All the smart and loyal fans knew long ago this team is shit

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Kennel Addict
2 x Gilded
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Sep 3, 2013
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I will never ever give up on the Dogs !!! but I do not have to agree with what is going on.
CEO is only concerned with Image ....Fail
Coach only concerned with Stats ..... Fail
Club not caring about fans ....... Fail
Players Plodding because they are safe .......... Fail
Recruitment ...... Fail
the list could go on and on .........
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Kennel Immortal
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Aug 4, 2007
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You can be unhappy with the coach or how the team is going, without giving up on the team. I changed the thread title to add the word "some" because not all fans have given up on the team.


Kennel Addict
Premium Member
Oct 13, 2014
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That was by far his worst ever performance, and that's saying something given his track record at the dogs,

If des is fair dinkum he will drop the lazy soft cock to NSW cup with hoppa, given hoppa can play Saturday's but not Sunday's,

If des allows hoppa to just sit out and twiddle his thumbs all weekend and allows T. rex to keep hit spot in NRL just to repeat his shit performance I will officially give up on the club and the team,

It will dead set be the last straw for me, and I have actively followed the club since the 1982 season,
I would honestly start believing in him as a coach if he starts with his deserved demotion. Its not because williams is not a team player, its because he simply cannot adjust to the teams structure whatever that is?


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
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You can be unhappy with the coach or how the team is going, without giving up on the team. I changed the thread title to add the word "some" because not all fans have given up on the team.
Yeah, the not all once again pops up.

Fuck me dead, you do realise that humans are an intelligent species, and do know that comments are a generalisation, and that in all cases not all applies?

So why the fuk must the not all comment have to come up in every fucking point ever made,

I'm going to have to start adding to my sig list,

You know, just for the dummy's who think every comment is directed at all?


Sep 8, 2009
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By the look and sound of things canterbury has become a white collar corporate money making machine that has lost the natural instinct and desire of what actually builds a great and formidable club. Canterbury needs to go back to basics and get back to football "Belmore style". This techy scientific stuff is not what football is about when it comes to Canterbury. Canterbury was built on brutal relentless resilience that had a natural flair and skill that oozed entertainment.

The club in my opinion in all facets has become far too precious... Its lost the mungrel, and that all starts at the top and filters right down to the bottom!

Shame really..


Kennel Legend
May 23, 2013
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Amen brother. The thing that fucking burns me most is after that useless fucking effort on Friday, they all stand around laughing with the eels scum. Ffs, at least look like you care you lazy *****. The only ones who looked genuinely pissed off were jmoz and Graham
Kas would've been spewing , he plays with his heart as well.


Kennel Addict
Premium Member
Sep 18, 2015
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This is stupid to be blunt. Injuries can ruin a team and their finals campaign. What about finals match ups, ie teams knocking each other out?
I'm not optimistic, pretty poor form to "give up on the Bulldogs" but


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
You can be unhappy with the coach or how the team is going, without giving up on the team. I changed the thread title to add the word "some" because not all fans have given up on the team.
I changed the title to say a large proportion of loyal fans,
As opposed to your, "some fans"
As that's a more realistic phrase,
The use of some, as you added, inferred a small proportion, when in reality it is the opposite,

And the new title, conforms to the ever increasing need to point out the old NOT ALL,


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
This is stupid to be blunt. Injuries can ruin a team and their finals campaign. What about finals match ups, ie teams knocking each other out?
I'm not optimistic, pretty poor form to "give up on the Bulldogs" but
I can't believe it needs to be explained,

Your post is stupid to be blunt,

For fuck sake,

I can not believe I have to explain this,

But clearly I do,

No one is saying they have totally given up on the club, club being the important word,

They are saying they have given up on this squad of players, this squad being an important wording,
given its been proven they have no heart or pride in the club, they being this current core group of player, oh but not all, not James Graham, not Reynolds, they play with passion,

Do I need to list the many examples of this, let's just start with the raiders game at belmore this year just for starters,

Then their is the game plan our coaching staff is hanging onto that has not worked at all since it has been implemented years ago now, and All, yes all, other coaches have figured out how to beat us,

And our rubbish recruitment,

Not one single person has rubbished our team over the years for losing games through to bad luck and injury,
We always accept that happens,

It happened to parra on Friday night, and they, they being parra, had the attitude to win against the odds. Something we don't have, we being our core group of squad players, oh but not all, Graham and Reynolds have passion, ffs.

That game was their for us, that's the Friday night game, and the raiders game to, handed to us on a silver platte, all we had to do as a team was turn up with the right attitude and victory was ours,

But no, as usual the team was out enthused, that another example of the team not giving a fuk,

Hence why people are saying they have given up on the team, not the club, but this team, this coaching staff game plan,
If the coaching staff earn their money and improve the game plan that is not working, we will jump back on board and concrete late them, if the players find some heart and play with the right attitude and enthusiasm, then we will be back cheering them on,

THats this team, not all Bulldogs teams, or the club we all still pasionatly love,

Not next years team, not the teams of the 80s

Not all fucking teams,

Just this current team,

Unless they start to give us reason to cheer again,
I, and like a heap of others, have given up on this team, and I make no apology for that,
Just to be blunt,
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Kennel Addict
Premium Member
Sep 18, 2015
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I can't believe it needs to be explained,

But clearly it does,

No one is saying they have totally given up on the club,

They are saying they have given up on this squad of players, given its been proven they have no heart or pride in the club,

Do I need to list the many examples of this, let's just start with the raiders game at belmore this year just for starters,

Then their is the game plan our coaching staff is hanging onto that has not worked at all since it has been implemented years ago now, and All, yes all, other coaches have figured out how to beat us,

And our rubbish recruitment,

Not one single person has rubbished our team over the years for losing games through to bad luck and injury,
We always accept that happens,

It happened to parra on Friday night, and they had the attitude to win against the odds

That game was their for us, handed to us on a silver platte, all we had to do as a team was turn up with the right attitude and victory was ours,

But no, as usual the team was out enthused, that another example of the team not giving a fuk,

Hence why people are saying they have given up on the team,

THats this team,

Not next years team, not the teams of the 80s

Not all fucking teams,

Just this current team,

Unless they start to give us reason to cheer again,
I like a heap of others have given up on this team, and I make no apology for that,
Righto mate.

Great justification, as long as you feel vindicated.

Thanks for explaining utter garbage to me


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Mod or not, garbage is garbage and should be labelled as such
Oi, mate, you might be a mod, but you are not above me, got it,
If you disagree with any point I make, man up and point out what you disagree with and put forward an argument to support your point of view,

But don't call my post or anyone's post for that matter garbage without justifying it with a legitimate reason,

Ffs even terry lamb is publically commenting in support of much of what we are talking about,

You are a mod, set the example,
Don't just come on calling people posts or threads as garbage without any constructive input yourself,

That's setting a poor example mate,
Your a mod, start posting like one.


Nash, do mods receive any training?
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Kennel Addict
Premium Member
Sep 18, 2015
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Oi, mate, you might be a mod, but you are not above me, got it,
If you disagree with any point I make, man up and point out what you disagree with and put forward an argument to support your point of view,

But don't call my post or anyone's post for that matter garbage without justifying it with a legitimate reason,

Ffs even terry lamb is publically commenting in support of much of what we are talking about,

You are a mod, set the example,
Don't just come on calling people posts or threads as garbage without any constructive input yourself,

That's setting a poor example mate,
Your a mod, start posting like one.


Nash, do mods receive any training?
As if to somehow suggest we never argued before I was a "moderator"

There is no shade of grey with disloyalty. To say you no longer support this current group of players for whatever reason is to include guys like Josh Jackson, David Klemmer etc who legitimately bust their arses game in, game out. In my opinion, this isnt good enough.


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
Yeah, they get told not to post like I do lol
At least if you disagree with someone post, you might call them a shit ****, but you at least man up and back it up with your own argument and opinion to counter what you disagree with,

This guy sees a post,
Disagrees with it, that his right to,
And calls it stupid,

No input himself, no reason why,

Just calls it stupid,
Clearly thinks he is a mod and can throw his weight around,

Wel, he can, he can do what ever he wants,

That's fine, but if he is going to post piss poor gutless posts that offer nothing to the conversation other than trying to discredit someone else, then he needs to be prepared to cop some critisisum,

As he has in this instance,

The DoggFather

Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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Come on boys, you're both top blokes and an asset to the forum.

Kiss and make up before I smash both of you lol


Kennel Immortal
Feb 19, 2009
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As if to somehow suggest we never argued before I was a "moderator"

There is no shade of grey with disloyalty. To say you no longer support this current group of players for whatever reason is to include guys like Josh Jackson, David Klemmer etc who legitimately bust their arses game in, game out. In my opinion, this isnt good enough.
And the not all comes out again


How about we include Reynolds and Graham in that not all brigade .

There is a grey area in this situation,

Because, we are still loyal to the club, the Bulldogs club,
Players come and go, as do coaching staff and administrators,

But we are always loyal to the Bulldogs,

I was still loyal to the Bulldogs in 08 when we were hit hard with injury, the SBW situation, and the after marks of the salary cap and Coffs Harbour, because we knew our club was on its knees and was fighting back, that's admirable,

But that's not the case right now,

We are losing games we should be winning,
All down to a game plan that is to easy for opposition coached to game plan against, and our players are being out enthused,

We have the facilities and the personnel to be a premiership winning team, yet we are playing like a mid table team,

That's an attitude thing,

That why we have had enough and are giving up on this group for now, till they step up and play to their potential.

All I ever ask of anyone is to do their best,

It's what I expect from my kids, and my co workers at work, and I expect it from highly paid professional athletes who represent the club I love,

Do you get that or not?

The DoggFather

Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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I honestly think everyone that is on a Bulldogs forum, talking about the Bulldogs, can be classified as a loyal fan, no matter their opinion.
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