Opinion Shame...

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Have you ever wondered why the torrid attacks by certain media outlets against our club's administration and in particular Gus Gould as being the spearhead of our rebuild ?
Why are these attacks on the increase almost on a daily basis despite the fact our great rebuild is in full throttle ?
We well know, better on field results would've made life a lot easier but the horrendous injuries and no halfback didn't help,
The media know it too !
But why are they choosing to be negative by discrediting our rebuild at every opportunity ?
Was Gus correct in saying they are trying to destabilise our club's rebuild ?
Have you asked about the timing of their increased rumbling about the currently invisible instability in the club ?
IMO all this comes down to one conclusion, election time is soon.
If my assumptions are correct we will be heading for some turbulent times, unless the club supporters administrators and board of directors are prepared strong and ready to face the adversities, we know there are some out there that doesn't want us to be successful, and others who are simply selfish and greedy !
Shame on those journalists who uses journalism supposedly an honorable trade to rage your vendettas against our club.
Shame on those selfish and greedy if they prioritise their personal interests and greed ahead of the family club's prosperity.
Shame on us members supporters and fans if we allow it to happen !!!
As a passionate supporter I felt the need to warn everyone of what might happen hoping nothing but positives will !


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
May 15, 2017
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I think it’s less about the scribblers - it’s their job to get a ‘scoop’ and run with it. That doesn’t necessarily give them credibility but everyone’s gotta make a buck.

The bigger issue I agree with is member obligation to provide stability. When I defended the Andersons it was for the same reason: not because of who they were or how things were going - but because if we allow destabilisation internally it only hurts us. JK and crew have done a pretty good job and it feels we are closer to turning a corner. There are definitively some ‘interests’ in the background that have no real interest in the Dogs or even rugby league - but are keen on power. It’s our duty as members to ensure that the ONLY people at the helm are ones who genuinely have the best interests of the club at heart.

Will be interesting to see who sticks their head up as we head towards February 2024.


Kennel Addict
Jun 23, 2008
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Why would the media have any interest in the elections in 2024?


Kennel Enthusiast
Oct 16, 2021
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Have you ever wondered why the torrid attacks by certain media outlets against our club's administration and in particular Gus Gould as being the spearhead of our rebuild ?
Why are these attacks on the increase almost on a daily basis despite the fact our great rebuild is in full throttle ?
We well know, better on field results would've made life a lot easier but the horrendous injuries and no halfback didn't help,
The media know it too !
But why are they choosing to be negative by discrediting our rebuild at every opportunity ?
Was Gus correct in saying they are trying to destabilise our club's rebuild ?
Have you asked about the timing of their increased rumbling about the currently invisible instability in the club ?
IMO all this comes down to one conclusion, election time is soon.
If my assumptions are correct we will be heading for some turbulent times, unless the club supporters administrators and board of directors are prepared strong and ready to face the adversities, we know there are some out there that doesn't want us to be successful, and others who are simply selfish and greedy !
Shame on those journalists who uses journalism supposedly an honorable trade to rage your vendettas against our club.
Shame on those selfish and greedy if they prioritise their personal interests and greed ahead of the family club's prosperity.
Shame on us members supporters and fans if we allow it to happen !!!
As a passionate supporter I felt the need to warn everyone of what might happen hoping nothing but positives will !
Blame the RLPA media boycott.
By not having access to interview players, the media has to chase other stories and so look for anything they can hypothesize about...


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
Reaction score
The media are the shit that just won't flush. Unfortunately we have a fan base that can at times be too fast to buy into their bullshit and react in a way that hurts the club. I really hope that we aren't forced to start over on a new admin team this time around. It's not a good look for the club and will reflect our pulling power in the player market.

Chris Harding

Steam Powered Dog
Premium Member
Mar 1, 2004
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Why would the media have any interest in the elections in 2024?
I think the suggestion is that a rival group is leaking these stories to the media, in the hope that it destabilises the board and gives them a shot at the next elections.


Mar 22, 2010
Reaction score
Gus always gets attacked because he was part of the super league war.
One side is 9 vs Foxtel
Fairfax vs news limited
Arl vs super league
Gus was in the thick of it all and still is in the opposite side of News/ Foxtel. He will out live Buz.

John Matrix

Kennel Addict
Nov 26, 2021
Reaction score
Bulldogs coverage gets clicks more than any other club.

We haven't had a great track record even though we have been out of the media for the wrong reasons for sometime.

Then you have jurno's who are out to get us and make something out of nothing.

lots of people don't like Gus and him being with us has taken the coverage to a new level, the positive with this is that people can see the media for what it is now.


Kennel Lizard Lord
Oct 6, 2012
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So thus is about the media deliberately attacking our club to destabilise it because we have an election coming up? So anyone have any specific reason why they would do this?

I can smell some 5G coming up.


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2013
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Instability in the Bulldogs is good for creating articles, because things will get leaked. A stable board and management don't talk to the media.


Kennel Participant
Apr 8, 2021
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Bulldogs coverage gets clicks more than any other club.

We haven't had a great track record even though we have been out of the media for the wrong reasons for sometime.

Then you have jurno's who are out to get us and make something out of nothing.

lots of people don't like Gus and him being with us has taken the coverage to a new level, the positive with this is that people can see the media for what it is now.
I think that a lot of this background political crap largely settles down once we start winning games regularly. If we are top 4-6 there will be a different media approach. Sitting in bottom 4 for years & years, results in us being the cheap shot whipping boys. As I (& others) keep saying, while results are not there yet, our roster is nearly there, & now perhaps only 2-3 good defensive middles short of optimal.


Kennel Addict
Mar 19, 2016
Reaction score
Have you ever wondered why the torrid attacks by certain media outlets against our club's administration and in particular Gus Gould as being the spearhead of our rebuild ?
Why are these attacks on the increase almost on a daily basis despite the fact our great rebuild is in full throttle ?
We well know, better on field results would've made life a lot easier but the horrendous injuries and no halfback didn't help,
The media know it too !
But why are they choosing to be negative by discrediting our rebuild at every opportunity ?
Was Gus correct in saying they are trying to destabilise our club's rebuild ?
Have you asked about the timing of their increased rumbling about the currently invisible instability in the club ?
IMO all this comes down to one conclusion, election time is soon.
If my assumptions are correct we will be heading for some turbulent times, unless the club supporters administrators and board of directors are prepared strong and ready to face the adversities, we know there are some out there that doesn't want us to be successful, and others who are simply selfish and greedy !
Shame on those journalists who uses journalism supposedly an honorable trade to rage your vendettas against our club.
Shame on those selfish and greedy if they prioritise their personal interests and greed ahead of the family club's prosperity.
Shame on us members supporters and fans if we allow it to happen !!!
As a passionate supporter I felt the need to warn everyone of what might happen hoping nothing but positives will !
We must stay United behind Gus, Khoury, Warburton & our Coach - these men are genuinely trying to reinstate our Club as a powerhouse for years to come.

The media knows how passionate we are and the expectations we set and using that to their advantage by trying to destabilise us with their rubbish - they will try and kick us whilst we’re down at any opportunity - in fact, they are doing it right now…they do not want this sleeping giant of a Club to regain its glory days and they can see what we’re building towards, there’s genuine fear of our resurgence… we are literally two good middles away from finals appearances and well on our way to sustainable success through a renewed focus on pathways…. Lezzzzzzzfkn-Go!!!!!

John Matrix

Kennel Addict
Nov 26, 2021
Reaction score
Media want to disrupt the club and what better way than making shit up, club and fans need to stay united and not buy into the rubbish.

Buzz has many league fans eating out of his hands.


Sep 2, 2018
Reaction score
Gus always gets attacked because he was part of the super league war.
One side is 9 vs Foxtel
Fairfax vs news limited
Arl vs super league
Gus was in the thick of it all and still is in the opposite side of News/ Foxtel. He will out live Buz.
News Ltd still hate the fact Gus was able defy them. He’s been at three of biggest clubs in NSW which generate massive clicks and they can’t control the narrative on them as much

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
I think it’s less about the scribblers - it’s their job to get a ‘scoop’ and run with it. That doesn’t necessarily give them credibility but everyone’s gotta make a buck.

The bigger issue I agree with is member obligation to provide stability. When I defended the Andersons it was for the same reason: not because of who they were or how things were going - but because if we allow destabilisation internally it only hurts us. JK and crew have done a pretty good job and it feels we are closer to turning a corner. There are definitively some ‘interests’ in the background that have no real interest in the Dogs or even rugby league - but are keen on power. It’s our duty as members to ensure that the ONLY people at the helm are ones who genuinely have the best interests of the club at heart.

Will be interesting to see who sticks their head up as we head towards February 2024.
I thoroughly agree with couple of clarifications
1. Maybe I am old fashioned by assuming the scribblers have an obligation towards their readers to at least try and report the truth fair and equal between all clubs, after all wouldn't the truth bring back more readers or is a thing of the past ?
2. You probably have the wrong idea about me and probably assuming that I didn't like the Andersons, well let me assure you I idealised Chris growing up but saddened to admit Lynne and Hill weren't cut out for their jobs, on the other hand I didn't agree with things Bullforg did but he was and still is my icon.

D- voice

Kennel Legend
Mar 1, 2008
Reaction score
Blame the RLPA media boycott.
By not having access to interview players, the media has to chase other stories and so look for anything they can hypothesize about...
They love us and don't need an excuse to viciously attack us :grinning: