This is also true - i don't know how the proposed ban would work to know if it will have any affect or not.
I saw a 4 corners episode recently on "kidfluencers", ie: kid influencers. Their parents basically managed their IG/you tube accounts to get around age limits. All just seemed so naive/ignorant of the dangers from paedophiles etc. The creepy comments that a 12yo girl would get made sure i would never in a million years do that with my kids (not to mention a kid that young can't provide consent).
They asked one mother of a approx 14 yo girl who did dancing/gymnastics the videos (and so you can imagine what she's wearing), where people could actually also pay for "exclusive content" and she had like half a million, mostly male followers, if she knew everyone who followed her kid. Of course she didn't.
I tell you what, i'm not looking forward to my kids being teenagers. Its hard enough for my almost 7 year old who has discovered roblox.
Sorry, this is getting somewhat off-track