News NRL 2024 market watch: Bulldogs table multi-year deal for contracted Rooster Terrell May


Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2014
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One of the finds of 2023 for the Roosters is being shopped by his management, with Canterbury the latest club to zero-in on the hard-nosed forward. NRL market watch.

Canterbury have zeroed-in on Terrell May with a multi-year contract offer that could prise the promising forward out of the Roosters.

The Canterbury Bulldogs have reportedly tabled a multi-year deal to lure breakout Sydney Roosters prop Terrell May to Belmore in 2025.

The Daily Telegraph reported the Bulldogs have earmarked May as a potential solution to their front row dilemma after Tevita Pangai Jr and Luke Thompson left the club.

May revealed he would sign with a club in a heartbeat if it meant playing with brothers Taylan and Tyrone, who both rose to fame with the Panthers.

The latter is currently playing in the UK Super League with Hull KR, while Taylan is on the comeback trail after missing the 2023 season with the Panthers due to injury.

“I want to be honest here, my talks are with whoever wants to sign us three brothers, that’s where I want to be,” May told The Bloke In A Bar podcast.

“Robbo (Roosters coach Trent Robinson) knows too. I haven’t hid it from him. Whichever club wants three brothers, that’s where I’ll be at.

We are all off at the same time. That’s the preference, if a club can get all three of us, I’ll sign there in a heartbeat no matter what. I think everyone would.

“If you have two brothers you could be at the same club with, I think you’d want to be there no matter the situation.’’

The Bulldogs have signed 10 new players for 2024 and are open to signing May’s brothers in the future, but at this stage are only interested in Terrell May.


Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 29, 2014
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LOLLLL @djdeep4172 … the other thread wasn’t official enough, so you create another one?
Sorry guys, I didn’t see the other thread. I’m in the hospital at the moment please delete
Hopefully, when I get out, I can read stuff more in detail


Kennel Immortal
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
Sounds like Terrell really wants to play for the Dragons or Tigers because aint no team signing 3 brothers for the sake of it other than those named.