Official Ciraldo Discussion


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
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Not taking away anything from Cleary, but I thought he was the genius behind Penrith, Baz failing confirmed it in my mind.

I didn't give credit and didn't believe that CC was behind the defence. I think he has done enough already to confirm he is the genius behind the defence.

Plus I really enjoy his press conferences and how he conducts himself.

Glad I was wrong about him.
Cleary’s done well when he’s been handed stacked teams, so have Maguire Robinson and a bunch of others, takes a pretty special person to galvanise a team like the one we have at the moment and get the best out of each and every one of them and playing like they are … Critta was key because he can continue the coaching during games and keeps theirs heads up …

‘’on that note, how good was Tracey Monday night, he tore them a new one down that side ..


Kennel Established
Aug 25, 2019
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lol been bagging him for too long hard to be nice...... but good job CC. Thank fuck you have made some changes after 12 rounds!!
With the back handed compliment,probably would’ve been better to not comment at all.
‘Some changes’ is a minor part of the change at the club..
The change in culture,belief,structure,discipline….thats where the ‘change’ has come from.
Once you have the players that are willing to change or adopt all those things…you find a team that has a chance at success


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
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Not taking away anything from Cleary, but I thought he was the genius behind Penrith, Baz failing confirmed it in my mind.

I didn't give credit and didn't believe that CC was behind the defence. I think he has done enough already to confirm he is the genius behind the defence.

Plus I really enjoy his press conferences and how he conducts himself.

Glad I was wrong about him.
As a Dogs junior, he's finally home, and looks like he relishes finally being home where he belongs.

I had reservations about us signing another assistant, yet they were somewhat dissipated, after the start of the season we had last year.
It was hard to see the light through the pain that ensued due to injuries and the lack of depth to cover for them. The fact we had several players that were at best, Reggies in our top side most of the year did not help the issue.
Yet his choice to come a year early and own whatever happened during his rebuild also afforded him some leeway from me, until at least the middle of this season.
He has rewarded my faith, by affording us all a team that fights for every blade of grass, that turns their nose up to adversity and if anything, uses it as fuel to fire them up more.
He has created a true Bulldogs side from the absolute detritus of the NRL in under 2 years.
I for one, take my hat off to Ciraldawg, and acknowledge those who have supported him in this process, as they deserve due recognition too.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jul 9, 2023
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Bro, No one could have known he would turn our defence around this quickly, I sure as shit didn’t think we would be second only to Penrith in defence stats and conceding less than half the points that we did last year. I had us finishing 10-12th and it looks like I was way out. Happy days Assman, Happy days.
To be fair, that is what I was expecting from this year's team, whilst quietly hopeful of making the 8.
Our team has pleasantly surprised us.


Premium Member
Site's Top Poster
Sep 2, 2012
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As a Dogs junior, he's finally home, and looks like he relishes finally being home where he belongs.

I had reservations about us signing another assistant, yet they were somewhat dissipated, after the start of the season we had last year.
It was hard to see the light through the pain that ensued due to injuries and the lack of depth to cover for them. The fact we had several players that were at best, Reggies in our top side most of the year did not help the issue.
Yet his choice to come a year early and own whatever happened during his rebuild also afforded him some leeway from me, until at least the middle of this season.
He has rewarded my faith, by affording us all a team that fights for every blade of grass, that turns their nose up to adversity and if anything, uses it as fuel to fire them up more.
He has created a true Bulldogs side from the absolute detritus of the NRL in under 2 years.
I for one, take my hat off to Ciraldawg, and acknowledge those who have supported him in this process, as they deserve due recognition too.
Wait, hold up....

CC was a Dogs junior?

Why the hell am I only finding this out now?

Dogs Of War

On the Warpath
Sep 2, 2003
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It’s an interesting one tbh, because if you look at his career so far, he has never been given a long run in first grade to really hone his game and form good combinations. I would be surprised if he’s had more than a dozen games in a row. This is so important for a halfback. You must give them the experience to work on their game (in first grade) to have any chance of reaching their potential. I always thought he had potential from the day he debuted for Titan.

He put a good grubber through yesterday that Presto just missed out on scoring off. Give him, Burto, Hayward, Mann and Tracey more games together and this team could be anything! They looked so dangerous in attack yesterday and it’s partly due to them having a few games together. Consistency of team mates breeds consistency in performance. Just a side note which is related, I thought it was very interesting what Critta said in the post match press conference about Tracey being better on comms. now, than when they first played and how it has helped him and Wilson. No wonder that side looked like scoring almost every time they attacked eh?
I think that’s where hutch has come on and been great for this team teaching them to all speak up and communicate.

Josh Reynolds was great at talking to players. Especially t-Rex who could be very lazy. Reynolds was always into him. I figured they brought Josh in last year for that role but I feel he wasn’t able to get it across. Hutch doing much better job at that and I am looking forward to him working with woods when he makes Reggie’s. Even if he is just on the coaching staff


Kennel Legend
Premium Member
Ladder Champion
Nov 29, 2020
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Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Cameron.

honey, my pookie bear, i have loved you ever

sinced I first laid eyes on you. The way you

walk into the stadium and strike fear into your

enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch around

the coaches box, and that gorgeous voice box

i would do anything for you. I wish it were

possible to freeze time so I would never have

to watch you retire. Please don’t take my

sunshine away


Kennel Immortal
Apr 6, 2017
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I think that’s where hutch has come on and been great for this team teaching them to all speak up and communicate.

Josh Reynolds was great at talking to players. Especially t-Rex who could be very lazy. Reynolds was always into him. I figured they brought Josh in last year for that role but I feel he wasn’t able to get it across. Hutch doing much better job at that and I am looking forward to him working with woods when he makes Reggie’s. Even if he is just on the coaching staff
Hutch gets Roasted on here a fair bit, and unfairly IMO. He's no world beater, but he was in the side to do a job and he did it, and we wouldn't be sitting in seventh spot without him in the team.


Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 30, 2014
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Forgot what it was for us to like a coach. Last time would have had to be Hasler in the 2014 finals and even we were killing him in the regular season


Kennel Immortal
Apr 6, 2017
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Forgot what it was for us to like a coach. Last time would have had to be Hasler in the 2014 finals and even we were killing him in the regular season
yeah Bro, Its good to see our supporter base get around the coach and team, still the odd shit cahunt carrying on but that will always be the case I guess, Good Times.


Kennel Addict
Jun 14, 2011
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Boy oh boy where do I even begin. Cameron.

honey, my pookie bear, i have loved you ever

sinced I first laid eyes on you. The way you

walk into the stadium and strike fear into your

enemies eyes. Your silky smooth touch around

the coaches box, and that gorgeous voice box

i would do anything for you. I wish it were

possible to freeze time so I would never have

to watch you retire. Please don’t take my

sunshine away
Are we interrupting something pookie?



Kennel Enthusiast
Sep 7, 2016
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I think it's great we now have a coach who has laid the defensive sysyem for all the squad players to follow.
Over the last few years we had so many flaws for our coaching staff to deal with before even worrying about the opponent's weaknesses.
Now it feels like we have the luxury to identify the opponents flaws not only to stay in the contest no matter who the opponent, but a belief that we are going to win.


Kennel Enthusiast
Feb 8, 2013
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I think with what Gus & Ciraldo are building is a culture/club that other teams will start to wonder... will player x be as successful outside the Dogs system. We are no longer a team that depends on one or two players to have a great game for us to come away with the win. Players can afford to have off/quiet games as others will stand-up.

Tracey, Wilson & Crichton had stand out games. Burton, Kiraz & Preston had quieter games. It would be scary to think about Dogs with their best team on the park and all playing at the top of their game.

"Bulldog going ok"