Fair points. And I do agree that the obstruction rule needed changing and the proposals address the major flaws, my concern is the consistency of application. However, the same could be said of any rule.I agree it adds more "discretion" to existing rules, but i dont think you need an off season to train for them.
Its not hard to practice with you trainer calling "go" before you move up in a defensive line.
The obstruction rule tweak is an improvement and should throw out the ridiculous penalties when defenders win Oscars.
I like the PTB rule as it was getting stupid watching guys just play tunnel ball.
Thats probably the one Kikau needs a whole off-season to train for. He's been doing it for years and no doubt will get caught doing it under fatigue....
For a start I know that every game there'd be a thousand Sheppard calls in thev70's and 80's. As it is it's the very much open to interpretation obstruction call. In some cases a defender who's in no position to make a tackle can step into a player that's in no way obstructing defenders who are a mile from the ball carrier. If the red wants to penalise they will, if they don't feel like it they won't.Look at games from the 70s and 80s and imagine how they'd be refereed today.
That's all they are interested in. The game is getting to be more of a joke with every passing season of meaningless rule changes that are only enforced when it suits.More gray areas = eaiser manipulation