Curtis Rona throws support behind Israel Folau

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Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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Leviticus 19:28: ”You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.”

But then again, Jesus had possibly had a tatt according to Revelations 19:16, “And He has on His robe and on His thigh a name written: King of Kings and Lord of Lords.”


Kennel Immortal
2 x Gilded
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Jun 24, 2008
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What does tattoos have to do with anything?


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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What does tattoos have to do with anything?
Well, it would be a shame for Izzy to fall foul of the same rule book he uses to justify his prejudices. And let's not get started on wearing mixed fabrics, the cotton shorts and polyester shirt combo I'm sporting has me worried.


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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i think hell is underrated tbh, like all the whores would be down there and it would be like a cool party

also the devil might be misunderstood, like maybe the reason he got thrown out of heaven was because he heard about god sending in a bear to kill the kids for making fun of the bald guy and he said something to god about it being insane


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
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My goodness, talk about a plot thickener. ALAN JONES IS GAY AND HE WROTE THIS UNBIASED ARTICLE. Oh... I think @Mr Invisible would agree with the Raelene Castle references :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Israel Folau refuses to back down, tells Rugby Australia he’s prepared to quit code

It’s been another week in which rugby continues with its self-inflicted wounds.

It is not believable that the only thing Raelene Castle seems to have done, after months in charge of Rugby Australia, is to haul in Israel Folau for comments that he made about homosexual people and the Bible. And then Castle couldn’t wait to rush out to the media after the meeting, as if this was a defining moment of her leadership.

Here was a leader, she wanted to suggest, who could take action. What’s that famous line from The Castle? “Tell (her she’s) dreamin”.

This is not where rugby-lovers expect action to be taken.

This issue has nothing to do, in my opinion, with gays or with the Bible.

This is about the stuff that men and women went to war for and gave their lives to defend.

It is simply called freedom, in this case freedom of speech, and Folau, along with every other Australian, ought to be free to express his views.

But of course Rugby Australia, leaderless and often gutless, are terrified of losing a Qantas sponsorship.

Qantas objecting to what Folau is saying about homosexuality is beyond laughable.

I don’t agree with Israel but I’ve told him most explicitly that he must not back down.

He is entitled to his views.

Or are Rugby Australia going to next tell him what to eat and what time to get up?

Qantas says that it supports LGBTI rights and acceptance. Then we hear from a Qantas spokesman (oops, should that be spokesperson?) and note how such a person purports to speak for the whole of Qantas and believes emphatically that they have a right to have their views accepted, a right they will not extend to Folau.

What is worse, Qantas is saying that it condemns Folau’s comments. Qantas finds the comments disappointing. I beg your pardon? Aren’t Qantas in partnership with Emirates Airlines and aren’t the Islamic injunctions against homosexuality in the United Arab Emirates totally oppressive of homosexuals?

Indeed, some of the militant Muslims urge homosexuals should be put to death.

So do I have this right? It’s OK for Qantas to have a partnership with such a company, yet they want to beat the drum about something Israel Folau has said.

I’ll tell you something Castle didn’t tell the media when she rushed out to meet them after the meeting with Folau.

My understanding is that Folau told Rugby Australia that if they were worried about the sponsorship and the money and they couldn’t accommodate his views, he would be happy to walk. He certainly will not yield to this kind of bullying — my words, not his.

Interestingly, if Israel was a Muslim rather than a devout Christian, I wonder what Qantas would have to say. We should be grateful that it has taken a talented and courageous young athlete to stand up to all this rubbish and affirm his entitlement to freedom of speech.

As for the rest of us, we need to toughen up a bit.

All sorts of things are said about you and me and we could bawl our eyes out about being hurt or a “victim”. It is time we all took a spoonful of cement and toughened up.

If along the way we might have to pay a price to defend critical freedoms, then so be it. Folau seems quite prepared to pay that price.

Raelene Castle, if you’re not going to be a failure before you’ve even begun, start doing something about the mess that the game is in and forget grandstanding about Israel Folau.

Rugby is drowning in problems. I’ve written in this column about them.

Schoolboys rugby is nothing more than an old boys’ club. Our best schoolboys are going either to other franchises such as the Crusaders or to rugby league.

People in charge of high performance, as with cricket, are unable to secure high performance.

Yet the first big play under Castle’s leadership is to summon Folau to explain comments he’s made. Quite frankly, who cares?

As one rugby international wrote to me: “These Rugby Australia people in power, not to be confused with powerful people, are making a mockery of the past, the present and of course the future”.

Well, what about the future? Rugby supporters are voting with their feet.

Haven’t Rugby Australia lost BMW, Lion Nathan and Buildcorp as sponsors in recent times? What are you doing about that, Raelene?

Does Rugby Australia spend more time checking with its lawyers than it does with checking the wellbeing of the game? And what about this National Rugby Championship? The competition is a nonsense.

Most rugby people have their kids playing at school or with a club. Then there’s Super Rugby, the provincial competition with more than 15 matches a year. Then there are the Wallabies, our national team, with often more than 15 matches a year.

Add to that the men’s sevens and the women’s sevens, international events with more than 15 matches a year.

And someone wants to add a national domestic rugby competition with another 10 games. There is neither room nor money for such a meaningless rugby event. This outfit folded before. It should never have been resurrected.

The European model is instructive. There, you can follow your team at club level via an English Premiership or a French Top 14 team. The same teams kick on to play in the European competitions, like the Champions Cup, which was the Heineken Cup.

But here, why would our best young Australian schoolboy players hang around to perhaps play eight games in a national domestic rugby competition for $5000 a season when the NRL teams are offering fulltime training, contracts of up to $100,000 and even a place in their 36-man roster.

The national rugby competition deal of $5000 for players means Rugby Australia value these players at about $20 an hour. A good tradesman wouldn’t work for that.

In the US, you have school footy on Friday, college footy on Saturday and pro footy on Sunday. Football people can engage and consume the game at every level over three days each weekend. Why wouldn’t Rugby Australia think about these options?

Then again, Cameron Clyne is the guy who said it would take 72 hours to sort out the Super Rugby mess in relation to the Western Force. It turned out to be well beyond 72 days.

Do these people have enough experience to run our game and make the big calls needed for our game to survive, let alone grow?

How could anyone in a decision-making position think there would be enough room for a national domestic rugby competition? It was a dud and it is still a dud and changing the name from ARC to NRC won’t rescue it.

If Castle has a 100-day plan, she needs to communicate it to the rugby public and she needs to get a move on. Getting rid of the NRC would be a good start. Straightening out schoolboy rugby would be a better start.

Rugby people are voting with their feet. In the year 2000, the Wallabies played New Zealand in Sydney in front of 109,000 supporters at ANZ Stadium. In 2017, we were lucky to get 50,000 for the same fixture at the same venue.

The drop in support for the Wallabies is more a vote of no confidence in the current administration than it is in the players.

In club land, where genuine rugby people have roots, the ARU, now Rugby Australia, stink. And nothing is being done to dilute the anger that the clubs have for the national governing body. Neglect the clubs, as administrators have done, and failure will follow.

So what’s the big play of the week with rugby drowning in problems?

Summon Israel Folau to explain comments he’s made about gay people. The worst you could say about Folau is he has an opinion.

Rugby leadership in this country barely has an opinion on anything, let alone one you’d agree with. They go missing. They’re silent. Yet now they’re buying a fight with one of their finest employees.

As I said to Israel Folau this week, I disagree with what he said, but I’d be happy to be appointed as his counsel and I don’t charge a fee.

It’s time someone took on some of these no-hopers who are running the game. Running it into the ground.


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
My goodness, talk about a plot thickener. ALAN JONES IS GAY AND HE WROTE THIS UNBIASED ARTICLE. Oh... I think @Mr Invisible would agree with the Raelene Castle references :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

Israel Folau refuses to back down, tells Rugby Australia he’s prepared to quit code

It’s been another week in which rugby continues with its self-inflicted wounds.

It is not believable that the only thing Raelene Castle seems to have done, after months in charge of Rugby Australia, is to haul in Israel Folau for comments that he made about homosexual people and the Bible. And then Castle couldn’t wait to rush out to the media after the meeting, as if this was a defining moment of her leadership.

Here was a leader, she wanted to suggest, who could take action. What’s that famous line from The Castle? “Tell (her she’s) dreamin”.

This is not where rugby-lovers expect action to be taken.

This issue has nothing to do, in my opinion, with gays or with the Bible.

This is about the stuff that men and women went to war for and gave their lives to defend.

It is simply called freedom, in this case freedom of speech, and Folau, along with every other Australian, ought to be free to express his views.

But of course Rugby Australia, leaderless and often gutless, are terrified of losing a Qantas sponsorship.

Qantas objecting to what Folau is saying about homosexuality is beyond laughable.

I don’t agree with Israel but I’ve told him most explicitly that he must not back down.

He is entitled to his views.

Or are Rugby Australia going to next tell him what to eat and what time to get up?

Qantas says that it supports LGBTI rights and acceptance. Then we hear from a Qantas spokesman (oops, should that be spokesperson?) and note how such a person purports to speak for the whole of Qantas and believes emphatically that they have a right to have their views accepted, a right they will not extend to Folau.

What is worse, Qantas is saying that it condemns Folau’s comments. Qantas finds the comments disappointing. I beg your pardon? Aren’t Qantas in partnership with Emirates Airlines and aren’t the Islamic injunctions against homosexuality in the United Arab Emirates totally oppressive of homosexuals?

Indeed, some of the militant Muslims urge homosexuals should be put to death.

So do I have this right? It’s OK for Qantas to have a partnership with such a company, yet they want to beat the drum about something Israel Folau has said.

I’ll tell you something Castle didn’t tell the media when she rushed out to meet them after the meeting with Folau.

My understanding is that Folau told Rugby Australia that if they were worried about the sponsorship and the money and they couldn’t accommodate his views, he would be happy to walk. He certainly will not yield to this kind of bullying — my words, not his.

Interestingly, if Israel was a Muslim rather than a devout Christian, I wonder what Qantas would have to say. We should be grateful that it has taken a talented and courageous young athlete to stand up to all this rubbish and affirm his entitlement to freedom of speech.

As for the rest of us, we need to toughen up a bit.

All sorts of things are said about you and me and we could bawl our eyes out about being hurt or a “victim”. It is time we all took a spoonful of cement and toughened up.

If along the way we might have to pay a price to defend critical freedoms, then so be it. Folau seems quite prepared to pay that price.

Raelene Castle, if you’re not going to be a failure before you’ve even begun, start doing something about the mess that the game is in and forget grandstanding about Israel Folau.

Rugby is drowning in problems. I’ve written in this column about them.

Schoolboys rugby is nothing more than an old boys’ club. Our best schoolboys are going either to other franchises such as the Crusaders or to rugby league.

People in charge of high performance, as with cricket, are unable to secure high performance.

Yet the first big play under Castle’s leadership is to summon Folau to explain comments he’s made. Quite frankly, who cares?

As one rugby international wrote to me: “These Rugby Australia people in power, not to be confused with powerful people, are making a mockery of the past, the present and of course the future”.

Well, what about the future? Rugby supporters are voting with their feet.

Haven’t Rugby Australia lost BMW, Lion Nathan and Buildcorp as sponsors in recent times? What are you doing about that, Raelene?

Does Rugby Australia spend more time checking with its lawyers than it does with checking the wellbeing of the game? And what about this National Rugby Championship? The competition is a nonsense.

Most rugby people have their kids playing at school or with a club. Then there’s Super Rugby, the provincial competition with more than 15 matches a year. Then there are the Wallabies, our national team, with often more than 15 matches a year.

Add to that the men’s sevens and the women’s sevens, international events with more than 15 matches a year.

And someone wants to add a national domestic rugby competition with another 10 games. There is neither room nor money for such a meaningless rugby event. This outfit folded before. It should never have been resurrected.

The European model is instructive. There, you can follow your team at club level via an English Premiership or a French Top 14 team. The same teams kick on to play in the European competitions, like the Champions Cup, which was the Heineken Cup.

But here, why would our best young Australian schoolboy players hang around to perhaps play eight games in a national domestic rugby competition for $5000 a season when the NRL teams are offering fulltime training, contracts of up to $100,000 and even a place in their 36-man roster.

The national rugby competition deal of $5000 for players means Rugby Australia value these players at about $20 an hour. A good tradesman wouldn’t work for that.

In the US, you have school footy on Friday, college footy on Saturday and pro footy on Sunday. Football people can engage and consume the game at every level over three days each weekend. Why wouldn’t Rugby Australia think about these options?

Then again, Cameron Clyne is the guy who said it would take 72 hours to sort out the Super Rugby mess in relation to the Western Force. It turned out to be well beyond 72 days.

Do these people have enough experience to run our game and make the big calls needed for our game to survive, let alone grow?

How could anyone in a decision-making position think there would be enough room for a national domestic rugby competition? It was a dud and it is still a dud and changing the name from ARC to NRC won’t rescue it.

If Castle has a 100-day plan, she needs to communicate it to the rugby public and she needs to get a move on. Getting rid of the NRC would be a good start. Straightening out schoolboy rugby would be a better start.

Rugby people are voting with their feet. In the year 2000, the Wallabies played New Zealand in Sydney in front of 109,000 supporters at ANZ Stadium. In 2017, we were lucky to get 50,000 for the same fixture at the same venue.

The drop in support for the Wallabies is more a vote of no confidence in the current administration than it is in the players.

In club land, where genuine rugby people have roots, the ARU, now Rugby Australia, stink. And nothing is being done to dilute the anger that the clubs have for the national governing body. Neglect the clubs, as administrators have done, and failure will follow.

So what’s the big play of the week with rugby drowning in problems?

Summon Israel Folau to explain comments he’s made about gay people. The worst you could say about Folau is he has an opinion.

Rugby leadership in this country barely has an opinion on anything, let alone one you’d agree with. They go missing. They’re silent. Yet now they’re buying a fight with one of their finest employees.

As I said to Israel Folau this week, I disagree with what he said, but I’d be happy to be appointed as his counsel and I don’t charge a fee.

It’s time someone took on some of these no-hopers who are running the game. Running it into the ground.
Unbiased article?

Jones clearly hates the rugby hierarchy, and spends a lot of time taking pot shots at it. This isn't new. And his latest rant is only seeing the light of day beyond his followers because the Falou issue, which actually takes up about 5% of the above rant, is a known hot button issue.

At least he is using one gay stereotype - that of a drama queen.

Mr Invisible

Apr 26, 2008
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Side note .... and call this a tinfoil hat thought...

Could he be TRYING to get sacked from Rugby ??
Could there be a lovely brown paper bag waiting for Folau, should the big, bad, mean ARU boot him out of the game, and he be forced to scour the wastelands of sport, hoping some other code take them under his wing.



Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
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STFU with that garbage.
wtf are you an idiot

of course you dont choose what you like, you just like it

for example i like the double quarter pounder hamburger from mcdonalds, i dont know why i like it instead of the fillet o fish but i do, same goes with people who like fat women, hairy women, dogs as pets instead of cats, blondes instead of brunettes, children instead of adults, the parramatta eels, big asses, big tits or ham and pineapple pizza tbh, some people even like anchovies on their pizza ffs


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Side note .... and call this a tinfoil hat thought...

Could he be TRYING to get sacked from Rugby ??
Could there be a lovely brown paper bag waiting for Folau, should the big, bad, mean ARU boot him out of the game, and he be forced to scour the wastelands of sport, hoping some other code take them under his wing.

As I said at the start of this thread, Izzy cares about money more than anything (in breach of Timothy 6:10). But I don't think he's smart enough to hatch a plan to get sacked by the ARU (or whatever thy are called these days) - he would at least need some assistance.

Get sacked
Seek unfair dismissal payout
Sign contract to play (insert other rugby comp or another sport here)


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
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wtf are you an idiot

of course you dont choose what you like, you just like it

for example i like the double quarter pounder hamburger from mcdonalds, i dont know why i like it instead of the fillet o fish but i do, same goes with people who like fat women, hairy women, dogs as pets instead of cats, blondes instead of brunettes, children instead of adults, the parramatta eels, big asses, big tits or ham and pineapple pizza tbh, some people even like anchovies on their pizza ffs
I don't trust two kinds of men:

- Those who don't drive
- Those who prefer cats over dogs.


Kennel Legend
Mar 30, 2014
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I'm not religious at all... but used to be Anglican growing up.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't the bible also state/teach the importance of acceptance and loving one another??
Wrong and right.

It is about acceptance and love.

However as I’ve said many times before Jesus was not a hippy going around loving everything and accepting anything like a woman marrying a dog or gay marriage.
Jesus did accept sinners butttt these sinners are the ones who acknowledged they were living in sin and wanted forgiveness and turned away from that sin. Jesus didn’t say, that’s ok Mary Madeline you can sleep with as many men as you want empowerment to you. The difference between Jesus and the Jews at the time is that Mary would have been stoned on the spot which was what was going to happen but Jesus accepted the sinner (not the sin) and told her to never sin again and she didn’t hence becoming a saint. So to summarise, it’s about accepting sinners but not accepting the sin.

As for love, it’s pretty self explanatory, love your enemy. Why he says that? Well if you love and pray for your enemy it really extinguishes any malice towards each other right?


Kennel Legend
Mar 30, 2014
Reaction score
I don't trust two kinds of men:

- Those who don't drive
- Those who prefer cats over dogs.
Well a man who prefers cats over dogs may actually be a female just identifying as a female. Unless we talking about a lion, they are as masculine as you can get.

I was thinking the other day.
Greenies think animals are much more peaceful than humans but have they seen how lions are? Or any wild animal for that matter lol. If we were to follow the example of lions Rape would have to become a norm. Went a bit off topic there.


Kennel Legend
Mar 30, 2014
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LMFAO... FAR LEFT LOL. :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:

I've heard it all now.

Lolllll I’m so proud of Rona and Folau.

They’re actually brave. Could lose lots of money with this stuff, potential suing.

It’s funny, a gay comes out and they’re treated as these mighty warriors and accepted, and they’re called brave? Brave would mean coming out would put them at risk of losing something right? They gain. Thai is why playing around with definitions is dangerous business and the left love doing exactly that.


The Forefather of The Kennel
Dec 6, 2007
Reaction score
wtf are you an idiot

of course you dont choose what you like, you just like it

for example i like the double quarter pounder hamburger from mcdonalds, i dont know why i like it instead of the fillet o fish but i do, same goes with people who like fat women, hairy women, dogs as pets instead of cats, blondes instead of brunettes, children instead of adults, the parramatta eels, big asses, big tits or ham and pineapple pizza tbh, some people even like anchovies on their pizza ffs
Funny or Best Post... hmmmmmmmmm


Kennel Immortal
Aug 1, 2012
Reaction score
Funny or Best Post... hmmmmmmmmm
Funny button is more versatile as it can be used for sarcasm.

But I do like Best Post... but then feel guilty if I award it more than once in a thread...


Terry Lamb 1996
Dec 22, 2004
Reaction score
Well a man who prefers cats over dogs may actually be a female just identifying as a female. Unless we talking about a lion, they are as masculine as you can get.

I was thinking the other day.
Greenies think animals are much more peaceful than humans but have they seen how lions are? Or any wild animal for that matter lol. If we were to follow the example of lions Rape would have to become a norm. Went a bit off topic there.
i totally get this, ive always said greenpeace should protest against whales because they eat all sorts of little things, they just skim everything they can get tbh

there are millions of tiny fish in the ocean that are so thankful of the japanese tbh
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