Bank of America Gets Pad Locked After Homeowner Forecloses On It

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Kennel Addict
Feb 18, 2008
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Collier County, Florida -- Have you heard the one about a homeowner foreclosing on a bank?

Well, it has happened in Florida and involves a North Carolina based bank.

Instead of Bank of America foreclosing on some Florida homeowner, the homeowners had sheriff's deputies foreclose on the bank.

It started five months ago when Bank of America filed foreclosure papers on the home of a couple, who didn't owe a dime on their home.

The couple said they paid cash for the house.

The case went to court and the homeowners were able to prove they didn't owe Bank of America anything on the house. In fact, it was proven that the couple never even had a mortgage bill to pay.

A Collier County Judge agreed and after the hearing, Bank of America was ordered, by the court to pay the legal fees of the homeowners', Maurenn Nyergers and her husband.

The Judge said the bank wrongfully tried to foreclose on the Nyergers' house.

So, how did it end with bank being foreclosed on? After more than 5 months of the judge's ruling, the bank still hadn't paid the legal fees, and the homeowner's attorney did exactly what the bank tried to do to the homeowners. He seized the bank's assets.

"They've ignored our calls, ignored our letters, legally this is the next step to get my clients compensated, " attorney Todd Allen told CBS.

Sheriff's deputies, movers, and the Nyergers' attorney went to the bank and foreclosed on it. The attorney gave instructions to to remove desks, computers, copiers, filing cabinets and any cash in the teller's drawers.

After about an hour of being locked out of the bank, the bank manager handed the attorney a check for the legal fees.

"As a foreclosure defense attorney this is sweet justice" says Allen.

Allen says this is something that he sees often in court, banks making errors because they didn't investigate the foreclosure and it becomes a lengthy and expensive battle for the homeowner.


Kennel Addict
Feb 18, 2008
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Because banks are victims, government is accountable and citizens getting duped by these corporate criminals dishing out bad mortgage loans/mutton dressed up as lamb, are the bad guys of the 2008 GFC bahaha. Classic.

The banking system: the true ruler of our planet and the creators of our 2008 global financial debacle....with no criminal charges but to a few small scapegoats while the big execs continue to mingle and influence Government officials. Who most got off scot-free, while others paid fines that were a public slap on the wrist, excluding only Lehman Bros, who were allowed to get away with bankruptcy protection to the tune of hundreds of billions, meanwhile paying out their criminal Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Richard S. Fuld, Jr. an obscene amount of money and continues to work in the industry.

Make no mistake, after the banks abused the system on a scale never seen, that was deregulated significantly by Clinton about a decade earlier (which made the banks feel like kids in a Willie Wonka chocolate factory), a huge percentage of Americans who lost their homes were no longer able to afford their mortgages as a result of the burst housing bubble driving the value of their properties into the ground. Not only the sub-prime mortgage scandal, but also the Libor scandal and the Derivatives scam. These criminals are not only not locked up, they are still working in the industry and some still having significant influence over U.S. Govt. officials, which really points out why no one who is accountable for these crimes was ever properly dealt with.

And what's changed to stop this happening again? Nothing. That is the last thing that Government and big business wants. 'Change' was Obama's slogan, but that is something you'll never 'really' get from any government or opposition trying to get into power. Politicians are not there to create any real change, they are there to maintain the status quo with cosmetic changes that mean little in the grand scheme of the political and economic landscape. Banks/big business ensures this is the case. Just keep working away like happy little wage slaves, that's all they want.



Kennel Legend
Mar 17, 2012
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I wonder if this could work in places like Greece? Doubt it.


Kennel Addict
Feb 18, 2008
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There's a number of European countries screwed over by corrupt banking and colluding government officials that are forcing austerity measures (higher taxes, spending cuts). So no wonder there has been mass rioting since this all hit the fan. Privatising profits, socialising losses. A lot of people are effected even when they weren't over-borrowing.

I just wonder what it will take for the global society to wake up to the fact our economic systems are so out of control (and massively outdated in the big picture) due to the ruling elite. We are in a transition period now, i'm interested to see how we go in the next 50 years. It's a big turning point, because this stuff won't get scaled back, nothing will get done about it. They keep saying they will, but for the past century, the issue just keeps growing, so that argument is really a bit of a laugh.

The fact a bank tried to take over someone's home, even when they paid for it outright and then still created headaches for them well after it was made evident they didn't even owe the bank a dime, is one of numerous examples of the mockery that is the money/credit/lending scam called fractional reserve banking and how it needs to be replaced. It will continue to be abused by corporations who cannot help themselves, there's no use beating a dead horse anymore.

Mr Beast

Staff member
Premium Member
Aug 4, 2007
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Subprime Mortgage caused the U.S GFC, its like a Flu.

America sneezers and the whole world gets effected.


Kennel Addict
Feb 18, 2008
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After Clinton repealed the Glass-Steagall Act (created after the Great Depression to prevent banks from destroying the global economy, just like they did in 1929....yes, the BANKS caused the Great Depression) in 1999 due to big lobbying by the banks, they all went nuts and rorted the system like crazy, just like they did back in the 1920's. It resulted in our 2008 crash and the people are the ones who have to foot the bill.

No doubt, Clinton was well paid for that action and Congress are always well looked after as well. Once the banks had what they wanted, under the guise of legit reasoning, the unscrupulous lending and banking practices were a plague on Wall St. and brought the global economy to it's knees.
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