Opinion Are our Current Problems Simply just another bad case of Pantheritis..


Jun 30, 2019
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Seriously how old are some of you guys comments like we have to find our won style. Wtf we have our own style. The up and in defence/the entertainers. This is how we play footy. Any of the top 30 that can't hack it can get off at the next bus stop.


Kennel Participant
Mar 28, 2021
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Seriously how old are some of you guys comments like we have to find our won style. Wtf we have our own style. The up and in defence/the entertainers. This is how we play footy. Any of the top 30 that can't hack it can get off at the next bus stop.
It's not the 80's anymore mate. The 80's Dogs side would get creamed by todays Tigers. It's a different world. You need a style to suit the players you have. A core of players on the same page that will set the standard and make others follow. Then recruit based on players that suit and will buy in to the style not just whatever "big name" is available.

If you want to be the entertainers, then a JAC type is the right signing, if you are going for Dogs of war, then you give him a pass and target a lunatic in the Rapana mould.

When you look at the current Dogs side there just doesn't look like a plan to be a team. It's just a bunch of blokes that are good footy players (To make the NRL you have to have talent) thrown together.

An example would be Penrith keeping Luai over Burton at 6. Most pundits, myself included wanted Burton. Both good players, but Burton just looked like he was going to be special. Luai though was the better fit for the team dynamic. I still think in time Burton will prove to be the better player (If you blokes don't completely fuck him) but history has shown Ivan made the right choice.


Sep 23, 2016
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Adam Reynolds was never, ever ever ever ever coming to the dogs even if we offered him $1.5 million. The sharks offered him more than the broncos and he still knocked them back.

If he went there he would not have even had to move house but he didn’t want to play for another Sydney club.

Also he is a smart guy and why the fuck would he play out his career with us ?? Even though Brisbane were not great in 2021 when he signed with them it was pretty obvious they were on the up.

No offence at all to you mate. Just shits me because people on here have mentioned him before. Pure fantasy
Have to disagree Uleh.
If we gave him 1.5 mil a year to be a Dogg he would arrive barking and dressed in a yellow tracksuit and gold chains and a kebab and be bragging about who he knows.


Sep 23, 2016
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Seriously how old are some of you guys comments like we have to find our won style. Wtf we have our own style. The up and in defence/the entertainers. This is how we play footy. Any of the top 30 that can't hack it can get off at the next bus stop.
Yallah it’s way worse.
Our whole strategy the past few years has been to copy and brown nose anything Penrith.
Not some lightbulb moment either. Whole nrl world has made jokes about it. We are unashamed in it.

I personally find it so embarrassing.


Kennel Legend
Aug 28, 2010
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Have to disagree Uleh.
If we gave him 1.5 mil a year to be a Dogg he would arrive barking and dressed in a yellow tracksuit and gold chains and a kebab and be bragging about who he knows.
Reynolds knocked the Bulldogs back straight away, and the only other Sydney club, 'Cronulla' who were keen on him got told the same, 'NO'. He was offered more coin by the two Sydney clubs but chose to move to Brisbane.The Bulldogs were never a chance.


Sep 23, 2016
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It's not the 80's anymore mate. The 80's Dogs side would get creamed by todays Tigers. It's a different world. You need a style to suit the players you have. A core of players on the same page that will set the standard and make others follow. Then recruit based on players that suit and will buy in to the style not just whatever "big name" is available.

If you want to be the entertainers, then a JAC type is the right signing, if you are going for Dogs of war, then you give him a pass and target a lunatic in the Rapana mould.

When you look at the current Dogs side there just doesn't look like a plan to be a team. It's just a bunch of blokes that are good footy players (To make the NRL you have to have talent) thrown together.

An example would be Penrith keeping Luai over Burton at 6. Most pundits, myself included wanted Burton. Both good players, but Burton just looked like he was going to be special. Luai though was the better fit for the team dynamic. I still think in time Burton will prove to be the better player (If you blokes don't completely fuck him) but history has shown Ivan made the right choice.
Good post.
We need to sign players to a plan and composition.
what we don’t do and have not don’t for a while is envision how the team should look like
Forget who we have for a second and visualise exactly what role every number in the 16 should play and work to that. Robinson once said that about his team and it was something I always thought about so never forgot it.


Sep 23, 2016
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Reynolds knocked the Bulldogs back straight away, and the only other Sydney club, 'Cronulla' who were keen on him got told the same, 'NO'. He was offered more coin by the two Sydney clubs but chose to move to Brisbane.The Bulldogs were never a chance.
From all my memory and connections we never spoke to him. I could be wrong but I have seen no evidence we made a play.
Yes, sharks offered him 800 which is what he asked for. They were annoyed he knocked them back. Broncos offered him 750 + a coaching gig so he took it.
Few things to consider though.
Firstly, coaching gig is big.
Secondly, 750 in Brisbane probably goes further than 800 in Sydney. Real estate is incomparable. Key reason why broncos players in the nineties stayed staunch.

If we rolled up with 1 million and some employment post footy fo sho we get him I think. Nasheed.


Kennel Legend
Aug 28, 2010
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From all my memory and connections we never spoke to him. I could be wrong but I have seen no evidence we made a play.
Yes, sharks offered him 800 which is what he asked for. They were annoyed he knocked them back. Broncos offered him 750 + a coaching gig so he took it.
Few things to consider though.
Firstly, coaching gig is big.
Secondly, 750 in Brisbane probably goes further than 800 in Sydney. Real estate is incomparable. Key reason why broncos players in the nineties stayed staunch.

If we rolled up with 1 million and some employment post footy fo sho we get him I think. Nasheed.
Brisbane offered him a 3-year, $2m deal as opposed to the 3 year @ $850k a season deal the Sharks offered.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
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SC Top Scorer
Tipping Champion
Apr 29, 2014
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Interesting thread. @1967 & @Flanagun both make some good points.

As a lifetime Panthers supporter that went through our "5 year plan" The Dogs approach has given me quite a bit of amusement.

One of the problems is our clubs are structured differently. When Gus arrived at Penrith we were all but fucked, the board pretty much just gave him free reign to do whatever and let the chips fall where they may. With our history instant results weren't really a requirement, being somewhat competitive was seen as a step in the right direction. At the Dogs my understanding is your board can be shafted pretty regularly, so there is more pressure for a quick fix.

When Gus arrived he went after Sika Manu, Brent Kite, Ciraldo & Newton. Kite was well past his prime, but bought the attitude and professionalism. The other 3 while never really world beaters also knew what it took to be pro league players and had been at successful clubs. He took a punt on young players like Whare, Hiku & Seggy. None were what you would call even close to glamour players at the time. Maybe Segs because of his haircut. We then got rid of Luke Lewis, Tim Grant and Mick Jennings, our 3 best players by a mile. It was very underwhelming as a fan I can assure you all.

What it did was not a lot at all in 1st grade, but started to set the standard for the kids coming through. Additions of Elijah Taylor and Lewis Brown added more starch. Then in 14 we added Soward and got Wallace back. The lower grades were flying and started hitting 1st grade, DWZ, Waqa, Cartwright, Peachey, Seggy coming of age etc. You guys knocked us out in the prelim, but things were looking up. 15 was a stupid injury toll and we faded out at the end of the season.

Since then we were competitive, but never really looked a premiership threat. (19 aside) Fast forward to 2020 and it all comes together. A team full of developed players and you know the rest. In the whole time we never signed what you would call a top liner. The closest would be Soward and Maloney who were both at the back end of their careers. Sowie was a beast in 14, but what both did teaching Cleary and Luai when they were kids is what is paying dividends now.

You guys have gone the other way, Kikau, JAC, Critta, Burton, The Broncos Kid, Mahoney, TPJ. None of them are toilers. Mahoney could be, but he cant do it on his own and doesn't have the experience. You have way too much icing and no cake. I would guess it's a board issue and Gus has been told to get results now. It clearly wont work and you have wasted the last 3 years.

It's funny reading the dream hit lists on here the past few years, you got the some of them and then the others, Hass, Tino, Fafita, Hunt and so on, all big dollar players that aren't what you need. None of them have been the catalyst to drag a side into the 8.

Hindsight makes things easier, but players that have moved clubs that would have been better imo would be Mansour, Bromwich bros, Kafusi, Reynolds, Api. Mansour may seem an odd choice, but he was the ultimate professional, him showing the way to your young blokes would have been better value at probably a third of the price of what JAC brings to the table. Reynolds gets the extra money saved on JAC on top if what you are paying Burton. Api is similar coin to Mahoney. and TPJ and Kiks money would get you close to the other 3. Broncos kid still comes and go after some promising young hard heads like Lyndsay Smith. Neither option wins you the comp this year or next, but after that whoever is there knows the standard required to be competitive.
Agree on all fronts, but we haven't wasted the last 3 years based on the points you made.
I would argue 2 at most, due to COVID stopping reserve grade. A struggling club like ours had no choice but to go to market.


Kennel Participant
Mar 28, 2021
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Agree on all fronts, but we haven't wasted the last 3 years based on the points you made.
I would argue 2 at most, due to COVID stopping reserve grade. A struggling club like ours had no choice but to go to market.
I just picked 3 years as the point you signed TBaz. Given his failure at Manly and any head coaching role he had with us it just seemed such an odd direction to go in.

Kempsey Dog

Kennel Immortal
Premium Member
SC Top Scorer
Tipping Champion
Apr 29, 2014
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I just picked 3 years as the point you signed TBaz. Given his failure at Manly and any head coaching role he had with us it just seemed such an odd direction to go in.
Young Laundys friend I guess was the only reason he got the gig ... Fair call


Kennel Enthusiast
Apr 20, 2015
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Nice post and love the effort you have gone to mate.

Personally I think the biggest problem we have is the coach. He is clearly having a negative impact.

Bigger than that problem is whether or not Gus will do something about it.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
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Nice post and love the effort you have gone to mate.

Personally I think the biggest problem we have is the coach. He is clearly having a negative impact.

Bigger than that problem is whether or not Gus will do something about it.
Thank You …

You might be right about the coach mate, but we’re stuck with him for now, as I mentioned, best thing we could do is bring in a mature retired coach to mentor him, someone who’s just there beside him to observe and advise .. a Michael Hagan, Matthew Elliot, maybe even Tim Sheens now he’s being punted .. Cartwright beside Walters has proved a great move …. that and a top level half’s coach are probably 2 of the smartest moves we could make right now …

I’d also like to see them apologies to Dean Pay and have him come back as their defence coach ..


Kennel Participant
Mar 28, 2021
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Thank You …

You might be right about the coach mate, but we’re stuck with him for now, as I mentioned, best thing we could do is bring in a mature retired coach to mentor him, someone who’s just there beside him to observe and advise .. a Michael Hagan, Matthew Elliot, maybe even Tim Sheens now he’s being punted .. Cartwright beside Walters has proved a great move …. that and a top level half’s coach are probably 2 of the smartest moves we could make right now …

I’d also like to see them apologies to Dean Pay and have him come back as their defence coach ..
You don't want Elliott mate. Luckily for you guys Gus wouldn't go there anyway, his first decision when he came to us was getting rid of him. I remember Gus had a discussion with him regarding the coaching direction of the club and had no idea what Elliott was talking about., the DCM was getting typed up before the spud shut the door on his way out of Gus's office. He is pretty engaging when on TV doing analysis, but should never enter the coaches box.


Kennel Enthusiast
Jun 4, 2020
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You don't want Elliott mate. Luckily for you guys Gus wouldn't go there anyway, his first decision when he came to us was getting rid of him. I remember Gus had a discussion with him regarding the coaching direction of the club and had no idea what Elliott was talking about., the DCM was getting typed up before the spud shut the door on his way out of Gus's office. He is pretty engaging when on TV doing analysis, but should never enter the coaches box.
He’s got a lot of old school wisdom and experience to pass on that Ciraldo could use right now … especially on how to handle egos and make sure players are respecting him and know who’s in charge …

Elliot’s no dummy he’s been around and knows how to coach …


Sep 23, 2016
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Nice post and love the effort you have gone to mate.

Personally I think the biggest problem we have is the coach. He is clearly having a negative impact.

Bigger than that problem is whether or not Gus will do something about it.
Thanks bro


Jun 17, 2021
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It not as complicated as everybody has been posteling here. The problem is that our defence see our players trying to teddy bear hug tackle which see our boys being driven back 2 metres each attempt ensuring we are constantly on the back foot. There is zero forward momentum from dominate tackles.

It really is that simple.


Jun 30, 2019
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It's not the 80's anymore mate. The 80's Dogs side would get creamed by todays Tigers. It's a different world. You need a style to suit the players you have. A core of players on the same page that will set the standard and make others follow. Then recruit based on players that suit and will buy in to the style not just whatever "big name" is available.

If you want to be the entertainers, then a JAC type is the right signing, if you are going for Dogs of war, then you give him a pass and target a lunatic in the Rapana mould.

When you look at the current Dogs side there just doesn't look like a plan to be a team. It's just a bunch of blokes that are good footy players (To make the NRL you have to have talent) thrown together.

An example would be Penrith keeping Luai over Burton at 6. Most pundits, myself included wanted Burton. Both good players, but Burton just looked like he was going to be special. Luai though was the better fit for the team dynamic. I still think in time Burton will prove to be the better player (If you blokes don't completely fuck him) but history has shown Ivan made the right choice.
Please demonstrate were the up and in defence would get creamed. You can't so stop running your mouth.

It's only outdated because we consistently trying to copy other teams like Melbourne and now Penrith. How has copying other teams done for us. It has only led us to the bottom of the ladder

That style worked then and there's no reason to believe it won't work now. We have these structures to fall back yet were try to emulate other teams success. We are the mf bulldogs