressure


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 13, 2019
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Part of the issue we have is all our spine players are average, even Tigers ( api ) and Drags ( Hunt ) have class to bring others into the game. Bringing Sexton in i dont see making any real difference. I wish Mahoney would stop crabbing and just either run or pass directly, when he does this we look much better.

Dogs Of War

On the Warpath
Sep 2, 2003
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He lacks that competitive mentality a ridiculous shit ton. Me thinks he only played footy because he was good at it, not because he loved it. It’s a mental thing with Burton and its going to take a miracle at this point to fix it. Its why I don’t like him very much for now because its insanely frustrating the entire situation.
Maybe the option is to bring Sexton in with Hutch for a few games. Drop Burton to reserves to work out his 5/8th role and ensure he is running the ball as the first option.

Burton can run the ball. He just needs to get back to doing that as his first option.


Kennel Addict
Aug 23, 2013
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So what’s your solution since you have it all figured out?
Nowhere did I mention round 20, I said it’s round 4 and making changes this early on isn’t gonna make a massive difference considering no one in reggies is making a case for first grade!
As stated in my last message shall we move the players best in their position to appease you and the rest of the negative brigade on here?
the way I see it is that we know where the ceiling is with the current team, and obviously so far it’s not good enough and tbh I doubt it’ll ever be. Do you think it is? Building combinations with shit will mean you still get a combination of shit

if what I say is broadly correct, then what is the harm in bringing in sexton and moving Tracey to the back? I think our defensive resolve will remain unchanged, in fact Tracey is a fuck ton better at the back than taafe. Sexton can hold his own in the line and it’s been shown last year when he hit first grade, although I haven’t seen any stats to back me up so I’m winging it here lololol


Kennel Participant
Aug 16, 2023
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It’s been 4 weeks! What is making changes gonna achieve but set us back in combinations?
Bring Sexton in who is not setting the world on fire in Reggies, we then lose defensive cohesion.
Move Burton to centre after he just had one of his best games for us?
Move the best centre in the world to fullback?

As I said it’s round 4 we shouldn’t be making any changes at this point in the season.
I see your other comments and replies on here where if anyone is critical of CC and suggesting we make changes then we're part of the "negative brigade."

What you don't understand is CC hasn't earned our faith and support. He's not a premiership winning coach and doesn't have the runs on the board so people have every right to question him. In fact, it would be pretty damn stupid not to considering we're short odds for the spoon.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
SC H2H Champion
2 x SC Draft Champ
Nov 15, 2013
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Hutcho/Sexton is our best halves pairing. Still fucking shit but I'd rather watch these two turtles play.


Kennel Enthusiast
Oct 11, 2020
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Go back and read my original comment. In no way did I suggest we sack CC and bring in Mick Potter.

All I was saying is that there’s similarities now and between when Trent Barrett refused to make changes to a losing side.

Incidentally when we did make changes we finished higher on the ladder and not bottom 4 which is a big deal for us unfortunately…
Yeah I didn’t think your post was negative. It was a fair comment. Not sure why Allan went off on that.


Kennel Participant
Nov 14, 2020
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Taaffe at 7, said it in the pre season. Move Kiraz to 1, Xerri in at 3. Simples really…. Someone got Ciros number???


Mar 21, 2016
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the way I see it is that we know where the ceiling is with the current team, and obviously so far it’s not good enough and tbh I doubt it’ll ever be. Do you think it is? Building combinations with shit will mean you still get a combination of shit

if what I say is broadly correct, then what is the harm in bringing in sexton and moving Tracey to the back? I think our defensive resolve will remain unchanged, in fact Tracey is a fuck ton better at the back than taafe. Sexton can hold his own in the line and it’s been shown last year when he hit first grade, although I haven’t seen any stats to back me up so I’m winging it here lololol
How much time have you spent at training with this team to know where their ceiling is? I think Ciraldo is in a better position to make that call than any of us.

Tracey hasnt and likely won’t be moved to fullback for quite a while due to fitness, he didn’t complete the preseason and he isn’t fit enough yet to play fullback.

Sexton isn’t a great defender and isn’t vocal enough to be the starting half in NRL, hence not getting a run at the titans and now here.
He’s also quite young and will get his chance when the coaching staff think he’s ready.

The thing that does my head in about this forum is some think they know more than Ciraldo, Taylor and the rest of the coaching staff, delusion at its finest.


Mar 21, 2016
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I see your other comments and replies on here where if anyone is critical of CC and suggesting we make changes then we're part of the "negative brigade."

What you don't understand is CC hasn't earned our faith and support. He's not a premiership winning coach and doesn't have the runs on the board so people have every right to question him. In fact, it would be pretty damn stupid not to considering we're short odds for the spoon.
What have you earned as a first grade coach or player?


Kennel Participant
Aug 16, 2023
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What have you earned as a first grade coach or player?
So you’re saying if you haven’t played or coached first grade you don’t get an opinion and should just STFU?

If you’re not a qualified chef do you get an opinion if something tastes like sh:t?

If you’re not an author or work in the media you aren’t entitled to an opinion on a book or news article?

Like it or not this is The Kennel and dogs supporters are gonna say whatever they want. Regardless of who it offends


Kennel Enthusiast
Mar 26, 2024
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Could we play Hutch @13?
Sexton @7?
Then we still get Hutch's talk, defence, organisation and solid kicking game.
He could play an Isiah Yeo role. Kind of a Slow Yeo!! lol
Then Sexton could play 7. We have speed at 7, three kickers and Hutch to do the yap.

I was always suss on all 3 utilities playing together - ie., Hutch, Mann and Salmon.
Salmon appears the weakest link. His D is excellent. But he's also slowish for his size. Morrin he is NOT!!
Seems as though CC's trying to play Salmon as the Slo Yo - but I think Hutch offers waaay more as a Slo Yo.

Mann rocks!! Leave him in as 14.
Then we can have 3 proper "impact" forwards off the bench. Maybe even one of them could be a big rangy back who can play edge forward - like Samrani or Skelton?? Kinda like what Okunbor was supposed to do last year... (the theory was good ...)
Yeo ain't exactly a speedster, he's just smart and strong.. rarely makes the wrong decision.. Drew has somewhat of a footy IQ and since our weird game plan has him getting tackled a lot he might as well play in the 13.


The Strategist
Aug 19, 2007
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Could it be that other teams are rushing up on Crichton forcing Hutch to dummy instead and step back in?

He does it often even though he is not fast or strong. They have to rethink getting the ball out faster and having Crichton deeper or something because our attack on the right is not firing and we have great strike power there.

Harry Oz

Kennel Established
Sep 23, 2022
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Wouldn’t have a clue, but I’m not writing off a team with half the players only playing a few games together, after 4 games.
Exactly right.
There are always going to be forced changes so why unsettle the team further by switching key players around?
If Sexton is picked and gets doesn't do much better, which would be highly likely, then what has been achieved?
Ciraldo has decided on a core set up and he will get these guys to know each others' games before tinkering. No matter what the results are.
The goal is to have a functioning side in 2025 when tehre will be more selection options. If the team performs well before then, well that's a bonus.
I'm happy to be patient. I just hate games being ruined by referees.


Kennel Participant
Aug 16, 2023
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Wouldn’t have a clue, but I’m not writing off a team with half the players only playing a few games together, after 4 games.
Well you're living up to your name. I'm not as confident and recent history suggests we have no reason to be.

Word is not even Gus and CC are agreeing on team selections...

Harry Oz

Kennel Established
Sep 23, 2022
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Could it be that other teams are rushing up on Crichton forcing Hutch to dummy instead and step back in?

He does it often even though he is not fast or strong. They have to rethink getting the ball out faster and having Crichton deeper or something because our attack on the right is not firing and we have great strike power there.
It is part of the problem. Other aspects are our forwards don't drag in enough defenders.
It's also why I'd like to see Taaffe up in the line more - he can be inside or outside Hutchison. Although, from memory, he was actually outside Hutchison when Hutchison dummied with 3 minutes to go last week with a two many overlap...

Hound Dog

Kennel Established
Oct 19, 2021
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Hutch is far from the biggest problem. Our team just needs to hold onto the ball and execute better, we not going to do that if we keep changing players. I'm with CC, just stick to the system and a few wins should be around the corner. It's not like we've been flogged week in, week out.
Big thing on my mind. The ball popping out mid tackle, around play the balls, technical errors, those are costing us not offloads. If it was from promoting the ball, playing footy, I wouldn't be as frustrated.

Offloads helped us. Soft hands and lack of concentration costs us. They're 2 different things.

Our play style gives the vibes of safety first runs off of a lot of block plays.

Obviously players mentality and the instruction would be 'play safer' or around the lines 'completion rate is key' and as a result we're seeing them play very structured, training sets. But instead they're losing it giving possession in silly ways. These things should get identified asap, and don't discourage the players being crafty when it's on.

Abit of balance would help, less predictability, allow to build sets but the silly errors although inevitable must minimise, maybe it comes with confidence, time. Building trust and understanding helps too to know what type of balls, plays to expect teammates to run or receive.