News Player who walked out

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Kennel Immortal
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Aug 4, 2007
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Isnt wrestling part of training normally? So he was made to do extra training for being late to training. Bet thats never happened before. Poor thing lol. What a pussy. I remember when i played juniors we had to run a length of the field for every minute we were late to training. Id rather have wrestled tbh.


Kennel Enthusiast
Aug 4, 2009
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Haha thanks mate. Ive been a member since 2008, I was Hulk76 but then something went wrong with my login and I had to change it. I want it to be footy talk on here and of course a bit of banter is funny. But out and out trolling and baiting does ma head in!
Always have been and will be a hoses ass


Kennel Addict
Dec 20, 2004
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If I go to work, and need to finish off 14 of my colleagues tasks I sure as hell don’t get 6 months fully paid mental leave.

This saga has carried out a bit too long. I always liked the dude but many on the kennel always shaded him for his training input and tardiness. Ended up they were right and why he didn’t get more first grade opportunities.

Can’t believe he hasn’t returned to training yet, makes nofauluma look like a saint :p

So we should either just pay out his contract and free up a roster spot. He is on the last year of his deal which would be minimal. Or get him to return and just keep him in Reggie’s all year. Mental health is a piss take 6 months on. Fair enough he felt victimised, but this isn’t the way to look like the victim. He looks like a knob.


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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It's sad in a way the bloke gave it all he had, to make it in the N.R.L. but just wasn't good enough, so what does he do, he does what all the week people do, he puts the blame on someone else, in this case our club.
No other club would've signed him even before this saga.
It's not necessarily that he's weak in my opinion. Some guys are able to get to the big stage because they're physically gifted. Some get there because they're freakish talents. Others work their ass off and never quite crack it.

I guess pushing as hard as he has and watching others like TPJ cruise through probably messed with his head. It must be tough to sit on the edge of your dream and only brush it with your finger tips. I'd guess he's someone who's typically been on time for training and done extras anyway. Might've just been the straw that broke the camels back to be punished for a rare indiscretion. A few years of being told we love your work ethic. Your reward is you get to lead the team song when we win.

There's another little thing to think about. He might not have even been part of the group complaining about training. He might've been lumped in with them because of how events unfolded. We don't actually know that. I know it's unlike the kennel to jump to conclusions, but maybe this once we've lumped him into a group he's not associated with.

In any case he busted his ass for years for the club we love. I respect that and I hope he's ok mentally. I hope the club is treating him fairly too. I wouldn't assume that the media knows much of whats actually happening. But any hint of dirt and they'll sniff around. They've carefully avoided naming anyone without leaving any doubt about who they're talking about. So for all the insinuation that we've failed our duty of care to a player, they've bought unwanted attention to a situation that should be kept quiet.

So I'm not going to judge a young fellow that might be going through a tough time. If he's got a new manager, I'm suspicious the vulture is behind the legal proceedings in order to ensure he gets a quick payday. End of the day, if there's no future for him here we should sort things out as amicably as possible and both move on.


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
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There’s no punishment that can come from the hearings.

It’s not a trial. It’s an inquest into what happened, how it happened, why it happened and what could have been done and done in the future to prevent it happening.
An Inquest can and often results in criminal charges being laid. Also evidence given at an Inquest can be used in a civil case. An unfavourable result at an Inquest often guarantees that compensation will be sought. Many are settled “out of court” with NDA’s to avoid the bad publicity from a drawn out civil case.

This Inquest has some weight.

Always a Bulldog


Kennel Legend
Oct 22, 2018
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If there is an underlying and/or previously undetected mental issue then the intensity of NRL training and playing will eventually force it to the surface. Plenty of players have the skill and talent to climb the ranks, but that isn’t enough to survive at the top level. It definitely isn’t enough to thrive in the NRL, that takes a level of mental toughness which will eventually expose anything and everything, there is no place to hide.

A wrestling session is nothing compared to what the opposition will throw at you if they sense a weakness. Verbally, physically and mentally they will ruthlessly tear you down, do and say anything to win the game. Then the opposition for the next game will do exactly the same. Once you cross the white line onto the playing field there is no place to hide.

Better this be found out at training than in a game, that’s why training has to be both a heavy duty physical and mental challenge.

Always a Bulldog


Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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He's probably been advised by his solicitors to strike while iron is hot.

But yes, on a moral scale, it is pretty disrespectful to try to piggy back off the back of the Titmus proceedings....
This has been in the works since long before the Titmus incident came back into the media spotlight. It has nothing to do with it, tbh. What I find disgusting is people using the Titmus incident as leverage to insinuate Jackson doesn't have a case, without having a clue about what actually happened.
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Kennel Immortal
May 25, 2011
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Good to know the mental health narrative from the Reed thread yesterday has gone out the window again.

I have tried to be less negative about the club of late... and I hope we can get through this without too much damage. But from what I have heard, there is a lot more to this story than Jackson just being made to complete a wrestling session. I think you should all stop assassinating the poor bloke's character until you find out what really happened that day.

Calling a bloke who has been on mental health leave for six months a pussy without knowing why is pretty weak stuff.


Kennel Immortal
Nov 13, 2006
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terrible publicity for the club, looks horrible after career hard worker and journeyman Davey called out the club


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 3, 2015
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It's a legal matter, you'll just have to wait for details to emerge. But some of us have been saying this was in the works for months (and were ridiculed for it.) It appears we were on the money.
Wow. You really are in the know. Claiming you have inside information which is purely speculation. You said the same thing about RFM. How did that go?

Clap clap for the clown crew for making a good go of this thread. You really are the moral compass for the kennel. Keep trolling.


Kennel Addict
Jul 9, 2019
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Wait for the details, fam. A lot more to it than that.
Do you reckon we’ll get all the details? I’m thinking likely settled outside court with NDA.


Kennel Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2021
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This has been in the works since long before the Titmus incident came back into the media spotlight. It has nothing to do with it, tbh. What I find disgusting is people using the Titmus incident as leverage to insinuate Jackson doesn't have a case, without having a clue about what actually happened.
Fair enough, you are right it's been around since before the Titmus inquest. I just find it rather conniving rather than coincidental that it resurfaces again at this time when the Titmus case is all over the media.

Could just be Rothfield rehashing it to add weight to his story.... Or his solicitor striking while he can.

BTW, I'm not denying he may not have a case. I have been very critical of the training aspects of the club over the last couple of years, including CC overseeing the flogging players in the heat. Our injury toll at training last year was testiment that something wasn't right... Hope they've realised and we don't go through that again.
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