The Funny Picture/Meme Thread


Kennel Legend
Mar 10, 2007
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A woman in her 40's went to a plastic surgeon looking to regain her youthful beauty. Surgeon tells her about "the key" which is basically a device attached to the back of the head that you turn to tighten the skin and basically replaces the need for future facelifts. Naturally the woman wants the key and goes through with the surgery.

15 years later she returns to the surgeon and tells him she was impressed with how it worked until the last few weeks. "Two weeks back these terrible bags appeared under my eyes that I can't get rid of" she tells the doctor. He replies "Those aren't going away my dear, I'm afraid those aren't bags, they're your tits."....... She looks thoughtful for a moment and replies "I suppose I don't need to ask about the beard then"