Ben Barba reveals the inspiration behind his breakout season

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Cat & Mouse

Kennel Participant
Aug 29, 2012
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Ben Barba reveals the inspiration behind his breakout season
Phil Rothfield
The Daily Telegraph

WHEN Ben Barba is running downfield, stepping around defenders, jinking back inside and scoring length-of-the-field tries, he is not doing it for himself.

He is doing it for two little girls who are foremost in his mind every time he runs on to the football field for the Canterbury Bulldogs.

While he'd love a premiership ring, a Queensland Origin jersey and a Dally M Medal, the most exciting player in the NRL is driven by a single-minded determination to give daughters Bodhi, 3, and Bronte, 17 months, a great life.

They have no idea their dad is an NRL superstar.

"My goal more than anything, and it's why I work so hard on my football, is to set them up for life," says the Bulldogs superstar, posing for photographs with his girls.

"They're the last thing I'm thinking about as I'm about to run out for each game.

"The money you make in footy is pretty good and if my girls want something, I want to be able to provide it."

Barba has been a father since he was just 19, not long after he burst on to the scene as a rookie utility player who had been rejected by the Broncos, Cowboys and four Sydney clubs that thought he was too small.

He is now the face of rugby league, Canterbury's longest serving first-grader and a raging hot favourite to win the Dally M award on Tuesday.


Barba has proven you don't need to be as big as Greg Inglis or as strong as Paul Gallen in the toughest and most explosive body-contact sport.

He weighs 90 kilos but looks light enough to be on a favourite at Rosehill this afternoon.

His biggest fan is Canterbury's greatest ever player, the one-and-only Steve Mortimer.

"Ben's born and blessed with a very special gift," Mortimer said, "Every time he touches the ball I'm on the edge of my seat.

"He's great for rugby league in that mums, who often decide what sport their children play, can see that a little fella can absolutely shine in a gladiatorial game.

"He gives hope to every little bloke that they can make the NRL.

"When it comes to pure entertainment, I can't think of a better player than Benny Barba.

"He puts bums on seats and he's one of the most gifted players I've ever seen."


Canterbury boss Todd Greenberg wants to keep Barba in a Bulldogs jersey for life.

Because of his huge profile, I ask Barba if he would consider other options and other sports, like Sonny Bill Williams, Israel Folau or Karmichael Hunt. He could triple his income.

"The thought is always there but at the moment I've got a lot more to prove and achieve in rugby league," he said.

"I'm in no rush to leave the game but if I ever left, it wouldn't be AFL. Too much running for me.

"There's always thoughts in the back of mind I could play rugby union to challenge myself."

Bulldogs CEO Todd Greenberg Greenberg has other ideas.

"We'd like to see him remain a one-club player for life," he said, "He's the sort of player who you would ensure he never comes off contract.

"Our philosophy is not just about developing better footballers and making them fitter, faster and stronger. Equally our focus is ensuring our players become better men, better fathers, better husbands, better role models.

"Ben Barba is living, breathing proof that that philosophy is being upheld at the Bulldogs."

Barba spends some quality time on a swing with his daughters Bodhi ( 3 years ) and Bronte (17 mths)


Barba joined the Bulldogs from Mackay as a 17-year-old.

He worked in a $13-an-hour car wash to supplement his minimum NRL income.

His manager, Gavin Orr, recalls some of the difficult times.

"One day Ben rang up and said he was going home," Orr recalls.

"He was really homesick and didn't like Sydney.

"We had to keep flying his mum and dad down for a week or so. His partner Ainslie, who he's been with since they were 15, would come down from Mackay too.

"He had to hang in and he did."

Ainslie moved down permanently the following year.

The only accommodation they could afford was a tiny one-bedroom apartment in Campsie with a mattress on the floor, a small old TV, plastic chairs and not much else.

They now rent in Parramatta but have just purchased their first property in Cronulla.


Most football players don't admit they've done drugs until they write a book at the end of their careers. But Barba is open and honest enough to admit he dabbled in marijuana.

"Coming from Mackay, it's not the easiest of places to grow up," he says, "When you're young, you don't go on the heavy staff, but there's marijuana.

"That's something you go through as a kid. And you hope to learn from your mistakes, which I'd like to think I've done.

"I'm in a good position to talk about it because the best experience comes from witnessing it when you're growing up. It can be an advantage for me. It's important for me now to show the way."

He now takes his high profile position and incredible influence on children seriously.

"It's a big responsibility and if I can change or influence just one kid's life, I'd be pretty stoked about that,": he said. "It's a big thing for me and all indigenous players. It's important we do the right thing and set the right example.

Dogs CEO Todd Greenberg adds: "His humility and his contribution to the club's community programs have been nothing short of phenomenal.

"Plus, he's a passionate advocate for the indigenous community."


He's scored 20 tries this year and made 146 tackle busts - more than any other player in both categories.

But in a chilling warning to premiership rivals, he says: "I'd like to think I could get a bit better.

"It might sound funny but my attack can improve.

"It's in areas like picking my right moments a bit better. Knowing when to pass, when to run, when to kick.

"I'd like to get better at picking the right options."

His mum and dad have flown into Sydney to babysit the girls for Tuesday night.

"It's an honour for my name to be even thrown up and mentioned alongside the great players in this game for such a prestigious award," he said. 'If I win I'd be pretty stoked. If I don't, it would still be an honour to see my name on the leader board with the best players in the game."

Rest assured there will be a special mention for premier coach Des Hasler and his teammates if he's making an acceptance speech.

"We're very lucky to have Des at our club," he said. "It's the belief he's given me. He knew the deficiencies in my game. He knew where and why I struggled with catching and my defence.

"He just said hard work and dedication would get me there. I now spend a lot more time after training than what I ever used to. Even an extra 10 or 20 minutes can help."


Six major Australian companies have approached Barba's manager in recent weeks wanting to sign him to corporate deals. He is already contracted to Nike, Jeep Australia and ANZ Stadium. NRL marketing boss Paul Kind recently contacted Bulldogs CEO Todd Greenberg to set up a meeting with Barba in the near future.

There's every chance he will be used in television commercials to launch the 2013 premiership.

"Ben has wonderful appeal and we want to work closely with him in areas that might interest him," Kind said. "His dynamic on-field performances are one of the reasons why the game was able to do a $1 billion television."


"I've always admired Preston Campbell and Matty Bowen, the boys my size," he said.

"Getting to know them in the All Stars indigenous team was great. They are very special blokes.

"My family too has always been very supportive of me. And of course my little girls and the time I spend with them. It mightn't look relaxing but I love it. It takes my mind off footy and everything around it. I love them."


Im Bain's Boss!
May 25, 2007
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Amazing the maturity shown by this kid in only a few yrs. He could easily have been a Taumata but put his head down and worked his ass off.


The REAL Bakes
Apr 5, 2004
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He is definitely the face of the game. Everyone loves him!


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2011
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Yeah quite a good insight into the life and thoughts of Benny. Just makes my man crush on him even bigger.


Kennel Established
Dec 1, 2004
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He is now the face of rugby league, Canterbury's longest serving first-grader and a raging hot favourite to win the Dally M award on Tuesday.
Had to read this line again and then run through our team and it's true. Can't believe a 23 year old is our longest serving player.

But an awesome article. Shows how down to earth Ben still is despite all his success.


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 14, 2011
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Had to read this line again and then run through our team and it's true. Can't believe a 23 year old is our longest serving player.

But an awesome article. Shows how down to earth Ben still is despite all his success.
I did exactly the same thing, it makes our achievements this year even more astounding.


Dogz At War!
Aug 3, 2012
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Good read.. Ben barba you are a Champion mate. Family before anything!!


The Virtual One
Apr 5, 2004
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Six major Australian companies have approached Barba's manager in recent weeks wanting to sign him to corporate deals. He is already contracted to Nike, Jeep Australia and ANZ Stadium. NRL marketing boss Paul Kind recently contacted Bulldogs CEO Todd Greenberg to set up a meeting with Barba in the near future.

There's every chance he will be used in television commercials to launch the 2013 premiership.

"Ben has wonderful appeal and we want to work closely with him in areas that might interest him," Kind said. "His dynamic on-field performances are one of the reasons why the game was able to do a $1 billion television."

this is what cracks me about league if he can go earn another 100k though sponsorship the nrl shouldnt penalize him


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 23, 2007
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awsome article

best player hope he stays at the dogs for many years to come


In The Dog House
Jul 8, 2007
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I think Benny will always be a Bulldog :D What an awesome article and what a champion bloke we have in Benny Barba! So happy for him and the club.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 22, 2006
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The Hypothetical Dally M board is very over the top.

Barba has played well but there has been a few weeks there where he wouldn't have got points at all.

Bowen has been marked harshly & would have scored more points than they have given him.

I think Benny will still take the top prize out. But it will be much tighter than that chart!
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