James Magnussen will take performance-enhancing supplements to break world record and win $1.5m

Psycho Doggie

Kennel Immortal
Mar 25, 2014
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Former Australian swimming star James Magnussen will start a program of performance-enhancing supplements in the quest to break the 50m world record and win $1.5m after accepting a challenge from the founder of the Enhanced Games.

The Games were founded by Australian Aron D’Souza, who confirmed on Friday that he would guarantee the prize, with the timing for the event yet to be confirmed.

D’Souza launched his vision for the Enhance Games that would allow competitors to compete without drug testing, adamant many of the world’s best athletes already use “performance enhancements”.

“It is time to safely celebrate science,” the Enhance Games website reads.

“Sports can be safer without drug testing.”

Magnussen, who retired from swimming in 2019 having won Olympic and world championship medals, said he would do his research and undertake a supplement program that would allow him to pursue the record “safely, properly” and create “an athlete we haven’t seen before”.

“I thought it was an interesting concept when I first heard it … we’re pretty aware as Olympians in Australia that there is performance enhancements going on in other countries. Australia is well known for being one of if not the cleanest in the Olympic Games,” Magnussen said.

“But it’s not a level playing field internationally and we know that … I thought for the right price this would be a very interesting pursuit.”

As for his supplement program, Magnussen said he’d follow expert advice.

“I want to approach this the right way, I want to go to America, I want to get the right advice and take the right supplements,” he said.
“I don’t know much about that world, so I want to do my research and have the right team behind me and with the help of Aron, I’d like to document it through video form. Show how it can be done safely, properly and create an athlete we haven’t seen before.”

D’Souza told SEN that athletes like Magnussen “deserved millions for the extraordinary feats they have accomplished and we are willing to do so”.



Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
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Why would they die?
I wouldn't expect them to run a program with stuff from the local dealer in the back room of the gym. And while any supplement program will incur some risk. If it's overseen by someone qualified in the field they should keep things safe.

I've seen this concept pop up on social media a few times. It'll be interesting to see if a retired Olympian can smash his times.

The problem I see arising if this works out is it might entice younger athletes to quit the non supplemented sport to pursue the money. I have no idea what an Olympic athlete earns. A repeat gold medal winner might earn well, but someone who never quite goes past silver or bronze might see a one off race/record attempt as a better way to earn a living.

King Gus

Kennel Addict
Jul 18, 2021
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I wouldn't expect them to run a program with stuff from the local dealer in the back room of the gym. And while any supplement program will incur some risk. If it's overseen by someone qualified in the field they should keep things safe.

I've seen this concept pop up on social media a few times. It'll be interesting to see if a retired Olympian can smash his times.

The problem I see arising if this works out is it might entice younger athletes to quit the non supplemented sport to pursue the money. I have no idea what an Olympic athlete earns. A repeat gold medal winner might earn well, but someone who never quite goes past silver or bronze might see a one off race/record attempt as a better way to earn a living.
Lance Armstrong won I think 6 tours to France while enhanced.
Also a few baseball players have been caught,
It’s in WWE ( fake sport) but it’s proven to be safe if done right.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
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Lance Armstrong won I think 6 tours to France while enhanced.
Also a few baseball players have been caught,
It’s in WWE ( fake sport) but it’s proven to be safe if done right.
Armstrong also lost both nuts to testicle cancer through that time didn't he. But he was still hiding his drug use, so probably not using things with much testing.

But I agree. I think if it's monitored and approved drugs are used in a short term program it shouldn't have long term repercussions.

King Gus

Kennel Addict
Jul 18, 2021
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Armstrong also lost both nuts to testicle cancer through that time didn't he. But he was still hiding his drug use, so probably not using things with much testing.

But I agree. I think if it's monitored and approved drugs are used in a short term program it shouldn't have long term repercussions.
Some might see it as a bad thing but if you do your research and speak to your doctor you will find out it can actually help you.
Great example is TRT for the older gents.


Kennel Immortal
Mar 10, 2007
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Some might see it as a bad thing but if you do your research and speak to your doctor you will find out it can actually help you.
Great example is TRT for the older gents.
I agree. Just needs to have the right monitors in place and I wouldn't want them to be doing this long term.

King Gus

Kennel Addict
Jul 18, 2021
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I agree. Just needs to have the right monitors in place and I wouldn't want them to be doing this long term.
100% get your blood work done and make sure you always refer back to your doctor.


Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
SC H2H Champion
2 x SC Draft Champ
Nov 15, 2013
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If done right it’s amazing results.
It’s not ice lol.
My uncle was a professional body builder so I've seen the effects sustained use can have. His mate also works with celebrities. This is why I don't buy the Xerri nonsense, they both had a good laugh about that.


Kennel Enthusiast
Premium Member
2 x Tipping Champ
Mar 9, 2019
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Lance Armstrong won I think 6 tours to France while enhanced.
Also a few baseball players have been caught,
It’s in WWE ( fake sport) but it’s proven to be safe if done right.
Nathan Cleary became a different player after his "layoff" a few years ago, looked much bulkier and had facial skin that resembled a dropped burrito. Something was very suspect about what happened during those few weeks/months to many observers of the game.

King Gus

Kennel Addict
Jul 18, 2021
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My uncle was a professional body builder so I've seen the effects sustained use can have. His mate also works with celebrities. This is why I don't buy the Xerri nonsense, they both had a good laugh about that.
Bodybuilders abuse it, sorry to say but your uncle would’ve been on so much for so long, that will cause side effects.
You can have gear for just about anything.
If you’re injured there is peptides for healing they call it the wolverine stack.
If your born short they give you HGH and you grow taller ( obviously this is done in hospital under professional guidance) cost is ridiculous 25k plus.